>joins your guild
Weekend MMO story thread
Tell me about that time you got scammed out of a rare item because you were new, or how you were a weirdo autist stalking people to pvp them
Joins your guild
>Be me
>Be secondary tank raider in WoW for my guild
>Several months go by
>Get everything I need from raiding gear wise
>Female joins the guild
>Gets on skype all the time with other guild members so yes she’s real
>One day she asks me to tank for her in Scholo and she will heal
>No problem.gif
>My health didn’t drop below 80% the whole time
>”WOW user, you sure are squishy as a tank, my heals could barely keep up”
>”What the FUCK are you talking about?”
>”Nevermind, forget it”
>Later that week the guild wants to raid ZG when it released
>Say I want to tank
>Sorry user, Femanon said you were squishy, why don’t you get some better gear first?
>”Look at my gear, I have the best I can get...”
>Sorry user but we already have a tank
>Never get invited to another guild raid again
>Quit wow a few weeks later
Fucking women in games...
Not an autismo MMO story, but
>have qt HS sweetheart gf
>she plays nothing but L4D or GTA5
>have 10/10 steam avatar and name
>shes pure and innocent, not a GUURRRLL
>always have multiple friend requests to decline on the daily
its neat being on the other side of screen, its absurd how many people fawn over her. its also hilarious thinking about how many people fall in love to a complete stranger.
You should be thanking her.
>GTA 5
You have to be 18 to post here.
24, user.
Sucks for you but at least you learned you were part of a shitty guild
Women are shit but it's good to have them join to see if your guild is shit or not by how they react to one
GTAV came out five years ago.
GTA 5 came out like 4 and a half years ago user
>Joins MY guild
If it came out so long ago why is it still $60?
Check. Mate.
I'm disappointed user, you shouldn't follow up some primo bait with this. Don't waste those (((you)))s.
>vanilla WoW
>playing night elf shadow priest
>riding through Arathi on my spotted nightsabre mount
>see a female human priest getting owned
>stop and help out
>end up helping her finish a quest chain
>say bye and ride off to my destination
>next day log in
>auto invite from priest asking to help her in Uldaman
>gives me vent info
>log onto vent finding out it's an actual girl
>chill in vent with her as she finds group members
>guys come into vent and start immediately flirting with her
>she doesn't really respond and keeps talking to me
>every single day as soon as I log on she auto-invites me whether it's for questing, dungoneering, pvping or just to chill
>mostly end up carrying her through content
>end up becoming actual online friends
>find out she's married and her husband plays a level 60 mage in a raiding guild
>group up with them a few times for pvp
>wonder why they never play together but whatever none of my business
>rarely talks every time acting as if it's more of a chore to hang with his wife
>she still seems happy though and he's good at pvp so whatever
>directs me to their website
>she's actually hot and he's a chad
>parents cut internet off because my sister looking up porn and infecting the family computer with all kinds of shit
>no internet for five months
>get it turned back on with restrictions put on internet usage
>as soon as I log in I get an invite from her
>demands I get on vent asap
>get an invite turns out she started her own raiding guild
>immediately makes me an officer
>explain what happened she says she's missed me
>husband quit WoW and seems they're having issues
>spend the rest of the night catching up
>mostly pvp but join them for a few raids over the next couple of months
>they're pretty terrible but it's still fun
>one day log on and no immediate invite
>guild is disbanded and nobody knows what happened
>shoot her an e-mail
>weeks pass
>get a response from her husband
>she had been fighting a losing battle to cancer
Atleast she died before wow turned to shit
Highschool sweetheart implies dating somebody during school and continuing into adulthood.
I understand you've never experienced anything like that, but it doesn't mean he is underaged.
I was a guild leader and got bullycided by a girl into quitting. I just stopped logging on because every time I got on I'd take abuse from her I was too conflict averse to challenge her.
I met my first girlfriend on an MMO. We were both 16 at the time. I actually met her and had sex with her. The relationship didn't last though.
