What went right?
Handhelds are coming back baby
>3DS will remain alive
Feels good
I want a 3ds successor
I want one too, but I think Nintendo might be done with the 3D. We could get another DS derivative though.
>no games on switch so 3ds gets a boost
What games do you recommend? I haven’t used it a lot since last year.
>people are still in denial over the Switch
Really now. I thought they were done with 3D. I'm glad they'll continue with it. Personally I like 3D.
CFW sells consoles
It's been doing so well for Nintendo that they may have changed their mind.
I just hope it doesn't end up like Wii U. If they're going to do it again, they need to be smart about this. Market it right.
Agreed, they also need to have big games on it at launch and not an amusement park game with some third party games, something like Metroid 5.
It's still a better handheld than the Switch. Not even trying to bait here. I really like my cheapo 2DS and the games it plays.
Definitely. They can't repeat that same mistake. Despite how good Nintendo can be, they have this nasty habit of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They need to remember what helped them in the first place.
Only worth if you have the pirating games software installed
With no new PR, Pokemon mainline game or FE game coming. The 3DS is doom to die eventually.
>The XYZ is doomed to die eventually.
You don't say.
nobody cares, is not getting any more new games.
Is dead.
Also Sushi Striker cancelled.
You're full of shit, I can't find that news anywhere.
You got one, it's called the Switch
It is though. No Pokemon=Dead
The games and the 3ds porn are running dry though
There is Detective Pikachu coming up
There are plenty of JRPG, localizations and software coming from nintendo