What's your favourite thing to do in any sims game? besides sex mods
What's your favourite thing to do in any sims game? besides sex mods
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>tfw can't find my copy of sims 2 to get the entire collection free on origin
>play any sims game
>heh heh, I'm going to make people woohoo and have afffairs because I'm a filthy pervert
>start to actually get into the game
>get caught up raising everyone's skills and improving their job performance
>create a family of workaholic autists who are constantly unhappy from social isolation because I always forget to make them talk to other people
Back when the Sims first came out, I made a black widows character. She would befriend new people in the neighborhood, get them to move in, take all their money, and then kill them. She would then go on a shopping spree upgrading the house and such.She also had max art skill so she could sell paintings when the money ran out and before she could find a new victim. No one ever found it strange that there was a large graveyard behind the house.
i used to give myself unlimited money and just go crazy building the most comfy house ever
best sims game?
best expansion?
best stuff pack?
best premade sims family/story?
>University, Nightlife, Bon Voyage and Apartment Life
>Don Lothario
This is why I stopped playing these games.
I spend 3 hours on it just to get a copy of my life.
you need to pick 1 option per category. Good taste all round, though. I'd personally pick Open For Business as best expansion as to me it felt like that added the most gameplay mechanics to it; I agree with Ikea as the best stuff pack though (never had H&M stuff)
then I pick Apartment Life over Nightlife, and IKEA
I only recently started playing sims 4, but so far 2 is still my favourite.
I did enjoy open for business but it was a little confusing at some points, probably the college/uni one.
I've never taken notice of stuff packs.
I never really played the premade families but I did enjoy looking up some of the stories in 2, especially bella goth going missing.
why is that in TS4 my created sims always look all the same? back in TS2 creation was actually limited if you wanted to create good looking sims so no surprise they looked identical in the end and in TS3 all sims were just plain ugly
but in TS4 creation options seem limitless and still they look like the previous CAS with different hairstyle. or am I just retarded to use it?
>I only recently started playing sims 4, but so far 2 is still my favourite.
2 is still my favorite, 4 can become stale pretty quick and it has a lot of glitches
>especially bella goth going missing
I read somewhere it was a fuck up from maxis, they accidentally deleted her from the household and came up with the story because it was easier than putting her back and recreating her memories and shit
I liked making neighbors and filling them with terrible people.
>What's your favourite thing to do in any sims game?
build mode. i spent countless hours playing sims 2 and the vast majority was building houses, especially when the vacation xpac came out and you could build legit beach houses.
posting best sims track:
this and junkies xl theme are the best
sims threads are like little diamonds in the rough on Sup Forums
i love you all
>best sims game?
>best expansion?
bon voyage (honorable mention: making magic)
>best stuff pack?
kitchen and bath, mansion and garden
>best premade sims family/story?
never played the prefab families or really looked at their stories
d'aww she loves us, Sup Forums
I know the consensus is shitting on Sims 4 but there are little details I like
for example during pregnancy sims gain weight and become a little chubby
my sim became pretty much of a milf due to this
making me then making 7 hot sex slaves. and using cheat codes to move myself into a mansion.
i would legit buy sims 2 complete version (and probably 3 if it was priced fairly) from origin. i dont get why EA hates money so much and pretends their old games don't exist.
*custom neighborhoods
Also had a lot of fun building tiny houses.
sims is garbage. im just here because the fanbase is primarily female
Ophelia Specter’s story is a bit fucked up
she has a kid from the Grim Reaper who was taken away by social workers and presumably she killed all of her husbands just to meet the Grim Reaper again and again
well meme'd
you can just say you lost your copy, it worked for me
>she thinks it's a meme
if you have proof own ownership for any sims game or expansion, they give the sims 2 complete collection to you for free (just contact customer support about it, google for more info). Unfortunately, I can't find any of mine.
If they were to patch up their old games and make them more compatible with newer systems, it would cost them a gigantic amount of money compared to the few bucks they would make from people who want to buy, for instance, The Sims 2. EA does not hate money, they love money a lot.
didn't work for me, might try again until it does though
>Move in family of 9
>Put them all in the pool and kill them
>Plant gravestones out around house
>Move in another family of 9
>Kill them
>Graves outside
>Move my main Sim onto the property and try to survive being raped by 200 ghosts a night
I would gladly rebuy Sims 2 complete and the first three Harry Potter games from Origin
too bad EA is autist
make my character look as closesly as I can to myself and then create a perfect dream wife and live our lives perfectly
I have the base game, Nightlife and Pets
would they give me the collection?
I tried this with three different CSRs and all they told me the same "sorry that was a promotion that's no longer going" shit. I don't know why they just don't have a thing on Origin where you could enter your legit Sims 2 key(s) and just redeem the complete thing, or actually GIVE EA MONEY to rebuy it.
i don't doubt that there are dudes who play. but most of the sims players are icky guuurlz. i have a few irl ladybuds who play it too. im banning it from being played in my house
3 and 4 in particular, I like to make a single starting sim as hideous looking as possible.
