Modded server up, get in.
list of mods:
What Mod Is This From
Magic Storage
Boss healthbar
boss checklist
maxstacks plus
reduced grinding
dual wielding
its shit
ill join in a bit
is you alchemist npc mod outdated?
it updated today earlier ago
i always get hash mismatches
Hold up
Yep mods were outdated
Alright should be up and running
getting stuck on "found server"
nvm it does stuff now
ffs now calamity is throwing the mismatch
and it's not in the mod browser anymore for some reason
I think you have to download to at one cause he browser version is outdated
You know what?
Fuck calamity
Im toning down the list
but i just downloaded it
although i don't like it but i wouldn't have minded it
Calamity doesn't play nice with other mods anyway
Ok, if its not working im killing myself
can you post the new list?
Are characters server side?
pull the trigger my friend
Goodluck OP.
Took me 3 days to get a working server with Calamity installed.
Heres the list.
Dont know why the fuck it aint working.
Im very angery.
Mostly at myself
One last try, to see.
Try joining.
AlchemistNPC gives me hash mismatch
i cant find it in the browser either
atleast the server is up
why is everything a mismatch?
are you using the latest version of tmodloader?
it updated a week ago
Cause thats the one i have
im in somehow
yeah that's the newest
but what else is the fucking problem then
Welp thats one
As for you im not sure.
server lags like shit
>Thorium, Spirit, AND Calamity
Unless you got a great PC, this will fuck any Serb.
perhaps a vanilla server should have been made
so rip server?
Sorry for the inconvenience.
so what was the problem?
pc couldn't handle it?
Massive lag
yes, i know
but i was curious of why the lag was so bad
fuck yes
Well shit that was fast
anyone else want to try to be a host?
Literally "what is this mod from" from?
Fuck I'm illiterate
"WHICH" not what
are you asking what it does? it tells you which mod made the modded items in game
No I read op's "Which mod is this from" when in his next image he has "What mod is this from"