>Be me
>Played Runescape since '07
>Stopped a little bit after the EoC open beta for some reason
>Decide to go back because reminiscing
>Forgot old account, make new one with female character (Tryna see if the free shit legends are true)
>RS3 is cool for a while (I like the grafisks, but get bored a little after the starting quest is done. I died to that tootoral kraken boss more times than I'd like to admit).
>Try Darkscape
>Like it
>They remove smuggling (basically the only thing that made it interesting (there was World PvP and different GE zones, but that was only interesting because you had to carry the shit you wanted to sell/bank elsewhere with you, which meant you could lose it if you got ambushed)
>I like it
>Look up some stuff
>Make a killing in the GE from selling fuckin ash
>At >60k, I'm not rich, but still richer than I ever was.
>Beaner gave me free shit at some point because female character. Other folks gave me some cool shit (rune scimmies and such) because noob
>Decide I'll finish the F2P quests before membershipping
Currently grinding to use rune gear. Last quest left is Dragonslayer.
>playing runescape
>girl talks to me while I was choping wood
>disconnects immediatly
The Bot Life
by user
how comes mmo women are so easy to fuck irl?
This dude looks better as a grill but still obviously a dude. If it's just style mending it seems more gay than growing tits. Science has gone too far.
>Playing Ragnarok Online
>Finally get an Ulles cap from Atroce
>Use it constantly
>Months pass
>Girl starts hitting on me in game
>She sends me nudes through facebook
>One she asks if she can borrow the Ulles cap
>Give it to her
>She gives it back eventually
>This goes on for 5 months
>Keeps sending me tits and ass pics and telling me she is going to come where I live so that I can fuck her
>Eventually one day she asks for the Ulles Cap again
>Give it to her like always since she always returned it
>D/Cs and never goes online again
I know I got fucked for being stupid but I still don't understand why they waited 5 months to finally steal it from me instead of just doing it immediately
I broke a laptop screen over some red gloves in runescape.
I'm not going to get into it, but it was autistic and I am not proud of it.
Once I was randomly helping people in my obscure MMO and I went and helped a friendly "woman" that was new and gave her a lot of good advice.
She supposedly heard it and thanked me for it and I didn't think much of it but then one day she returned and gifted me seven days to die on steam and later she ended giving me all her stuff in the game. Last messages I got from her steam was her supposed brother just came back from the hospital and she had ingested a poison and was in intensive care. Then the next day he said she died.
I honestly don't know if it was real or not, but whoever you where, thanks for the stuff and RIP in case it was real.
THAT is a proper scammer!
She builds trust, and then Shake-it-Quake-it SPACE-KABOOM!
>Grade 8
>Playing Gunbound
>Decide to try and scam people with my friends
>We set up a low level account
>One person logs into game with the low level account
>Friend says to the low level guy (so everybody else can see the conversation) that he can log into his account and use a money hack to give him infinite money
>Nobody believes us
>We say the low level account gave us his info and we will log in
>Come back after gifting our low level account really good items
>People believe it's a real hack
>Get account info from 5 different people
>Say it doesn't work because of their ip address
>Wait 4 months while periodically logging onto those accounts and waiting for them to have good items
>As soon as the buy something good we gift it to our accounts
It's so much fun being a rascal
in my game it is very easy to be scammed, but despite this I have never been scammed, thanks to my guild that has always helped me from the beginning and the beautiful and rich Chinese guild leader keeps us all.
>tranny joins my FFXIV guild
>it's dead within 6 months with only the tranny and his orbiters remaining
reminder that it is orbiters and edgelords that give these female gamers their power, and if they just treated them normally there would be no problems.
that game is full of beautiful Chinese girls and they are very strong and high level
>be playing ffxiv
>girl I have a crush on get into it and joins my guild
>be too shy to do anything and get friendzoned hard
>she literally calls little brother
>one day she tells me she's going out with my guild leader
>fucking heartbroken but bear with it and wish them happiness
>a year goes by
>eventually get use to it the crush fades away
>the guild leader and the girl can't thank me enough because they wouldn't be together without me
>guild leader plays less and less but girl plays non stop
>yesterday she tell me some sit next to her on the beach in-game
>proceed to tell me she doesn't guild leader anymore only stays with him because he's loaded
>tells me she cheated on him with 2 guys from our guild
>then she tells me she trusts me and that she knows I won't tell him
I'm beyond disgusted by attitude and action and I want to tell my guild leader but I've known her since hs and I don't want to ruin our friendship either. I just don't know what to do.
