Any game worth a shit coming out this year?

Any game worth a shit coming out this year?

Into the Breach
Pillars of Eternity 2
Banner Saga 3

Red Dead Redemption 2

I want to say Bannerlord, but those fuckers will prove me wrong this year too.

>Open world trash
No, thank you

SCP secret laboratory is the best game I've played in months
and it's a free to play unity game based off a writefag website that's mostly cringe autism shit

says a lot about the industry right now


Cyberpunk 2077, Kingdom Hearts 3, Code Vein


SCP is cringe and your game looks like shit

>Anime trash
Opinion discarded

You're on an anime imageboard

Death Stranding

but it's still the funnest game that's come out lately.
everything else is trend hopping shit, esports shit, or streamer bait shit

he said coming out this year user...

butterlords 2

No, it isn't. You aren't fooling anybody. This doesn't say anything about the industry. It just says something about this image board. Glad the mods are kicking you faggots out.

I'm on a video game board too, that doesn't mean I like video games.


>This doesn't say anything about the industry
the industry has been in the shitter for some time now. nothing interesting comes out anymore.

Says the faggot shilling SCP just a few minutes ago. Your taste has been discarded long ago.

name some recent good games
only things that have come out recently are shit like MSG survive and monster hunter. then you got streamer/esports shit.

all garbage

Kirby star allies soon. To be honest, it looks like such a repetition of the generic kirby formula we've seen so far, but damn if the ability combining doesn't look sweet as fuck.

>Monster Hunter World
2018 is already a good year and there is nothing you can do about it

These plus Soul Calibur VI, Kirby Star Allies, Bayo 3, and more.

>game about autistically spamming your mic isn't streamer bait