Warcraft IIII when?

Warcraft IIII when?

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Hopefully never. The company that made WC3 doesn't really exist in the same creative capacity.
-t.guy who played nothing but wc3 for 10 years

Jurassic Park Survival was the best custom map.

Prove me wrong.

I'd say somewhere between 2-200 years give or take.


It's not smply because I've never heard about it

Hopefully never, Didier is probably the only person still employed by Blizzard


who /LOAP/ here

>wc / | _ \

Nobody´s gonna say it? Fine.
*Warcraft IV (Insert asumption you are american here)
Besides that, let´s all be honest, 80% of the people here, who claim "Blizzard is sheeet now REEEEE" WILL BE wanting to play it when/if it comes out.

I figuratively don't care about the Remaster if it doesn't support original custom maps.



you got me

SotDRP was the shit

And he mostly works on HotS, which is the only Blizzard game that isn't total ass cancer.

right after diablo Δ

>spend two hours setting up
>everyone leaves except for a guy RPing "freelance mercenary darkblade asasin" and an afk
still fun though

Why make a sequel to perfection? Just leave Wc3 unmolested, look what Blizzard did to SC2

IIII was used somewhere sometime for some reason. might have been in early roman empire. who knows.

just played 12vs12 on the PTR, this patch is great!

quick rundown on patch?

any lag?

Do you guys think they'll try to upgrade the editor to SC2 capabilities (while keeping the low floor of entry) when they do the WC3 remake, given that they already patched it right now?
Did you have the 1000 food limit?


click on the links for more specific details on balance changes, etc.

>this remastered logo with such detail
they wouldn't fuck around like that for nothing

>Warcraft IIII
what's it like being this stupid lmao


>getting to destroy the wave of ne/v/fags in remaster
nothing personnell


>Blood Mage
Some people just hate winning

He's a good second hero if you go Mountain King first.


something need doing?

>he doesnt go for the ethereal + mk nuke + gryphon build


Followgrubby on twitch.

>Warcraft IV
>being this new

If wow ever declines to the point where it’s not profitable anymore.

transferring mana to your archmage is a good idea

its ogre.

Grubby is streaming with 6k viewers right now

yeah its an even bigger disparity now but the picture still means the same thing, sc2 is dead.

it really isn't. you're just taking that screenshot at a weird time when none of the big streamers are streaming it.

Starcraft 2 has been growing in players ever since it went f2p.

It's pretty easy to figure out guys. They probably just used I, V and X for a bit then some dude got lazy and used IV instead of IIII to save a line and when people asked what he was smoking he just said it's the number I before V
Viola, advancement.

why did chris tucker stop doing movies

So does this actually ad 12 v 12 maps or is that a custome map?

as far as i know you can only play 12vs12 in custom games, but many of the maps have already been redesigned to fit 24 players.

I was never good at WC3, only the custom maps. Hardly even finished the campaign
Might seriously learn it if this revives the game though

Grubby is streaming the PTR right now, you'll learn a lot from watching him.

What colors do players 13-24 have?

He confirmed Rush hour 4 is in the works

Why is this even an argument? Nobody will take your warcraft 3 away. If you don't like the new one, you can skip it.
We really need new rts games.

>ruins starcraft's competitive scene
>wc3 players: "yay can't wait for remastered :)"


>ruins starcraft's competitive scene

How is it dead if there are less than several hundred players in wc3 right now, while in sc2 there are thousands? And big tourney tomorrow btw.
What is with this hate sc2 meme? It is the last active rts out there. It is also the best game to watch.
And everyone knows that those wc3 numbers are only because of Grubby.


Did any of you fags play the obstacle course custom maps?
There is one where you played as priestess of the moon and linkin park played in the background on 2x speed
it is forever ingrained in my head

You need at least 2 years of daily practice to git gud with 1 race, senpai, better get on with it

>starcraft's competitive scene

lol what

>>ruins starcraft's competitive scene
would like to see your source
>>wc3 players: "yay can't wait for remastered :)"
>implying there is any wc3 competitive scene outside of china to begin with

> 4 is IIII
> 9 not VIIII
> 12 is not IIIIIIIIIIII
Truly American clock

Run Kitty Run aka my friends are fucking retards jesus stop bumping into wolves you cocksuckers

>people defending SCR when they have played like 2 games of it lol
blizzard killed the private servers and ruined the scene forever. KYS

>3 days ago
Wait what the fuck? Why are they updating a 15 year old game all of a sudden?

