So now that this is confirmed shit, will we ever get a good MTG video game?
So now that this is confirmed shit, will we ever get a good MTG video game?
>Power cards are the resource system for the game. You draw Power cards from your deck and can play one per turn.
shit game
As with all things Magic, if you want quality you must look to the past.
I mean WAY into the past. Look up Shandalar, that's the best you're ever gonna get.
except not, they're like lands except less retarded
just, look into it! go to, www. eternal card game .com and just, check it out!
>early acess
The retarded thing about lands is that they took up dedicated deck space.
>early access
>3 sets have already come out
What's wrong with lands?
Just play it in Tabletop Simulator?
Gonna have to agree with this, it is the literal best you are going to get when it comes to a digital version of magic, because it was created from the ground up to be magic designed for digital play.
A straight adaptation of magic aimed for the casual audience is never going to hit the notes people actually want it to hit or compete with hearthstone in any meaningful fashion. And a magic game aimed at advanced players is never going to get less shitty than MTGO due to complexity of magic's system.
>get mana screwed and lose by RNG
>get too much and have nothing else to play
what's right with lands
do you not know how to build a deck or are you just retarded?
Eternal's mulligan system is such that when you redraw your hand you're guaranteed 2-4 power cards which means if you don't suck at deck building you rarely get mana screwed or flooded.
>You can't dust cards in the new Magic game
Good luck trying to build a specific deck that you want to try out, they expect people to pour a fortune until they get that specific card
Is that how they expect to draw people way from Hearthstone or Shadowverse
>be retarded and keep shit hands
>be retarded and have a shit mana curve
Sure there's a degree of RNG like every card game, but it's irrelevant or pro players couldn't win games consistently
just avoid to mention that you get cards that let you pick what ever card you want.
instead of having a dusting system that give you 5 dust for each duplicate and you need over 1500 to make anything.
mtg has some objectively bad shit like lands and land kill, milling, discard decks, etc
wildcards are infinitely better than dusting
They need to make a single player mode where you can play an adventure like Shandalar.
It doesnt need a over view map like that (because it sure is being ported to be use on Tablets and phones at some point)
But something.
>different strategies, depth and variety is bad
Stick to Hearthstone
Well if we're shilling digital alternatives to Magic I guess I'll go ahead and shill Faeria. It cribs a lot from Magic but it's also got a hex grid element, the board starts as all water and you get to make 2 basic lands or 1 special land every turn (or you can pass to draw or gain 1 mana). Cards cost faeria (mana) which you get 3 of every turn but can collect additional amounts by having creatures visit the four "wells" around the map. Many cards have additional requirements in a number of special lands needed to be played, ex Bomb Slinger here needs 3 mountains under your control in addition to 5 faeria.
Magic's 5 colors are condensed down to four:
-Green has big dumb stompy creatures, buffs, healing and land acceleration.
-Blue has agile creatures (Flying, Jump) card draw, transformation effects, cloning, faeria acceleration... basically the "everything else" color, as in Magic.
-Yellow is sac, creature destruction and rushdown, think aggro Red combined with Black. Self damage effects, topheavy creatures and creatures with Haste, Flying, Charge and Dash are common.
-Red is burn, heavy attackers, combat effects, ranged combat and RNG shit, not dissimilar from Magic but with the low-end Haste effects given to Yellow.
-Colorless is colorless, all the miscellaneous effects that don't wind up in Blue wind up here. Lots of generic effects that you pay slightly more Faeria in exchange for not having to worry about specific land costs.
The boardgame element means there's almost always an opportunity for you to outplay and outskill your opponent even when RNG isn't on your side.
I would be interested to see you explain how any of those things are objectively bad.
Its fine. It has all the complexity of paper magic and a decent UI (unlike mtgo). The only problem are the fucktards that take literally 5 minutes to finish their turn, every turn.
The saddest thing is that Hearthstone has actually had more deck variety than MTG standard has for quite some time. Hearthstone has had viable exodia/otk combo decks, control decks, mill decks, aggro and mid-range while fucking vehicles and the shitty design team have made standard horseshit.
Modern is still good though and has way more variety than HS and is super super fast which I like but my friends only ever want to play Commander.
Don't play standard. if you absolutely must play with only recent cards then just do Limited
never because magic is garbage
>Sure there's a degree of RNG like every card game
Why add more tho
>having colors at all
Shit game senpai.
Make a pubg version of Shandala
It's not irrelevant, it definitely lowers the win rates of the best players. Not enough to keep them from being the best, but it does. It's also just outright unfun. Nobody ever felt excited because their lands were drawn in the right order, but plenty of people have been crushed by the misery of mana screw. Lands are a bad mechanic that no one would defend if it hadn't been there from the start.
it's not fun to do nothing half the game
Nah, colors add superior complexity and a layer of consideration to deckbuilding beyond goodstuf.dek, without reducing it strict arbitrary divisions as in Hearthst*ne "classes." Rather, games without colors are for children. is the ultimate magic game
>Force of Will has the best resource system ever
>it's irrelevant weebshit
Yellow rush can be hitting face as early as turn 2, if you're the rushdown type. If you're looking for yugioh style OTKs and 10 minute full-deck combo turns, it is true you will not find much of that in Faeria.
