Thinking of buying a PS3 only to play MGS am i retarded
Thinking of buying a PS3 only to play MGS am i retarded
I assume you mean MGS4, in that case no you're not that retarded, since it's still PS3 exclusive and you can find used PS3s for dirt cheap these days.
If you're planning to get the legacy collection then absolutely not, it's the best way to play the few games in the series that don't suck
That's what I did and didn't regret it.
Until my PS3 died 1 year later.
>you can find used PS3s for dirt cheap these days
Where? (non burger)
try to get one old enough for CFW (any fat and most slims, but not some late slims and none of the super slims)
then buy a decent size 7200rpm drive for it (1TB maximum) and pirate the digital versions of every game for the best load times
Your fine. Infact if you hack it you don't have to pay for the MGS.
A PS3 should be around 50 bucks.
Is MGO playable on the emulator?
check flea markets, pawn shops, or ebay.
Don't. PS3s die too easily. Seriously, I had a used one for a little less than a year and the CD drive stopped working.
fats are more prone to dying than slims.
also even if your disc drive breaks, just install custom firmware on it. you never need the disc drive ever again since you can load isos from the hard drive. what I did was buy a ps3 with a broken bluray drive from ebay for $30, install cfw on it, and it works like a charm.
OP here i had 2 fats in a row, both died of YLOD within months, kind of put me off of PS3
>the CD drive
anyway... cfw, bro. who needs optical?
Do you not have a job? These things are dirt cheap
nothing launches if the BD drive is fucked, i learned that the hard way
They're over $300 used on Amazon now.
They are no longer cheap.
i bought a CECHK fat from goystop in 2013 and it hasn't died on me yet. i don't use it as much now though since i play my DECR-1000A instead.
yeah, the fats are just as bad as "early" X360s were. lots of work trying to protect them from dying: changing thermal, lapping, delidding, reflowing, reballing. just ridiculous.
Just buy a PS4. That MGS collection is coming out before the end of this year.
m-muh pressure sensitive buttons
What do you mean by nothing? I have a PS3 with a busted blu-ray drive and it plays digital games just fine, or do you just mean with cfw?
Oh wow, drive must to be 100% dead then though. Not just some faulty laser issue because I think I read you can just have the PCB connected and it still goes. That sucks.
Yeah OP. Spends 10x as much money for a gamble of maybe instead of 20 bucks for a definite thing.
Not for used systems, you're either out of your mind or you're living in some third world country.
i still don't believe that fats are dying is some sort of epidemic. have one and it works fine and never heard of anyone that i actually know whose ps3 died.
Oh shit that is awesome. Time to get a used ps3
not OP but if the BD drive is fully dead it no aplications work, not even the store, it has its own board and its a ton of shit to find the exact same working one and remarry it to the console and etc etc
do you have to connect to PSN to play MGO?
As long as you don't pay more than $60, it's fine.
Pirate the game and whatever else you want to play that RPCS3 doesn't do better already.
MGS4 on RPCS3 is YEARS away, since the game has special OS hooks that no other game uses and is a mess of spaghetti code in the first place that barely runs on real hardware, since it was so heavily optimised for the original PS3 design (2x Cell, NO RSX, PS2 GS was used for rasterizering and 2d drawing)
If you want the ultimate MGS package
Just buy a used PS3 and order online the Legacy Edition which comes with all MGS games and extras
>bought it on sale for $27
>Just buy
Anyone know where to buy authentic PS3 controllers? A lot of the ones on ebay are fakes, and my current controller is beginning to die (I have to practically pound R1 for it to register)
That sounds like something that would die in a couple of months.
as long as its a slim version chances of it dying are minimal
just stay away from fat models, slims are most reliable.
it's almost impossible to find a new genuine ps3 controller these days unless you want to pay out the ass. your best bet is looking for someone selling their ps3 and ask them how much for the controller
>That sounds like something that would die in a couple of months.
Reapplying thermal paste and checking temps with cfw is a must anyway. Don't buy a model that you can not mod.
There are probably more fake controllers floating around than genuine at this point. Maybe check a gamestop or other local joint. Otherwise you can use a dualshock 4, but you'd need to check if the games you're into are compatible. Nier for example has nonfunctional L2/R2 on a DS4, which took me by surprise.
Fats only generally die from laser rot.
Just CFW and hope the rest of the drive doesn't fail.
>Fats only generally die from laser rot.
What? No. The lead on the CPU or GPU cracks because it's lead free and the damn thing gets too hot. That's the #1 reason for YLOD.
Ugh, I'm sleepy. I meant the solder pointer UNDER the chips crack. Off to bed with me.
also be wary of power supply failure. those fat ps3s are 10+ years old by now, they're on their last legs.