American education, everyone.

5 commands or kick

Rabbits vs. Sheep and Castle Fight exists.

The original RTS mode in WC III is so shitty and the meta is one of the worst in any games I've played.
Only reason to look forward to a remaster is because it might put life into custom games again, but knowing Blizzard they will find a way to seriously fuck that up.

hahaha thank you so much for posting this, absolutely classic

I always thought the focus on heroes and leveling them was cool, but I was shit regardless so

>The original RTS mode in WC III is so shitty and the meta is one of the worst in any games I've played.

kys nigger


The idea is cool but execution is bad, in high competitive wc3 games you will barely ever reach the point in which you actually got a decent sized army.
You just cheese with the heroes and if you manage to get kill 1-2 units on the enemy side early it's gg, so the meta is usually trying to cheese the enemy with your heroes while prevent their cheese.

of course it won't fucking download

>implying BW wasn't already on life support

So Im playing WoW and got to level 80. Gave me the choice to do either Cataclysm or Pandaria and I chose the latter. Did I make the wrong choice? I wish you could do both but it seems like both are meant to be started at level 80.

WC3 is not a game about big armies, Starfag. The upkeep system incentivizes you to stay at 50 limit as long as you can. The amount of micro requires to control even 15 units perfectly is crazy enough already.

dont worry no starcraft player even considers wc3 an rts so you can be sure he isn't one

cata is boring just do vashjir(the sea-only area in the whole game) then head to pandaria

A remaster will probably be full on 1.24 all over again. They'll decide to fix some kind of exploit in JASS and break everything again. But this time they wont have Dota ready to go before everything breaks.

>million years old game
>barely any players
>still have to pay 10$ for it

roflmao call me when it's free like it should be

It probably will when the remaster comes out...
just like it happen with Starcraft

If they decide to remaster there's only a few things I want to see

Don't break custom maps like 1.24 did. The modding community isn't as strong as it once was, and 1.24 nearly killed the game after the only game that actually worked was Dota


Allow more then 12 units to be selected at once. Not anything crazy like SC2, but maybe like 20 or so. Trying to micro managed 50 spooky skeletons as undead is just annoying when you can only move 12 at a time.

bahahahahaha. even key rebinding got a fuckload of push back in broodwar, leading people to refuse to play scr. you think they will really change CONTROL GROUPS?


You're welcome

Oh no!
It would be awful if one of the 20 players still playing would feel not like the change.

>optional feature added
>gets loads of pushback
I don't understand.

Ctrl groups are fine but I'm talking about situations where you have a large mass of units that need to be moved NOW. Games like The Summoner that go from 6 units on the map to 600 units in 30 seconds get fucked fast when nobody can move their units fast enough.

I'm fine with the normal Ctrl group functions though. Just need to be able to select more units at once.

Are you unironically complaining about control groups, possibly the most ergonomic and well-designed things about War3 controls?

>game devs design a control scheme for their game
Why the fuck should Blizzard bother retooling the whole interface for custom maps?

>retooling the whole interface for custom maps
Because that's the reason people play wc3 and would buy a remaster. None gives a shit about the crappy original RTS mode except a handful of players still playing it.

>shitty """feature"""

oh no!!!! the loyal players wouldn't like it!!! fuck them right xD

I give a shit. My giving a shit cancels out your not giving a shit. So your retarded opinion is null and void.

>ability to change keybinds
>can keep default ones if you are used to them
>somehow this is bad
I don't follow your logic, bait-kun.

If it wasn't for custom maps (and as much as it pains me to admit, specifically Dota) Warcraft 3 would have been dead a few years after TFT launched. So ya, Blizzard can do some work to the interface to help out custom maps.

2 words
>Footman Frenzy

>game becomes about LE OPTIMAL KEYBINDS XDDDD like sc2 did
>not about playing the actual game

WC3 keybinds were rebindable since forever. I always carried a small floppy with a custom .txt file to every tournament

>can utilize abilities/hotkeys without causing damage to your wrists/fingers due to poorly thought out hotkey choices
>this is apparently a bad thing
Bait-kun, I'm still hopelessly confused about your issue with customizable keybinds. Could you please explain how "optimal keybinds" somehow negate the skill required to play the game? It's not as though they increased the maximum unit selection.

Footman frenzy is amazing. Many other games with custom maps tried to copy it but none ever came close. I have no idea why.