Us gamers rite?

us gamers rite?

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I murdered a man for giving me this book as a gift.

This book is literally some of the worst shit I have ever seen actually get published. Why do people like this?


Nah, satarizing you gamers.

How did this book pass publishing without getting hit with a million lawsuits?

making references to pop culture is not actionable

>This guy narrates the audio book.

Not joking.

Jesus Christ. Like he literally just name dropped a bunch of shit for no reason. Like those references had no meaning other than face value "I'm such a nerd" credit.

I actually respect one of my friends who swears by this book less for this

He is also the Vice President of the United States in that book.

It's not a bad book overall. Fuck if I know what counts as a good book. But like 1/3 of it is just references to movies and games. I don't know. wouldn't pay anything for it but wasn't the worst waste of time.

I will say this for it: It's the only one of these "I'M IN A VR MMO" stories that ever felt like it had any real stakes that I gave a shit about.

>He is also the Vice President of the United States in that book.

>another message board
>someone says something in the movie trailer looked really stupid
>people defend the movie, saying "that's what happened in the book though!"

Why the fuck does something stupid happening in a shitty book make it not stupid if the movie does the same thing?

Okay, Sup Forums.
You are held in a room.
Your kidnapper will let you escape, but you must read Ready Player One or SMB3: Brick by Brick by Bob Chipman. If you do not complete one or the other you will be slowly tortured to death.

>I actually respect one of my friends who swears by this book less for this
Same. I almost popped a vein when we discussed this fucking book and his love for it. oh and he also loved the martian. like fucking clockwork.

I've never seen someone take so much pride in acting like a manchild for 5 straight years. Kudos.

One of the worst books I've read. Gave it a real chance but ouldn't finish. Absolute shite!

RPO and do like I do with all books recently: listen to them on a TTS engine on high speed

Eh, I didn't think concept was terrible as an excuse to go through a romp of the author's favorite old shit in a futuristic setting. I also liked that it kind of straddled the line between utopia and dystopia better then some. Global warming and general damage and disruption makes the world worse, but we're not talking WW3 either here, and the virtual world is actually pretty awesome. I think it's a fair question to ask: if you live in a "slum" but your mind is pretty free is that actually so bad?

Dunno, I guess I just have super low fucking standards for vidya stuff after being tricked by Sup Forums into reading some light novels that were fucking horrible and by people who clearly were both amateur AND never played a single vidya. I thought it was merely mediocre, I didn't hate it. If reviews are ok for the movie maybe I'll watch it once it gets to the $5 matinee.
I think he is in fact a nerd to some extent, like in the classic for real sense as in he's actually kind of bad at communication, has a lot of old classics he'll nerd out about if you let him, etc. I'm only in my mid-30s but I still grew up with "nerd" very, VERY much not being complimentary or cool in any way.

This is it, this is what being a professional consumer looks like, I know there are people out there who unironically want to be like this

Not being worth a damn in terms of creativity but hoo boy can you name your epic pop culture references. People who define themselves by the entertainment they consume are the most lowest form of life

No, user.
You have to read ALL the pages.

Ready Player One, are you crazy? It's not even comparable. Reading endless pop culture references is nothing compared to reading about some enormous goober talk about how proud he is of playing Super Mario Bros. 3 instead of going to his grandmother's funeral.

yes but it was still better then sao

To be fair, he is the king and authority on all things nerdy. it is to be expected that he should also read this new nerd phenomenon of a book.

I already read Ready Player One so whatever

I don't think five years is enough time to consume all of that shit and actually process it.

I want to mock this but I'm also trying to write sci-fi right now and jesus it's hard not doing any moronic cliches and not repeating myself every 2 sentences and not cramming 5 adverbs per sentence

"another message board"

The only "other" is reddit. Thanks for twisting the knife feget.


This has to be the case. But since everyone took the book at face value, the writer decided to go along with it.

Wonder if the adaption will be better or worse given this source? Adaptions are worse as a rule, but sometimes the forced hard limit of a few hours and all the cuts and ability to just show some stuff in the background instead of WORDSWORDSWORDS actually makes for an improvement.

It's been annoying how hard they've pimped that fucking shit with the 5rings tho.