And then getting them hooked up, have ONE child. raise the child, once the child is a (young) adult, kill off the parents, and repeat until the bloodline no longer has exagerated facial features/ weird skin colour
building tiny houses is comfy af
you would be surprised how many guys are simmers
sims 2 doesn't need a patch other than to remove the outdated securom drm. the ultimate collection (that you cannot buy for whatever fucking reason) ironically has securom patched out and works fine on modern os
definitely if you have the base game, I think even a stuff pack is good enough. Search sims 2 on origin, then click customer support and...ya know what? just google it, there's plenty of guides for this.
if they tell you the promotion has ended they're bullshitting, they are supposed to still give you the collection if you have the base game (some don't even ask for that, though, people have redeemed from just having a stuff pack or a different sims game or nothing at all if you're really lucky). Dude I talked with said a stuff pack would've been enough, but I unfortunately couldn't find any of mine; haven't tried since but I'm sure if you tried enough times you could get the collection without any proof of ownership - just be patient with them.
I read you have to try until you get some friendly good fella as the support guy who gives you the game regardless how many of the expansions you own
it depends on what you own already, some of them refuse to give you anything unless you can prove you own the base game, some will ask for proof of any sims game (expansion, stuff pack, sequels or otherwise), some will just give it to you no questions asked. As far as I can tell, though, they'll most commonly ask if you have the base game (so vanilla sims 2, or sims 2 double deluxe, etc.)
are you 14?
This game made me paranoid of burglars irl as a kid. I would hear my cat making noise and think it was a burglar.
That burglar music changes a man.
I always enjoyed making a shitty family that just ruined everyone's lives in the neighborhood.
Anyone have pics of the original LLama man skin from the sims one? Where he just ate pizza and cried all day?
I like to create sims with comically miserable lives so mine looks better in comparison.
add about 20 years onto that
>says things like "icky guuurlz"
sure thing bucko
I miss Makin' Magic
the new vampire stuff isn't as good, but the bat flying skill is pretty useful
what are some good sims 2 mods and custom content?
>tfw you want to get The Sims 1 Complete Collection but it's not on Origin and it's expensive as shit from anywhere else.
I consider Sims 2 to be the best of the Sims games I've played, but I want that sweet, sweet nostalgia.
you can make custom content in the body shop
Favorite was Sims 2 and specifically Strangetown. I loved Nervous Subject and the Curious family. I would get all the brothers alien pregnant and one would marry Nervous and save him from his cruel mad scientist parents.
Also a huge fan of the Sims 1 Pets, loved having a show dog. Also really loved the Sims 1 Makin' Magic.
As far as buildings my kinda favorite thing was in Sims 3 building an elaborate cellar or secret house.
But yeah, always had a cleaning slave and an art maker or book writer $$
Also, anyone ever felt bad using motherlode and just used "just enough" kachings? I want to design a nice house but not live as a millionaire its disturbing my aesthetic
Just pirate it retard
>favorite thing was in Sims 3 building an elaborate cellar or secret house
Fuck yeah, I used to do that too. I'd have a little inconspicuous shack with a long staircase down to an extravagant basement.
I kind of want to reinstall and play Sims 3 now.
>Also, anyone ever felt bad using motherlode and just used "just enough" kachings?
I knew I'm not the only one
Listening to that GOAT soundtrack
anyone know a good place to torrent/download sims 2?
tpb and look for the complete edition by mr dj or el amigos
I like playing the game in 2 player mode. It's fun to level multiple characters.
>it was a fuck up from maxis
genuinely makes it an even better story.
completely blocked in my country, I can't see to get around it no matter what I do either
I trapped them in a huge mansion, in which death games will develop on the basement, only 2 will survive.
Make a Chad.
Have him steal wives right infront of the husband. Beat up nerds.
Fuck your best friends wives and keep it a secret.
don't you give me sass, young lady
I'm currently playing sims 4, I've got a guy named chuck, lives in a shitty apartment, he's slowly impregnating every girl that catches his eye whilst training to be a master chef.
I checked my friends, to see if any of my children were born yet since I don't move any of the mothers in to the apartment with me, they just have a spare key. I have one toddler so far. I invited her round to my apartment expecting the mum to drop her off or something, but she just straight up strolled to my apartment on her own then left thanking me for hanging out with her an hour later lol.
It allows you to search in "global" and doeant filter out results like google do.
Make a brothel. Use kaching for every successful woohoo
idk, might be better if I get a legit copy via , anti-piracy laws are particularly strict in my country and I haven't kept up enough with the best tunnelling methods and shit.
I just want the first game on Steam and gog.com . Simcity 3000 had its chance, The Sins 1 needs it as well.
Until then, EA is dead to me
>legit copy
So you will pay like 100$ for dead game? And where exactly will you buy it?
did you even read the post? you can get the complete collection free if you're lucky, but I may have to spam their support often. I do have a copy of the base game somewhere but haven't been able to find it otherwise I'd be able to play the complete collection free right now.