I'll just leave this here
I'll just leave this here
Kanto for me. If you didn't play gen 1 first you are underage
>replying to a screencap of a tweet
the fuck is wrong with you? he can't hear you
>Posts the definitive version of Unova
Kanto, though it isn't my favorite region.
Don't they post shit like this all the time? johto
Kanto on firered and leafgreen
It was better than I was expecting
>caring about the tweet and not the content posted in it to start a thread up
small brain
>replying to some random user on Sup Forums
the fuck is wrong with you? he can't hear you
Kanto, but Hoenn is top comfy.
Direct confirmed?
Kanto originals but favorite games are G|S|C
Same for me.
kanto. im a old man now.
Kanto '98
They're not announcing a new game four months after the last one
Kanto because I'm an OG like that.
I can't believe they're skipping the DPPt remake and going straight to a BW remake!
Hoenn was my first region of all, but I joined in emulator, the first time I did my adventure in consoles was in Johto Remastered, and since I traveled every regions (except Sinnoh). My two favorite regions are Kalos (design-wise), and Unova (everything else).
>They're not announcing a new game four months after the last one
Thats literally what happened between FRLG and DP
ya on June 13
>started in the shittiest one
You're such a badass dude
I hope the next entry actually caters to the people who started it all
Firered remake, first game I owned was soulsilver, to this day it is my game with the most hours, at over 1100
He didn't said he started with XY.
Silver was the first game I played because I didn't have a handheld until GBA.
The gap between BW2 and XY was only 6 months. It's a damn near certainty that they'll show something off for pokemon day.
Kanto dropped out at whatever land had the time and space pokemon, lightly treaded back in during black and white, bough Y but I dont think Ive ever played it and have played through Moon 2 times and replaying it now.
They really recaptured some magic with Sun/Moon love the designs of new pokemon and regional variants.
Maybe also I took the game more seriously during sun/moon
You mean like the last three generations?
Original Kanto, but Johto is my favorite.
I fucking hate gen 3
As a Kantofag I'm tired of only kantomons getting cool shit, other mons needed Alola forms too.
Is today pokemon day?
Kanto. Got Red on release day. Despite that, I'm not a genwunner. 5 and 6 are the only gens I don't like. My favorite is 4.
>dropped out at whatever land had the time and space pokemon, lightly treaded back in during black and white
So in other words, you missed absolutely nothing.
5 is the french shit right?
Kanto isn't the worst one though? It's not great for sure but not the worst one.
Started in Kanto. I'm in my 30s now.
hoenn, i hate gen 3 though
That's 6
I didn't play the one with Time and Space but I know about them, didn't play black/white 2, haven't played Y despite owning it.
So I effectively skipped 3 gens.
johto is the worst. It's just a lazy mirror to kanto.
GF's been breaking patterns left and right since BW, at this point there ain't much of a clue of what they might pull.
mfw thought pokemon was for retarded faggots when i was a kid so i never played it
mfw joined in kalos
mfw X/Y and ORAS are two of my favorite 3DS games
fuck you younger me, pokemon is fucking awesome
What the fuck is 5?
'Murrica. Best country got worst gen
Its like SMT for losers!
And I'm a loser! Yay!
>he can't hear you
No shit, Sherlock. You can't HEAR text.
Oh right, the last game I really got into again before sun and moon was black and White and barely played that
Gen 8 on switch probably, or a remake of kanto
Started with Kanto and just became 18. People need to stop acting like it's the biggest 90's veteran shit, same goes to Dragonball and Dragonball Z.
I use a program to speak out posts
You dodged a bullet with Diamond and Pearl, but you missed the Johto Remakes and BW2 who are pretty much the contenders for the best pokémons games, I suggest you at least try them on a emulator.
My favorite gen is actually 3 but that doesn't stop me from thinking that 1 has the best starters.
America aka BW
At least BW2 was great
>there will never be a Red Silver/Blue Gold that let's you choose whether to start in Kanto and end in Johto or start in Johto and end in Kanto.
Kanto. Hoenn is still my favorite though.
It was either Black or Fire Red that was my first actual Pokemon game. I've just been playing spinoffs like Hey You, Pikachu!, Snap, Colosseum, and mostly Mystery Dungeon up until then
Get it
You can't go
In other terms they were saying you can't do it with a gen x and earlier MEllinial they would like it like oh but I will do it.
One of the many reasons why it was a success including the music and the quick on the go gameplay for the time.
It was a great game but after gen 2 it felt stale picked it up again for black and still has the same feeling
With the new one it looks good but my problem is that its retardedly easy.
So kanto I guess and second one
After that no fucking thank you
There will never be a pokemon mmo that traverses all game worlds
>ywn be a kid, exploring the mysterious and comfy Sinnoh region again
>Searching for legendaries everywhere while not even knowing that you can just look up their locations on the internet
>Speculating dumb shit like collecting all Unown's will get you something cool
Why live? I miss these times so much
For me it was like oh yeah if you do a bunch of random shit in the game it will lead to a new legendary or new area
We would speculate over this for years
Are you okay?
>There will never be a pokemon mmo that traverses all game worlds
Will this meme ever die?
What you never met another person who talks differently than you.
Why are you reacting what I said?
(You) could've started with gen 4 (2006) at this point
Still gives me shivers bros. This was too much for me.
That's what I want.
Nintendo is missing good ideas
You should probably learn english before trying to post.
>what is text to speech
I unironically like every region i've played(haven't played gen 7 yet), they are all comfy in their own way and have good cities and bad cities.
I love the maps and they make me feel comfy.
Started with Kanto
But Hoenn is my favorite region. I actually liked all the surfing and the secret bases were the best thing ever
Isn't that the kid that's married to Reshiram? JunstinRPG, right?
>Legendary at being c tier devs
>Panwed off to some korean or chink devs that's shitty and super grindy
I can't see any good with a pokemon mmo
Don't say it will look like the older 2d games because it wouldn't
4 gen is my favorite, mining was the shit
fucking kek, Another user here, I never even expanded the image yeah that's JustinRPG
Oh so that is why your responding to me your not going to talk about the game series at all huh.
You had a great conversation going with this.
I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your response.
I mean with your technical know how you can bring that to retail rearranging items.
If that is your end goal I support you man 100%
My only wish is that HAL would be given the chance to make a Pokemon game. They could do it because they fucking love what they do and are damn good at it.
You could start 2d. And go into all gens. Towards the end you could change the mmos graphics into any gen so everyone could enjoy the game
Kanto. Johto was when I really got into it though and the rest of the guys in my class did too so that was a ton of fun.
Joined right up in Kanto, dropped in the 1st visit to Unova, got back at the 2nd visit to Unova
Hoenn but it was after gen IV had already come out. Although I watched the show before then.
Pokémon IS video games, too
Fuck off, dickhead
Best gen and best girls and boi's you mean?
Based on total playtime I've probably played gen 3 the most but that was just because I played on the couch while watching tv for like a year straight.
as a genwuner trash i agree, since i only get regurgitated un-edgy shit from the remakes instead of the inmortals gb vers.
Johto is my favorite region so I've had it in my back log forever, I played like a touch of Black and White (just past the brothers with the monkeys?) is black and White 2 a remake or a new thing all its own?
Same question for Ultra Sun and Moon or whatever.