>sister plays WoW
>secretly join her server and her guild, without her knowing it's me
>know she's super into sailor moon
>after a few days, just randomly mention in /g that i'm watching sailor moon
>she whispers me in-game and tells me she loves sailor moon
>become friends with her over the course of a month like this
>she begins to talk to me more and more
>after 3 months of becoming best friends with my sister in-game, i reveal to her (by showing her my PC and WoW loaded up) that it was me all along
>i did it so i could get closer to her, since we were never close
>her eyes tear up, and she hugs me while crying
>i hug her back
And that's how I became best friends with my sister, who was always emotionally distant from me before hand.
Tell him. She cucked you and now it's your turn to get back at them both. Have some fun for once user.
Sounds like she's a gold-digging slut. You'd be better off without her my man
That was surprisingly sweet. Hope it's true.
why would you want to be friends with someone like her?
But telling a guy I have been playing with for 4 years and I appreciate that is gf has been cheating on him is not fun.
it's hard but do it. you'd want your friend to do the same if you were in his situation.
its not fun but its the right thing to do, especially if he's your friend.
You can do it anonymously, you know. Besides, is it better for him to continue in blissful ignorance or face reality?
She wasn't like that at all in hs, she really was the kindest girl you could ever find. That's why I don't understand why she did it they looked like they really were in love.
people change
t. had a relationship that lasted years and she was like a completely different girl when it ended
You're right guys it's the best thing to do but he's gonna be destroyed by that. I can't even think about how to tell him without hurting him too much.
Anonymously. You can choose to be the anonymous guildie who has found out about this going on and tell him to do his own investigation just to be sure.
I think you should tell her to tell him, if she won't then you tell him.
This guy is right, scratch the anonymity pitch. That way there are still chances your guild won't implode as a result of the love drama.
Bailey Jay is a dude though
Only thing worse than women is trannies. Women are attention whores don't get me wrong but trannies take it to a whole other level. It's insane.
I think the guild is gonna disband anyway and I don't think I'll be able to keep playing with guys that fucked someone's gifriend knowingly. And yeah I'll talk to her now, wish me luck guys and let's hope she'll do the right thing.
This is just sad. She's playing you like the idiot you are. I remember falling for this stupid shit when I was in hs.She's going to break your heart again. All women want is to control whatever it is you are and have that power over you. You're literally handing her the keys to your life my man. You gotta have some respect for yourself.
don't be nervous, you're not doing anything wrong
did you even finish reading the text?
What did that whore do?
Anyone have the discord shit about "he gets to be treated like a girl but you just ignore diaper and me" or something like that, from the ffxiv general? I remember someone posting it in a thread like this.
I don't understand how am I handing the keys of my life to her, like I said the crush's gone we just have a solid friendshid now. It's just that cheating story that confused me and made me wonder what to do, but I'll do the right thing.
tfw i was the piece of shit who caused drama in the guild because of a girl. I am sorry. I wish i could return but i was such a piece of shit and would probably still be due to the alcoholism i developed becuse of it
>>Be me
Get raped and never recover.
>find out your guildmates were all thirsty cunts
>quit instead of finding a better guild
What damned version of RO is this? Is it good?
Me too user... Used to be a painful daily occurrence to ponder those troubling times, but you will get over it one day too.
I came here to laugh at retards, not to feel. God bless you
user, we're far past recovery for Sup Forums. Hell, there are unironic CoD and YLYL threads.
