Can something that looks THIS good even run on consoles?

Can something that looks THIS good even run on consoles?

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Can't even fucking run on this....

>They withheld staff wages for months and closed a studio to make this

yes for less than 1/3 the price too
don't get mad tho pillsbury

>overexposed sky
stop doing this.

its been in development for 4 years

at 600p maybe

makes it more atmospheric tho

no, it really doesn't.

What game is it?

Why do they have the same fucking guns in every game? That's the same revolver that was in 4 and I guarantee the assault rifles are going to include the AK47, the FAMAS, the MS16, and the STG90, the shotguns will include the M133 and the 1887, and the sniper rifles will be the SVD and the M700

that's not hunt: showdown though
hunt: showdown

Make your own game then you can include whatever special snowflake guns you want to. Until then STOP BITCHING *drops mic*

That's not Far Cry 5. It's the new shovelware trash Crytek just dumped onto Steam early access the other day.

>that's not hunt: showdown though
Yes. I know.

W-What are you talking about?

>*drops mic*
I supported you until then

Yes it does, it works very well in Hunt, that's why Worth a Buy said it's one of the best games he ever played in terms of atmosphere

Oh, the compass and symbol at the top left fooled me. Looks like the bayou too, now I'm even less interested

How do I edit my post?

then why would you use a different game

You don't think it would be nice if shooters used something other than the same pool of 10 rifles they've been using in nearly every game for like 15 years?

>that's not hunt: showdown though
Are you a fucking retard?

damn, I need to get 4k monitor

>defends another rehashed shovelware far cry game
>shits on Crytek
>he doesn't know

>mixed reviews on steam

By posting your cock, only then can mods edit your post

Not every game has to appeal to what you like

Are you using different games to show why showdown's sky is bad

>3% away from positive

Also that's the Nagant Revolver, the one in Far Cry 4 was a Webley

Because it doesn't run on even the best hardware, the servers don't work, and if by some miracle those two issues don't prevent you from finding a match, then you're likely to encounter numerous gamebreaking bugs and crashes. Beyond that, the game is literally just Evolve meets PUBG.

Hes just a dumbass who thinks literal photos of sunsets are a good skybox for every game


It's nothing like Evolve retard

not the name user but;
1. I agree with you
2. I find that a bad thing, evolve was good

Evolve was good for 5 hours

then how did I have nearly 100 hours on it

You like eating shit

This is a 2007/2010 game engine + some mods + reshade.

I'm getting the feeling that you didn't like evolve

So? Does it run on consoles?

>Looks this good
>Boat doesnt have reflection
Get out of here. It's shit.

i played for 16 hours, then it got boring af

>Objective is to wander around the map looking for glowing clues to track a boss monster

Yeah ok shill ;^)

I'm getting the feeling you were bad at evolve

>small detail

what's good for you then

To prove a point.
Bloom and blur graphics =/= atmosphere.
Actual sky > white plane

>Can something that looks THIS good even run on consoles?
We'll find out at E3.

>overexposed sky
Confirmed for not knowing a thing about photography and how dynamic range works

The sky is bright but theres no clipping occuring and the gamma takes care of it. It's desaturated as bright light would be in the sky.

If it was overexposed there would be terrible yellow banding that occurs here , Which happens when your lighting is mapped to RGB than actual realistic dynamic values.

>boss doesn't run around the map
>can't play as the monster

Is every game with monsters and a boss now an Evolve clone? Monster Hunter World is an Evolve clone now too then!

>muh purple sunsets
Pleb, I bet you listen to synthwave too

this is a 2007 game, all vanilla

the night maps look better and if your main complaint is how the sky looks....

The sky is literally fucking WHITE in the OP image. Your autistic pseudo-analysis and RL counterpart fallacies don't change the fact that it looks like shit.

There has been Hunt threads non-stop since seconds after the game got released, with the same opening thread, with the same screenshots and webm save for few

way too obvious.

Your eyes aren't cameras.

Space Engineers has reflections

No its not vanilla

For you. I like it and it's more atmospheric than gay ass photos of generic sunsets.

You can see in the image that youre incorrect as the sky only turns into true white around the right, only easing into it through greys purples and blue tones. It's a mellow bright colour but not white. If it was overexposed, it'd be CLIPPING completely.
And you are correct, but videogames and computer are capable of rendering dynamic ranges that far exceed the amount of range the human eye can even process.
Therefore it can render scenes that are ridiculously bright and still tone the contrast down to reach a mellow calm level without obnoxious clipping.

Old games used to have a terrible clipping problem, it seems to be less evident in recent games because lighting engines are becoming better when it comes to dynamic range, exposure and gamma.

so has hunt

I'm not the original STALKER poster, but yeah, I think what they did for the night looks like shit compared to actual work.

True. The sky is usually a low saturated cyan blue, it's only that bright because of the sunlight

that looks terrible...

You mean because its dark and you cant make out any details without actual light?

Then yeah, vision at night is terrible.

How can Crytek even afford shills if they can't pay their own developers?

>he has an AMD GPU

When will you fuckers ever learn? Games aren't poorly optimized for your cards, your hardware is just shit.

Because that moonlight is way too bright yet you still see nothing

If it was lit like a goddamn 2007 game, it'll probably look like yellow puke like this.

OP's image shows theyre working out a good compromise when it comes to dynamic range.

You realize gun manufacturers lobby/sponsor for that stuff right? You have any idea how many fat kids bought COD gun civilian models like SCAR etc? It's big money advertising.

They need this to be somewhat of a success.

Meanwhile all the major streamers have stopped playing it.

It's run its course. For a Closed Beta.

Now it's 'early access'.

It's a joke of a game. When a streamer with a gtx 1080ti experiences frame drops, you know the game is shit.

It also looks bad.

>>Then yeah, vision at night is terrible.
not with that much moonlight. the surroundings wouldn't be pitch black realistically

Looking at OP's screenshot I feel like graphics haven't evolved since 2013.

>clouds literally turn white at night bcs of moonlight

Homefront Revolution and Kingdom Come used the same engine and have large open world.
So yes, it technically can.

>it also looks bad
>posts the glitcher

but the little amount of vegetation there was in homefront looked ps3 tier

even a game that was originally meant for the Switch looks better


uhhm no sweetie, it doesnt

Those use an old version of CryEngine.

Kingdom Come looks like dogshit on consoles.

What game?

This. The game is shit and completely dead. Crytek is desperate, I think this flop will finally end them.

Nice shitpost

what kind of game is this?

hunt: showdown


Shitty PUBG clone with AI zombies wandering around the map.

Who said what? Fucking kill yourself.

>not knowing based worthabuy

Bet you watch dunkey

Its better than PUBG tho

I'm interested Brad. How much is it?


because you can shoot other players?
because you can also shoot other players in teams?
I guess CoD and R6 are also PUBG clones by your logic

You lied to me. It's 29.99. it looks neat though.

stalker looks better than it.
if the people that made stalker would just make stalker 3. it would btfo of everything.

fucking wasted

I don't understand why everyone says this game is so good. Everything about it seems like a 12 year old put it together.

>buying the Sega of graphic cards

These shills are hilarious. Pathetic. But hilarious. Love the reek of desperation.

>Stalker 3

They never even made 2. One of the greatest shames in gaming is letting this series die.