Japan > Eurojank > North America
Japan > Eurojank > North America
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Yeah, all that sameface sure is great.
Euro > Japan > Amerilards
Serious Sam isn't Janky.
this cherrypicking lol, barely worth a reply
A handful of character designs you dislike doesn't invalidate the good ones. Terrible graphics and modelling that looks like it was done by some team making
Europe isn't a country. Stop riding off each others achievements because you suck so bad individually.
>two Witcher images
>doesn't include Stalker in the Europe category
At least America can make games that aren't buggy as shit and unplayable, unlike Europoors.
This is cherrypicked but what are some 5 badass American characters?
I'll start with Doomguy
The US does it
I thought bioware was canadian?
North America > Japan > Europe.
North american cherrypicked characters aren't as attractive (in the eurocentric standards of beauty) as the european and japanese ones, but the overall design is far more creative and richer. You see humans, elves, aliens, thin people, big boned people, realistic visuals, stylized visuals...
>most attractive
Neck yourself!
I have never seen 2 of these that look a like. Aside from nig at the top in every bait one, and white at the top in every butthurt white boi one, they all look different. The only consensus in these is white women being the most attractive. Not even baitfags disagree I guess.
The US produces absolutely nothing of any cultural value whatsoever besides poplar music up to the 1990s. This is a well known fact.
>they all look different.
The nigs in these images all look the same, and they are all fucking ugly.
>4 men and only 1 woman
Why Europe and Japan are so sexist?
I meant the people order them you dimwit.
But FF13? Die. Just... Die.
While XIII might be bad, pink haired Cloud is awesome go fuck yourselves.
>bland asf
two terms
two genders
According to scientific studies black features correlate with higher male attractiveness and white features correlate with higher female attractiveness. Google it.
N. America
mods please delete wrong image
>posting the edit
>according to studies
Nigs are ugly, deal with it Jamal.
What was the last good game made by americans?
According to statistics, blacks are the least desirable based on attractiveness level and you can see it in stuff like pic related . What the absolute fuck are you talking about?
Not to mention, according to all statistic and pretty much every bit of anecdotal evidence you seek out, everyone knows asian women are the best.
>everyone knows asian women are the best.
Woah laddie, lets not get ahead of ourselves.
>asians are the best because muh based japan and animay waifu
Weebs are delusional
nice try
>manjaw mcgee
>literally ignores absolutely all statistic in order to voice his butthurt frustrations over weeaboos on a weeaboo site
cloud had bigger tits than her
What statistics? That asian women are ugly monkeys that need surgery and tons of makeup to look presentable?
bait smarter, not harder
>Australians trying to insight another USA vs Europe thread
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The only good looking jap here is the one in the middle. The ones on the sides, like Anri, look like plastic dolls that had too much surgery. Also lmao at those fat injected boobies.