As somebody whose first card game was hearthstone, this game taught me why bigger decks make for a worse game. And why lands are a shit mechanic.
But I guess card games HAVE to have a ton of RNG in them in some form or another otherwise you'd immediately know whether you'd win or lose as soon as your saw your opponent's deck. At least with RNG you don't get 100:0 matchups.
whats so shit about it?
first infos looked promising.
"Freedom but not really" is a terrible design that only idiots like you fall for. If the developers didn't think of something and it turns into a problem, it's going to get nerfed, resulting in a game that is nothing but FotM OP shit until the patch rolls out.
Why are the cards cut in half? Where's the text?
>bigger decks make for a worse game
This is the opinion of a stupid person.
>nobody ever felt excited because their lands were drawn in the right order
Looks like someone's never played tron
> If the developers didn't think of something and it turns into a problem, it's going to get nerfed, resulting in a game that is nothing but FotM OP shit until the patch rolls out.
So you confirm that games with no limitations will inevitably devolve to goodstuf.dek far more than games with colors. Glad to see we're on the same page despite you being underage.
I'd rather have lands and accept that I'll get mana screwed/flooded sometimes, than have creatures that do random shit
Haha fair enough. The only modern deck I ever played was Amulet Bloom, so I was really just looking to play one land over and over again.
Colors are dumb because they don't restrict enough. You just assumed I meant the opposite.
So what, you're defending classes? That's a laugh.
lucid and articulate response m8; won me over instantly
Forgive me if I'm not terribly concerned about the opinions of a hearthbabby
Colors are a really elegant mechanic. They aren't purely restrictive, they're just trying to sway you. It's like the difference between price controls and the kinds of economic policies prescribed by behavioral economics, it's great.
Promise I'll show you my dick if you can give even one coherent argument for why bigger decks are better.
>plays magic
>doesn't play blue
Don't you want to have both higher card quality and quantity user?
How fast can you get cards?
How frequent do they do balance patches and content updates.
Higher variance. The reason to play a card game over something like chess is the desire for each game to be unique. Larger decks mean you can't rely on curving out perfectly or getting your win condition without building the deck around making that happen. Larger decks stop Secret Paladin from happening.
Looked at some FoW cards once and had literally no idea what any cards said. Even fucking yu-gi-oh cards are relatively simple to grasp at a glance, but FoW cards use the most bizarre jargon on their cards I have ever seen. Probably why it fell flat, honestly.
>confirmed shit
what happened?
I don't find cantrip into cantrip into counterspell a very fun color. While monoblue isn't my thing blue in addition to another color is great.
Yeah, no. If you're getting mana screwed consistently you're just playing bad or you simply built your deck wrong.
The land system is great because it adds variety, and also depth not only in deck building but also in gameplay. It would be the opposite of fun if every game just played out the same.
I'm not talking about getting consistently mana screwed. It's a bad thing if it ever happens, because that means that you lost the game through no fault of your own. You just got horribly unlucky. It's not fun.
You're right that it adds variance, but it's not the good kind of variance. A restriction on the number of copies of a card you can run forces people to be creative and adds good variance so not every game is the same. The only variance in lands is that you either got as many as you wanted, got too many, or got too few. There's nothing interesting about that.
And it's not like other games with different mana systems all play out exactly the same. They all have high variance too, because that's how people design CCGs.
The land system is, hands down, the worst implementation of the resource mechanic of any CCG. Even Yugioh is better.
The color separation of lands is good but the added RNG to an already RNG based style game is terrible.
Now magic is smart enough to give you mulls and scry to try and fix the issue which honestly minimizes it but it's that weird question you find in a lot of games which is why have the bad mechanic if it takes so much effort to balance.
I will say as a physical TCG there has yet to be a better alternative and it's a necessary evil but Online-CCGs have no excuse. Class separation is interesting in theory and works well but there is probably an even better alternative (I recall there is some game where the lands can either become perma mana crystal or draw you a card or something)
only actual savants play mono-blue, everyone else is playing blue as a secondary color for 2/3 color decks
Agree with this guy- as a long time Magic player Faeria is probably the only digital game that comes close in terms of complexity and skill. Outside of your standard draw RNG mechanics that are inherent to a CCG it's very low RNG.
Also, the devs aren't jews and you can actually be F2P without grinding for literal years like Hearthstone.
Pretty sure the only reason they keep trying to make magic games because some exec who doesn't understand the games keeps pointing at the cash hearthstone pulls in and says "why aren't we doing that?"