Tru, tru

Well, even within the book, the narrator pretty much admits to himself that his life sucks, he has dedicated himself to some dead nerd's nostalgia quest, and then turns off the game for everyone at the end.

Are you fucking kidding me
There's a shitton of chans over the interwebs

He released the same book again, in the form of Armada, but it is even worse.

It's mindless action schlock nigga, he's not reading theses by Jung.

It's mostly shallow pop culture. There isn't much to process

When it came to my research, I never took any shortcuts.

I spent three months studying every Christopher Nolan teen movie and memorizing all the key lines of dialogue.
"I'm a big guy", "For you".
You could say I covered all my bases.
I studied Baneposting. And not just the plane scene either. Every single one of their memes, quips, and awkward lines of dialogue, and every single fight scene that wasn't choreographed well.
I wasn't going to cut any corners.
I wasn't going to miss something obvious.
Somewhere along the way, I started to go overboard.
I may, in fact, have started to go a little insane.
I reviewed every meme including Battsposting, WE WUZ posting, Skwadposting, Letoposting, Tarantinoposting, Jobsposting.
What about Hansenposting you ask?
I knew more about Long Beach, California than I knew about my own city.

cut the newfriend some slack, he just got here last year

AAHHHHHH (though has a point, maybe if they cut all this shit they can end up with something only mildly baHAHAHAHA).

No problem, it does take practice at the end of the day and that includes lots of failures and a strict editor hopefully later. I think the real poison for a lot of authors is too much success too early, all of my favorite authors had a lot of short early stories and one offs and even failed series that they could let fade away and grow from. A lot of the terrible stuff is where someone somehow hits it big then falls into the rut of pumping out sequels and never gets a chance to reset. Good luck user.


>I think the real poison for a lot of authors is too much success too early, all of my favorite authors had a lot of short early stories and one offs and even failed series that they could let fade away and grow from. A lot of the terrible stuff is where someone somehow hits it big then falls into the rut of pumping out sequels and never gets a chance to reset.

This is happening to Ernest Cline currently. Pretty much no one liked Armada. It's hard to follow up "Pop Culture References: The Novel" with anything that still feels similar but original.

I wish someone had just told me the truth right up front, as soon as I was old enough to understand it. I wish someone had just said: “Here’s the deal, Wade. You’re something called a ‘human being.’ That’s a really smart kind of animal. Like every other animal on this planet, we’re descended from a single-celled organism that lived millions of years ago. This happened by a process called evolution, and you’ll learn more about it But trust me, that’s really how we all got here. There’s proof of it everywhere, buried in the rocks. That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. “Oh, and by the way … there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid Deal with it.

taking these parts is like focusing on all the stepehn king's cocaine bing chapters. the lore prelude with the Atari Adventure game is what sold me on the book being your standar hero's journey with vidya background.

I was expecting a subtle change somewhere in there like the Recess pasta.

I though the point of the story is that its about a bunch of people worshipping 80s stuff because some famous dead dude did and they are all trying to get his fortune, and thus became obsessed with what he liked to find clues to get rich quick because everyone is poor.
So it makes sense that stupid shit like this happens in the virtual world, because its cultural nostalgia without the context of having experienced it first hand.
We see the same shit in our own society right now. With hipster people that go to thrift stores to buy "retro" clothing, or kids that have Doom Avatars on Xbox live back when avatars were a thing for the 360.

Post the part with the Mecha, it's the best part because it's awful.

Sup Forums: the VR MMO novel based on the video game based on the novel when?

If steve jobs left a hologram to tell that he left his fortune inside one chinese Iphone the plot of the movie would more o r less happen in real life.

Even King at his most drugged up could write good shit though.

>tfw no hypersphere video game adaptation

Honestly too many assholes try to make worlds and plots that are overly complicated. If you want to make sci fi about galaxies and planets each with their own ways of life and such then yeah, that requires some serious, but for things smaller in scale it really doesn't require incredibly deep thought. When I read sci fi I don't care about meaningless jargon that I'm expected to learn so I can understand what everyone is even saying, I just want interesting stories where science does something that couldn't realistically happen and people are trying to deal with. Honestly people might shit on me but look at Vonnegut even. He made his sci fi silly as fuck but his stories were still interesting as the characters are put in situations that are completely absurd and humanely impossible.

