ITT: Underrated gems

ITT: Underrated gems.
I'll start.

You first xD


This was great

I literally got a PS3 copy of this today and was thinking about posting this thread
Are you future me op

I just wish the pc version had controller support.

Loved this game. It was rough around the edges but it was still satisfying to play. We need more third person shooters that have John Woo style gunplay.

How's the PC port?

agreed, max payne and this are all i can name. We need more.
bit of an inconsistent frame rate but it's passable.


There are a few others. Dead to Rights and Total Overdose come to mind. Both are solid games. I wish we had more games like these instead of the over the shoulder pop and shoot gameplay that has become the norm for third person shooters.


Where can I buy this game? It's not on Steam

Did you get the special edition that has Hardboiled on it? Because if not, you fucked up.

I'm playing this right now about to finish it, It's hard, but I like it

No, I didn't.
Feelsbadman, though I have seen Hardboiled before


Dark Void, Dark Sector, Wanted: Weapons of Fate, Inversion, Section 8: Prejudice.

I'd love to see games like these make a comeback and pixel shit put our to pasture for a while.

Despite how well the game was received when it was released, it's largely forgotten and underrated now.

>it's hard
Spec in stealth and martial arts, they completely break the game

This along with the sequel was brilliant.


Jet Li's PS2 game.