Is it as fun as he says it is or are you bored of it already?
Super Luigi's Balloon Odyssey
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it's pretty good, but there is room for improvement.
I like it. It allows me to farm coins at the speed of light.
I love how people are so unimaginative, I managed to do a streak of 10 baloons in a row.
And then you have the cheaters that hide shit behind the walls.
I wish Luigi was playable though.
>tfw 12 chain just from slapping the 155 OOB balloon in New Donk
Better hurry up and replace your balloons, kids.
>Put baloon in an obvious place
>People always choose my obvious spot over more complex ones
>Get a shitload of coins from all people who found it
Stop shilling your shitty channel, at least learn to make proper arguments rather than using your own opinion as evidence.
If your balloon gets popped first thing, you only get coins from the one attempt.
>at least learn to make proper arguments rather than using your own opinion as evidence
Said the Sup Forums user
I didn't get bored, I got mad. I'll just stay mad until everyone forgets about it.
>bonus coins offered in Lost Kingdom
>95% of balloons hidden in one of 3 spots
You make serious coin, but it gets pretty boring quickly.
where was your cap?
People generally aren't very imaginative with their hiding spots. Also OOB is retarded.
Some kingdoms simply don't have many places to hide them.
I have yet to play the mode but want to tonight. I thought it was just some stupid single player shit but I'm seeing posts of anons saying you're putting balloons for other players? It's a multiplayer thing?
You get 30 seconds to place a balloon wherever you want within a kingdom. You can try to find other players' balloons and other players can try to find yours. It give an insane amount of coins.
I just think the extra time given seems a bit too generous in some cases.
>he doesn't watch the Nintendo Directs
It's your own fault, fag.
You get 10 seconds to hide or find balloons
Hide It mode is putting a balloon somewhere in the world from a predetermined starting-point, typically a vantage point so you have clear line of sight to an area (ie Cap Kingdom's starting-point is at the top of the hat tower), and once you've hidden it it's uploaded and can be accessed by other players. Find It is finding another player's balloon from that predetermined starting point.
In both you get coins depending on how long it takes other players to find your balloon in Hide It, and how quickly you find it in Find It + if you even find it at all.
Yeah, it disproportionately rewards making short balloons, since they like 2 extra seconds instead of 10.
Oh that actually sounds kind of neat. Thank god I don't have to grind excessively for coins anymore. One of the reasons I had to put the game down for a bit was because I was sick of that shit.
Is it possible to make a balloon less than 10 seconds? I wanted to make a few short tricky balloons, but I never saw the timer go under 11.
Yes. I've seen as low as 5.
Can you get to the far side of volbono?
So, are we gonna post codes or nah?
I'm selling if you're buying.
Lake Kingdom: 007 BF0 VYL
>grind excessively for coins
For what fucking purpose? When I finished the game I had all outfits and like 880 moons. Step it up, nigga.
That puppet guy is kind of faggy and he likes silly things so I bet he would find it very fun.
Here's a Moon one I set up that doesn't use the cathedral: 000 JB5 9RX
And one for Luncheon: 002 09F VNL
Luncheon, short and simple.
001 8RX XWR
000 PCW 20D
I think this was a long one.
Is there porn of this blue muppet thing yet?
Boozer's Kingdom - 008 GK2 MPM
Why does nearly every player think they're super clever when putting the balloon in front of the stained glass or at the top flag pole in Mushroom Kingdom? That shit's gotta pop in minutes.
Hell of a Wooded Kingdom placement.
It feels too much like a race in the worlds I've tried so far, I hope that in the more condensed worlds, like Dong City, it's more tricky to find the balloon itself.
It's great to grind the last missing costumes. Too bad that once you get all the costumes there's nothing left to do in the game. It needs a ng+, cause I really want to play the main game again but losing all costumes is an annoyance
95% of the level is way too easy to reach.
Dong City is, unfortunately, swamped with out of bounds balloons.
You basically have to ignore anything in the bottom two slots of each page.
True that, outside of trees I'm not sure what one should go for there without being a faggot clipping through walls.
>Trusting a puppet
>Trusting Sup Forums
OP did you shove crayons up your nose as a kid?
All the amiibo costumes cost a ton.
There IS a money grind in post-game if you're getting moon efficiently, that basically boils down to the one turbo flower challenge in bowser's kingdom from the bean sprout.
why is cookie monster luigi
These are from earlier this morning, so some may not work. At work right now, or else I would update.
Also, for anyone who does play them, can someone tell me the time limits? They play a huge factor.
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
Sadly never.
