Refute this

Refute this.


imagine looking ad videogames and seeing food

holy shit

So III is the best, then BB, then DeS, then 1, then II is the worst?



>food analogy

I miss the big bacon classic. The baconator is just an amerilard """""upgrade""""" that doesn't taste nearly as good/balanced

>BK above anything
Maybe 10+ years ago. Their food is bland as all fuck now even by fast food burger joint standards.

BB is the only one that uses fresh unfrozen meat? wtf is this analogy op


I'm an amerimutt: The post.

wendies is the only one of those that doesn't make me sick so i guess BB is for casuals

I get it. Bad food, bad games.

butthurt europoor mad that he will never have burgerkino

Born and raised in Texas, and goddamn am I sick of people equating Whataburger with being Texan. Low quality cheap knock-off burgers with too many damn onions. But for some reason, we as a state adopted it as "our fast food joint" so we all act like it's the second coming.

>"Coming to Texas? Forget Six Flags, skip the Alamo, pass on the NASA Space Center and Padre Island, you need to visit a WHATABURGER!"

Does Burgerking even exist still? I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen one

Am amerifat. Never seen or heard of Whataburger
also burger king has some alright burgers desu

Demons souls = Harveys Burger
Dark Souls = A&W Papa Burger
Dark Souls 2 = McDicks McDouble
Dark Souls 3 = DQ Flamethrower Burger
Bloodborne = Wendy’s Baconator

The thing you're forgetting is that monstrosity is delicious.

They make the best mainstream burgers. Way better than Mcdonalds and Wendy's

must be a north/calicuck

>Americans are the only country that enjoys a good burger

If beef wasn't so expensive in South America, I'd like myself a nice juicy burger.

Texas sucks but whataburger is good. Be grateful, there isn't much to like about texas anyways.

Whataburger is awful so it makes sense you matched it with 3. Wendy's is the best burger for the best game.

Where's Depression Quest?

what is the point of that picture, like someone took apart a fully assembled burger with multiple toppings and expected it to just look like a blank patty with a cheese slice or some shit

Whataburger is assisted by the fact that most Texans aren't familiar with fast food chains that are decent, like In and Out. Also, Whataburger cleverly plays on the whole Texas patriotism thing. There's no better way to earn a blind cult following with a mediocre burger than claim to be the Texas burger for Texans.

Go read any food review from non-Texans trying it out. Just disappointed article after disappointed article.

For me it's the McChicken

I'm not a mutt I don't even know what half of those are.

>In and Out
funny you say that, because the post you quoted would still be valid if you swapped out texas for california and whataburger for in-and-out

Go back to your containment board, spic




krystal burgers are the best thing ever put on the planet
you cannot debate this

>South America
still america tho

So every single game is equal to garbage?

kys waternigger

half the fast food places in the OP are pretty much only available in the US, burgerfat

>No burgerfuel

Youve never even come close to burger kino.

>dirty bulking
nuh-uh, no way, not never

>haha dude i was totally referring to the entire multi-continental region of america, not USA haha :)

Post mains


>Even counting McDonalds as a viable place to get a good burger

Come on user, you can't seriously be that dumb.

Literally who are you quoting there?
I don't give a shit about fast food burger joints as I'm not a fat american

I'm not a fat american either, you're just being racist user.

then go make a mud pie thread, thirdie

>implying Dark Souls 2 is the best


Whataburger is the Firelink Shrine for white people

Cracker Barrel is the Majula

Here's a burger done right.

The Carl's Jr. El Diablo.

That's a 1/2lb full angus thickburger, topped with pepper jack cheese, a creamy habanero sauce, thick crisped bacon, jalapeno and Carl's Jr's signature jalapeno poppers.

Boys tremble at its passing, men welcome it with open arms. This is a burger that doesn't make character, it reveals it.

Of course Americans would compare Souls to fast food.


I hear this shit all the time with In N Out since I live in SoCal. It's good but it's really overrated.

I'd rather make a videogames thread since this is the videogames board, something americans don't understand since all they think about is food.