Now that is just John Wayne-Gacy levels of crazy
How do we fix women, lads?
>Playing WoW back in Vanilla days
>In Guild ran by my bestfriends Mum
>Best friend plays too
>His Mum pays for his sub and then offers to pay for mine
>She crafts us new shit every time she thinks we've outlevelled our gear for free
>She can sense gamurr grills causing trouble before we can and stamps it out immediately or boots them from the Guild
>Everyone has a great time chatting and joking in the chat at all times
>She also acts as an Agony Aunt to the other guildies having difficulties in life/game
>Tfw almost every guild I've joined in every MMO Ive played after WoW got torn apart by women causing drama and thirsty beta orbiters/white knights making it worse
>Tfw I'll never have a GuildMum like her again
Put them in headscarves and make examples out of sluts.
I saw, is it that one that's not on play store, basically? The one we'll never have and that's actually good?
This better be the user from that other thread who posted about how he likes to make up these stories
>tfw you know whos account this is (before this post)
>tfw you dont remember how they got on your friends list
>tfw after reading the bio
I cant help but feel sorry for him
Post penor
faggot betas
Yes and you're probably some stupid beta who is all the girls best friend
Seriously, what value is friendship with a woman? When was the last time she made you laugh like your best guy friend?
You're lying to yourself if you think you're not just in it for the down the road chance at pussy. She knows it too and if she asked you would give her whatever she wanted to please her. Just stop dude. She wants to you start drama about that cheating story because she craves that shit. She's playing games with you. Just block her and move on.
God that really sucks. I can relate some.
Not a chick though, but a good buddy of mine in my guild suddenly died. We always chatted and teamed up to do random shit often. It was really rough losing someone who i really enjoyed having as company.
Not woman ruins guild related, but still, had some weird couple joining a WoW guild I was part of during Cataclysm.
>rogue and druid join guild
>husband and wife
>the guy's like 21 and the woman's in her mid 30s
>they have four children together
>despite all that they find the time to raid in WoW
>can hear faint crying in the background whenever one of those two guys talk on vent
>someone points it out
>"Oh it's just one of the kids, don't mind it"
>keep on raiding with them and during almost every raid we'd hear their kids either crying or yelling in the background
>one guy that usually spergs out frequently about all manner of things eventually loses it and calls them out on their shit parenting
>both of them go on an absolute roid rage on vent, calling him and the rest of us pathetic losers incapable of having proper families
>vent is just them yelling at us for a few minutes after which they both leave the raid and /gquit
I dunno man, some of these people have problems.
I know this is a joke, but it's still 60 bucks because retards still buy it at full price
>hear about this new game called Ragnarok Online
>start playing
>find something called a card in newbie area (was a roda frog card north of geffen)
>didn't know what it was and how to use it
>was only 10z at npc
>some priest is walking around asking obvious noobs if they found any cards, he wants to buy them
>offers me a whopping 25k for my 10z shit item
>that's exactly what i needed for that shiny arc wand, the most expensive npc weapon
>(that sneaky fucker knew exactly what he was doing)
>found out later that the card was worth 350k
>Yes and you're probably some stupid beta who is all the girls best friend
I was implying that he isn't even attracted to her no more, how the fuck does she have any leverage in his life jackass?
not gonna deny being beta as fuck tho
Why has this image become so popular recently?
she's literally a fucking cartoonist, I don't get it
If you never gypped a new player (probably a toddler) into believing dropping an item and pressing Alt+F4 clones it, you've never lived
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
this warmed my heart
Which is what made it so glorious
>be best PvP Mage in the server in WoW
>make PvP only guild
>only for the best PvPers in the server
>ends up being just me and 3 other dudes
>best guild experience ever
I seriously hope you don't play WoW for PvE and girls.
whomever made that comic is the biggest roastie on the planet
It's probably not, but I hope this is true
>Not attracted to her
>Still friends with her and she says she trusts me
He's still attracted to her. He just wont admit it. Why else would he still even be dealing with her?
