so uh
when exactly do I get a chance to attack when he's nearly dead?
Monster hunter
When you're not in immediate range of his attacks
How boy I get to do another investigation and look for 50 footprints to continue the story.
You have to make your own openings. Adapt or die like a bitch
Please move this thread to /vg/
Hope he does the headslam, not even kidding.
It's really silly how he goes from pathetically easy to a total coin toss.
I noticed that. I got him near death without a problem but after that he becomes a vibrating mass of rape and I kept having to knick at his feet and run for 10 minutes. I'm a GS user.
For some reason Elder Dragon's became hard as fuck near death. I don't know if it's nerves, placebo or actually programmed but it's really annoying.
Flash Bombs
Tried that and it just makes him unpredictable and fly across the area, and when you get near him he goes the other way. It's a pain in the ass to catch up to him. He also seems to be immune to traps.
When you see an attack coming and know he's going to wiff it if you move slightly to the side like he so easily does.
When you dodge a move like the headslam that he follows up with the spikes.
When he runs out of stamina.
How are you even having trouble finding an opening? Not even 'it's casual' memeing, I mean, he's relentless, but you have to have at least learned how to play to reach him.
Yeah? The only one I really noticed that on was Kirin. The others had me wondering what the hell the point of Elderseal even is.
How about fuck off you goon
Fuck blue rath, that monster is a piece of shit, also fuck xeno that shit has way too much HP
You don't. Enjoy your Stunlock Cheapshot Simulator 2018, OP.
Please move to /vp/
>has way too much HP
Sums up monster hunter pretty well. Most are pretty manageable solo without the multiplayer HP bloat but some (like the elder dragons) can just fuck off.
I think every monster becomes a bit more twitchy towards death. Just most are easy enough already where it didn't matter
Sorry Sony stole your exclusive franchise
>multiplayer HP bloat but some (like the elder dragons) can just fuck off
>join a xenojiiva SOS
>cart within the first 5 minutes
>immediately disconnect
There should be a way to rank people by how many times they've been carted
Haven't experienced that yet, I exclusively play offline but I'm going to a friend's place next saturday and he wants to play.
>any monster who won't stop flying
>not a little bitch
Flashbombs make a lot of wyverns little babies.
Xeno is the final boss and is huge, so being a bit of a HP sponge works for him.
As long as you are not doing something stupid like trying to grind his full armor set or multiple weapons that need his parts.
Nah, he's not hard at all just too long and boring
>Use flashbomb.
>Get two hits in, monster flies again.
>Use two more flasbombs, four more hits.
>No get to crafting more flashbombs while you have flying cunt up your ass.
No matter what, overly flying fuckfaggots are annoying.
Though the ones I hate most are the monsters that fly when you have weapon out and then get to ground the moment you put it away to use a flashpod.
I didn't say he was hard. What part of my post said that he was hard. But he has lots of hp.
Flash pods faggot. Learn to use them.
Have you bound the craft flashbomb action to the action wheel?
is there even a reliable way to dodge the headslam? i always fucking die from that
Kushala was a fucking nightmare near death. Met for a final clash at the summit and the entire area is engulfed in wind and tornadoes. Teostra just feels like he goes on way longer than he should. Nerg freaks out. Every one of them except for Vaal changes the fight up pretty hard if you let them retreat and it's really stressful sometimes
The one with a needle toss followup?
Do both of the rathalos types drop ruby?
What's that ? ...... you're preparing an attack ? well let me create a giant tornado and hide in it
>when exactly do I get a chance to attack when he's nearly dead?
oof you have to make an opening with an item or be patient also death rage nerg does not follow attacks with the huge belly flop anymore but the mini dive bomb so unless you have any of the evade skills its over.
Now go solo the Azure arena faget
Of he knocks you flat on your back and think he's going to target you again, DONT PUSH ANY BUTTONS. You are completely untouchable when sprawled out. I honestly believe Nerg has an intended strat where this is required.
>tfw they removed the cart stats
how can I notice shitters now?
But I never stop attacking him?
World Kush can suck my dick. I wasn't a #flashboi until I faught him. I hope that piece of shit rust's up and dies