Somebody like Aaron or MaRo then probably halfheartedly explain why magic doesn't really work in digital form knowing that it won't reach him.
MaRo then quietly puts away his proposal for a fourth unset or something and tells the team to get to work on another magic game doomed to failure.
yeah no, play some dimir shit and watch blue carry that shit hard
snappy and cryptic command for days
what's wrong with it? i thought it was meant to be good
Except it can work. Yugioh is also a TCG with interrupts you can play on your opponents turn (traps, hand effects) and it has always done well online.
You just need to make it fast because the average phone player doesn't want to spend that long on a match, make animations optional too like every OCCG has done since 2010.
Wizards is an incompetent group of monkeys being carried by nostalgia for old formats at this point though so I doubt you will ever see a good online version unless they get major management changes.
This, the real problem with MTG games is that Hasbro won't invest enough in them. The consistent story you hear about WotC is that they pay less than the average for the area and get away with it by hiring fanboys
>I'm not talking about getting consistently mana screwed. It's a bad thing if it ever happens, because that means that you lost the game through no fault of your own. You just got horribly unlucky. It's not fun.
I never said it was perfect. However the benefits it bring to game far outweigh the low chance of getting screwed.
>A restriction on the number of copies of a card you can run forces people to be creative and adds good variance so not every game is the same.
More restrictions is the opposite of forcing people to be creative and adding variance. It'll just reduce the number of viable decks and bring about a stale meta.
>The only variance in lands is that you either got as many as you wanted, got too many, or got too few. There's nothing interesting about that.
Have you ever play magic? There's plenty of more to lands than just getting mana screwed or not, from the concept of mana value of cards to resource management, to pretty much ensuring the variety and depth I already mentioned.
The mana system is one of the reasons MTG is popular and in depth to begin with.
Would you ban this card Sup Forums?
The benefits you describe do not require a land system. There are other ways to create a resource management mechanic. The only thing that the lands system itself specifically brings to the table is the danger of getting flooded/screwed.
There's not a single resource system in trading card games that has all the benefits I described. Mana flooding is just a consequence of them.
Why is it a 1/2? How fucking unnecessary is that extra health
>The only thing that the lands system itself specifically brings to the table is the danger of getting flooded/screwed.
This is a very important feature however. Games with reliable resources, like Hearthstone and Shadowverse, can get stale because timings become really stale. Things can literally boil down to "did I draw card X by turn X".
Lands add both variability and an additional dimension to deck building. You have to correctly balance your lands vs cards.
Meant for
There are other ways to introduce colored resource management user. Eternal does it better than MTG. Faeria does it better than MTG. Force of Will does it better than MTG.
>60 card deck minimum
n-no thanks.
because it's a mistake of a card
Which YGO, Duel Links or Duel Pro? The interactions in actual YGO can get stupidly complex with timings and triggers.
In what ways do those literal who games do it better?
you hoover over it if you want the text, you dont need it.
Its not the coloured part, its the variability. The not knowing IF you will get the resources you need adds to the depth of the game.
You can choose to add consistency to your deck, by spending spots on more lands or draw quality; or you can play risky and drop your lands to get a better chance of getting cards to help you win.
These choices just don't exist as much in other games without resource volatility.
Why don't more games use Duel Master's system where any card in your hand can be a land if you need it to be?
No, that just sucks. Good RNG gives you options when you don't get the perfect draw. There's no way to play around getting fucked by lands.
I forgot I had beta access. Should I not even bother installing?
I dunno moron, maybe you should go look them up instead of arguing about something you're apparently completely ignorant about.
But it's good.
So you're talking out of your ass and won't bother to actually back up your points? Glad to know, mouthbreather
Rosewater did a podcast about this awhile back. What they took away from it was that it made the game too predictable.
But there are, you just have to add them to your deck. I also do not see how getting no lands in Magic is any different than drawing a hand full of high cost cards you cannot play and getting run over in Shadowverse or Hearthstone.
You've fully admitted to being ignorant of any other mainstream mana system, I'm not going to waste my time teaching you. Arguing from ignorance is insulting.
Are Hearthstone and Shadowverse the only other resource management system you know? I'm so fuckng tired of this. Just fucking kill yourself.
I think MTG Arena is really awesome personally. Do you have any constructive criticism for MTG Arena?
Eternal decks are 75 you retard
Maro's opinion is pointless because he doesn't have the option to say that MtG does anything wrong.
Why was it confirmed shit?
If you tried to form an actual argument beyond
Then maybe we could have a discussion. I pointed out two of the biggest digital TCGs as a baseline, if you want to point out some successful model in another game which is better than go for it. Just don't whine like a bitch k.
Is this a 1 mana planeswalker?
What system?
What kind of decks are you guys using? I've built a horrible red/white dinosaur deck. It's a bit poo, but pulling out last minute wins with enrage antics is loads of fun.
I think the Dragon Ball Super card game does this