Its an ARG with full life consequences. What could any reader dislike about that.
Might not be the best written book, but the premise at least is sound.

You guys must have never read his poetry about wanting to fuck a nerd girl.

So what really is this book anyways? Is it really "heh, us gamers right?" as they shove every videogame/movie character to have existed the past 20 years, or is there at least a bit more than that?

Yeah, even without that there are often structural failings in the universe they made that then compound on themselves as time goes by. I don't blame new authors for that one bit by itself, crafting a really good self-consistent universe that can stand a bunch of sequels is damn hard and takes experience and care to avoid pitfalls. I guess for a green author it's also probably pretty hard to resist fans and publishers who loved the seed of it and beg for/demand more (and shove lots of money at you). But it's definitely a cursed blessing, I can think of plenty of authors I thought had a ton of promise who ended up becoming The (Ever-Shittier) ABC Series Guy and that's it, decades later.

For a counter example, I like the author Charles Stross alright, and I admired that he started a series a lot of people liked and wanted more of (the Eschaton series), then realized that in book 2 he'd totally fucked up and sabotaged its foundations. He couldn't find a way to fix it without some sort of dumb massive retcon or something so he just shitcanned the entire universe. Must be hard to kill a product of your creativity like that but I think it was the right move.

Is One Piece but with the matrix if it was a monthly subscription videogame.

Literally western SAO.


Nerd culture was a mistake

notice how only nerds say this

You can just read a synopsis somewhere.
>VRchat is popular
>some rich guy who made it dies
>leaves his money and stuff to some fucker who solves his riddles.
>then it's race between some giant corporation and speedrunners.

>When I read sci fi I don't care about meaningless jargon that I'm expected to learn so I can understand what everyone is even saying.

Don't read Dune then. The first 1/4 is basically a dictionary.

But it's absolute gold after that 1/4.

Amusingly, Steve Jobs actually did want to do a much milder version of this way back in the 90s, he apparently loved Willy Wonka and wanted the 100000th iMac to have a golden ticket in it that would entitle whoever found it to an all expenses paid trip to Apple HQ, tour of the whole place, some nice swag, and he would personally meet them with a purple suit/top hat and everything. Got nixed because it'd be illegal under American law, it'd be "gambling" and require "no purchase necessary". I know the purpose of those laws but it's a shame they sweep up fun stuff too.

Even something like that though would probably be enough to make a lot of people go nuts. I could actually see it being done IRL in the future if some super rich guy thought all his kids/grand kids were fucking brats and didn't want to pass on his fortune to them, but also didn't want to just give it all to charities or anything either. A game might actually be an effective way to gate an inheritance to people who fit the parameters you wanted, if it was popular enough.

Imagine that one guy was an amalgamation of every major video game designer, computer programmer and hardware designer. He ran a company that was essentially Nintendo/Valve/Microsoft/Apple/Google. His magnum opus was an immersive VR game, something like a MUSH if you're familiar with the term, where people can not only play the game but also create entire worlds.

Eventually society adopts this as the defacto virtual environment. In fact, the internet now exists mostly within this game. Most business is conducted within the game, and its currency is the most stable in the world.

He died. Rather than leaving his controlling share of the company to an heir, he planted an enormous easter egg hunt within the game, centered around his favorite things (music, video games, D&D, technology... etc.) The person to completes the series of puzzles he planted will get his shares of the company.

Many people across the world are trying to solve his game. The protagonist is one of them. In addition to individuals, corporations also have an interest in this, and one of these companies is the primary antagonist of the book.

The story is about the resolution of this contest.

>"Shut the fuck up, Wesley." -Captain Picard

I was really underwhelmed by Dune. There's just really nothing intriguing about any of the characters except for Kynes.

It was an inevitability. Original nerd culture came out of us getting beat up at school basically and generally mocked. It was a defensive reaction and way to enjoy something we loved, you see the exact same basic dynamic in minorities throughout human history.

Only difference is that then a lot of us became filthy fucking rich (or at least upper class) and the drivers of the global economy and innovation. The resulting cultural collision and mutations have been kind of interesting actually from an anthropological perspective.

