Am I the only one who solo'd Ludex Gundyr?

Am I the only one who solo'd Ludex Gundyr?

Literally everyone who has played the game solo'd him, so probably not.

I dont believe you

Gundyr? More like Get Parriedyr, g'nawsayin'?

you can summon help at that point? I beat him on the first try

Iudex, not Ludex

Man, there is just no challenge to baiting this place is there?

I too have solo'd Gundyr. High five, my Ashen brother?

You shouldn't be ashamed about summoning for Gundyr (the most hardcore boss ever encountered in a game)
I consider myself a pretty hardcore gamer but these hateful dark souls mechanics and the spiteful playerbase turn me off. Yes I only played up to Vordt but that's because I didn't like the game and better games like Hello Kitty Island Adventure were still installed so I played that.

According to steam 86.5% of players lit a bonfire for the first time and 78.1% of players beat Iudex Gundyr, so 8.4% of people gave up on Iudex.


Are you one of those people, it's okay to be embarrassed

More like firebomb the shit out of him

I tried playing ds1 (dark souls one for those who don't know) and I played up to a part where a ball rolls down the stairs. It always gets me, and it's unavoidable. The elder scroll Skyrim never had these kind of bullsh*t moments.


"dark Gundyr" or whatever was real tough

doesn't this have a proper name?

>roll sorcerer
>get saddled with a butterknife and shitty unusable magic soul arrows
>have no choice but to get rekt up and down the block by Lewdex Gundyr

No. I kept getting invaded non stop in front of his boss fog so I went offline and summoned the naked samurai loser from the beginning of the game.
He got killed in two quick hits, so Gundyr had boosted health that I had to solo.
It was a nightmare but I did it on my first try.

Dunning Kruger effect.

>fight him with a twohanded weapon or magic
>panicroll and excitement
>fight him with a parry shield
>plz don't bully me: the boss
I liked that you had some flexibility in how you wanted to do it, but I don't think there's a single other boss that has such a potential range of difficulty

This, he's easier than the Dancer if you're going to Dark Firelink early in the game to get that sweet buffed-to-OP-status Prisoner's Chain before the Undead Settlement.

>he's easier than the Dancer
Absolutely not. The Dancer just requires you to have a rhythm and you can slap her ass to death. Gundyr is a challenge if you're not going to parry him.

Psssh, shut up kid. You don't know nuffin'. Dunning Kruger effect in action right here, lads.


I've never summoned for a boss I haven't beaten at least once alone because I'm not a fucking casual.

>play through DS3 3 times
>pretty ez
>go back to DS2
>get my ass handed to me
Playing the games back to back really reminds you that DS3 is really just a Bloodborne 2.0.

I'll admit, I summoned like the scrub bitch I am. But I pretend I solid and tell people struggling with him to git gud

pretty much this, dont want to rob myself of the experience of fighting each boss blind and solo

Gotta crank up the adaptability immediately to get your roll back.
Tying i-frames to a stat was the stupidest idea in the series.

not really. You can play without it. Its just a good stat to level. They shoulda have just changed the scaling to not be so extreme.

nobody would have given ADP shit if your starting i-frames were the same as they were in DS1

Dancer was the only boss I ever had trouble with
As a str build, of course

>IF you're not going to parry him.
That's the point. If you want to do a SL1 run or whatever you can easily parry his halberd straight up his asshole

The overall roll feel being different is what's throwing me off. DS3 dodge is floaty as all hell compared to DS2.

I missed DaS 2 estus.