Look, I'm only upset because I was a beta in hs and I played all these stupid games with girls. You and I both know he's only still talking to her because somewhere in his brain he thinks it may lead to fucking. It wont ever lead to fucking and even if it did it's not worth the shit you have to put up with.
As cliche as it sounds you guys just have to better yourself for yourself and love yourself and women will come crawling for that self confidence. It took me forever to figure that shit out and I hate seeing young guys going through this same horse shit with women. Even if it's in some nerd ass mmo.
>be me 11 years old
>playing maplestory in like 2008
>spending ALL my money on NX cards
>probably like $1200 total over the years
>all my christmas, birthday, chore money
>every fucking penny i can squeeze out of all my family
>using it to buy gachapon tickets ingame
>always get garbage
>this day is different
>walk to rite aid get my nx card
>cashier judging me like usual
>shamefully walk home
>buy gachapon ticket
>get fucking spectrum goggles +4 str
>more than likely never been done before, probably worth like 3x max mesos (like 8bil)
>basically one of the rarest items in the game
>i didnt know this
>im trying to sell it best offer
>some guy says 100mil
>i shit my 11 year old pants
>100 fucking million
>i know it's probably worth more but cant be worth THAT much more right?
>i tell him ill whisper him later maybe
>he says no, sell it to him now or the offer is gone
>hes like counting down and shit
>sweat dripping from my empty preteen wallet
>3 2 1
>i fucking sell it
>nobody believes me that i actually owned that item to this day
>spend the 100 mil on some dumb shit and quit the game
fucking microtransactions
darkscape was awesome
>wind stike the melee super guard
>he starts walking to you terminator style
>go all the way around white wolf mountain
>at the catherby side there are pkers
>at this point they can
>1. run west and get killed by mage super guards
>2. run north and get killed by my guard
>3. teleport using the leprechaun which kills them by people camping the teleport
>4. logout
It's that time again
>girl joins our guild
>she acts all flirty and kawaii uguu
>many people fall for it
>a year later
>drama starts in the group
>the boys acting like shit to each other over this girl
>she doesn't to react much to it
>learn that it's about guild privileges
>the guild leader wanted to give her officer status
>she obviously does not deserve it, she fucks up in every group events at a rate of 70%
>get tired of this shit
>put on my detective hat and lens
>gather all the information about this girl given over the year
>manage to find out who she is, where she lives, her facebook
>also she's a fat cosplayer
>her highlight is an Aqua cosplay, a FAT Aqua
>she has a boyfriend who at least half her weight
>bring it up on vent
>give the info to the others before heading out to bed
>the next day
>she's not part of the guild anymore
>ask how it went
>she got shit on and left crying
I was dealing with her because we were in the same guild for 2 years. And you may be right but right now I don't want to have anything to do with her. How could you expect someone to get with a girl that cheated like that and so openly admitted it.
This. Muslims have it right. Too bad about the brown.
it also sometimes works with idiots in fps games. just tell them its hacks or idk make up something
ill give my story
started playing wow. early level, like getting my first class pieces. read bind on equip. well before even oblivion came out, i wondered about this shit. i wondered if putting it on, meant i could never take it off. messaged in game i think in chat, maybe to some guy, asked him can i take it off if i put it in, this boe item? he says, no. so until about wailing caverns, i sat around not equipping that stuff and selling it. was also an enchanter so maybe just made shit with it.
so i sucked and leveled slow for 16+ levels
>girlfriend joins guild
>always with her in another vent channel though
>Its always fun until even an admin comes in
>she never talks to anyone else but me
>start leading clanwars
>she eventually breaks up with me because shes a sperg
>stays in the guilde
>they all fight for her and defend me
>meanwhile shes making friends with an admin texting him
>butdoodicangoseeherrightnowlongdistancerelationshi-WAIT WHaT
Fuckin' nice
im screenshotting this for my example of what the jews would be throwing away by trying to censor the intenret
>they could never do this anymore
>throwing away net neutrality
also checked
even bops. but that got me thinking