Ironically I love Dune, at least the first six for the most part. Even then yes, I do hate that aspect of Dune a bit. It's fine to have some jargon that relates to your story but so many people think making up bullshit names for literally everything makes the world deep by default.
Honestly I think all of the first Dune novel is gold. I genuinely think that the first Dune novel could stand alone as a novel, it is better then anything after it in my opinion.

I agree 100%. But I can completely understand why some people are turned off by it.

Keep going to the other books. Duncan is best.

This user got it right but what I liked (one of the few things) of the book is that there is a stall period of 10, 20 years? without any development with the clues and the lucky fucker protagonist pulls a jrpg where the story starts.

It's a twist update on old classics really like Snow Crash, and actually not impossible to see happening. At the current rate the world IS going to become shittier for a lot of people, but it probably won't go apocalyptic either (ie., full nuclear war or something). Plus there will be a lot of automation handling basic necessities. Not hard to imagine a world where there is a small hyperclass and a huge underclass, but the underclass is provided with full basic nutrition (though nothing fancy), minimal shelter, power, and net access. None of that costs much. If VR was really full immersion so people could just leave their bodies and experience an awesome world for minimal/no cost a lot might go for it. Hell, government/corps might even encourage it, keep down unrest IRL and cheap to maintain.

I think it was more like 5 years, but yeah, by the start of the book many people had begun to consider the puzzle to be unsolvable. There were a few hints that people had squirreled out, but no one could figure out exactly what it was pointing to in this vast virtual universe.

>I'd had it only a few weeks now, but my time-traveling, Ghost Busting, Knight Riding, matter-penetrating DeLorean had already become my avatar's trademark.
"Look," the people would say, "it's that's fucking douchebag."

>pm'd you the fix

If this book was written in a more Neal Stephenson style I think it would have been a lot better. As it stand though it's mostly garbage.

Nerd culture was fine when it was just nerds. Only when the normies started latching on to it did it become a fucking dumpster fire.

Yeah. And it's pretty self-sustaining as a status quo too, though maybe eventually that'd break down anyway. One optimistic thing about it is that the original richfag really was a gamer and didn't microtransaction it out the ass or something.


Oh I'm not disagreeing with you on the style user, it wasn't that good at all. I was just thinking about the universe the author made. A better author with the same concept could have executed a lot better. I'm just saying the concept isn't bad, not full downer nor full utopia. In that respect it's kind of realistic, I'm in the tech world heavily and it's not hard to see how something like this could happen given Network Effects. A lot of our present platforms are like that, and arbitrary design decisions dating back literally to the 1970s and 1980s are still with us in stuff you use every day due to inertia and network effect.

It’s basically those parody movies from the mid 2000s; scary movie, epic movie, meet the Spartans, etc. relies on pop culture references. It was cheesy shit back then and it is now.

This one?

basically the entire premise of the book and movie is just

Yeah, but when done well stuff like that can be a lot of fun and a bit of a guilty pleasure for a while, even if it doesn't last. I don't think this one is that well written but I'm not opposed to the idea once every 5 years or so per se.

For a weeb example, I still love Excel Saga, and I think even modern weebs could enjoy parts of it even though it's definitely not the same if you weren't there at the time and watched a fair amount of all that era's stuff. That's how it goes. But it was still fun.

Op you are just mad you don't have
L O N G L O N G L E G S.


I've read some autistic blow by blows of non events before but this really extracts the Michael.

>tfw you learn ernest is making last starfighter but not good


finally the blunder that will expose spielberg being a hack and now being senile. on top of it.


i know it's a virtual thing, but

see what's funny to me is attaching the device of bullshit to the car may only make the vehicle go through solid matter but that would do fuckall to prevent the character from also going through solid matter

hello retard soup

wtf user now I`ve got ransomware

What's funny is that those movies are carry overs from the 80's and 90's when most parody movies were actually good like the Naked Gun movies and Airplane. This shit isn't a new concept at all and the only reason this book got so popular is because nerd culture is in vogue right now.

*holds spork*

>Ernest Kline gets the original DeLorean
>instead of preserving a piece of movie history he JUSTs it by adding a KIT light and Ecto-88 plate

the worst thing about this is they rereleased the books with this as the fucking cover
Not only did the people working on the movie OK this poster, but the people working on rereleasing the book thought this was acceptable too