Mushroom: 000 CL4 Y87
Cap: 006 V04 P62
Cascade: 002 NY9 G6P
Sand: 000 0WW VNV
Wooded: 003 YWN VRK
Lake: 003 2LG K3Y
Lost: 004 R92 6XP
Metro: 007 T37 2MW
Seaside: 005 GW6 4T1
Snow: 003 K7D WWL
Luncheon: 007 X13 P96
Bowser: 001 049 XKH
Moon: 007 W4N K23
Most of mine aren’t too good. Would appreciate advice to improve them.
He’s just got a boner for Mario Odyssey but I can see the appeal of having virtually infinite moons to collect.
Not everything has to be some gayming analysis channel which stretch what could be said in 10 minutes into an hour long discussion for that sweet sweet ad revenue.
Did your moon one. It gave me 28 seconds.
>get my ass handed to me in ARMS by a springtron main
>he sends me a friend request
>accept it and immediately pop every single balloon he set up
I might not be good at ARMS but when it comes to bing bing wahoo I’m an autismo.
I'm angry that I have to use motion control to do some balloons, and that I can't use the motion control while on portable mode. Fucking retard nintendo
You can use it in portable mode, it just really sucks to do so.
I mean, you have to remove the joycons to do it, so you actually do it in "tabletop mode"
It would be god tier free dlc if you could just browse friends' balloms from your friends list
You don't.
Sure, you "can" shake the joycons white connected to the switch
I did say it sucked.
it's Arlo
Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.
Sand Kingdom 001 YG9 HXC
Literally who
Your luncheon one gave me 40 seconds.
literally the guy in OP's picture
I mean I get that, but I don't see why anyone gives a shit about said guy.
Bowser kingdom
003 DDH 05M
Moon Kingdom
001 GTC 022
just started doing this and my lost kingdom one got popped,does that mean I need to put down another one?
I THINK that means that it won't show up anymore for random people, but you can still code for it.
Yep such is life
initially, shitposters used him as an example of why nintendo fans are unhappy, citing arlo's video of color splash and his rant video about the wii u being poor. This later backfired once the switch came out and arlo sucked its dick non-stop.
Ah, I see.
You'll have to forgive me, I try to avoid shitpostfests.
Nifty Bowser balloon, but the time seemed a bit generous.
Thank you, guys!
got a mushroom kingdom one now
007 7GN 2JN
thanks, I thought that one was pretty good.I wonder if the coins add to the finder's time
I don't see how anyone can possible enjoy it when stuff like Prop Hunt in Garry's Mod exists. This balloon shit is just prop hunt with no actual gameplay. It's like Easter egg hunting except you don't even get candy. Maybe fun for 5-8 year olds, but I honestly can't see an adult enjoying it.
"i only play hide & seek for grown-ups in garry's mod"
>I wonder if the coins add to the finder's time
They do
Were those the times you were expecting them to be? I could barely finish either one of those in time.
I think coins act like you just took less time to get there.
So collecting coins in the same amount of real time would reduce the time the finder has to get there.
What determines the value of the balloon?
I though it was the level of the guy, but I just found one balloon valued 600g and the player is lvl 0...
The amount of people who have attempted and failed to reach it.
This also jacks up the entry cost for some unknown reason.
Never even played prop hunt because I think it looks stupid, but this balloon thing is another level of stupid. Have fun with your shitty hide and seek mode that was probably created in a single day.
Maybe instead of adding shitty gimmick modes they should finish the 2 kingdoms that were cut and turned into only boss fights.
I will have fun with it, thank you! Have a great day user!
That Bowser one took much longer than it should have. Good job.
Why are you so angry?
I like his videos but the guy is an obvious nintendo fanboy, and is occasionally full of shit when he starts talking about "what he'd like to change" about games, as if he knew jack shit about game design
I like the puppetry though.
>This also jacks up the entry cost for some unknown reason.
Higher cost, higher rewards. Not really rocket science
>Lost Kingdom
>can see the balloons put on the island from the list
>easily get a big streak
I understand that part, but it seems to me you wouldn't want to discourage people from trying the hardest balloons, which is what tends to happen.
>This later backfired once the switch came out and arlo sucked its dick non-stop
it's almost as if some people have nuanced opinions and aren't just Shills/Haters/contrarians
10% of the reward is not that much
paying like 60g for a 600g reward is nothing, and even early game players should have around 200-400g
>Painting area balloon
Finally made it. Thank you everyone who searched for my balloons. Here are the last few codes for anyone who would still like to look for them!
Lemme see them golden balloons, yo
lookin' slick
This mode really shows how boring most kingdoms are.
A balloon in Metro that isn't out of bounds?
001 FML KP2
where ever it is, I can't to it in time
Does your balloon get popped if someone finds it, or is it after x amounts of times?
xD epic meme bro
Only if someone finds it, I'm pretty sure.