damage sponges: the video game
Damage sponges: the video game
I don't know how to use omnyo magic: the post
tfw you want to do an epic fight with no holding back but the boss just die in 2 seconds
sure could've used more health
OP: the faggot
t. team ninja
You have combos for a reason my man.
OP: the brainlet
>I can't into builds
More like human enemies follow the rules until they don't and fuck you.
On WOTN every human boss is a fucking nightmare because you can't stagger them and they have infinite stamina.
if the enemies are damage sponges you aren't abusing the mechanics enough
t. team casual
Any time you accidentally aggro more than one enemy at a time, just fucking say goodbye. It's so bullshit
If it's your first run you really shouldn't be having much trouble. Game gives you plenty of useable items that you can use to debuff enemies or buff your weapons without having points in onmyo. And if you're still having trouble try to farm gear for a bit, but personally I feel as long as I collected everything once and killed one of every enemy in stage I had decent enough gear.
Also try to fight/summon revenant with same weapon type as you.
I really should get around to atleast completing this game once.
spears are your friend
Use book of reincarnation and reset your body and heart to 99. It makes the game so much more enjoyable with max HP and Ki.
I wouldn’t really call that bullshit, accidents are still your fault 1 and 2 there are ways to handle these situations like living weapon, evasion and reengament and low stance
Most enemies can 1-2shot you in late game so either you kill them as fast as possible or git gud and don't get hit.
I feel like they want us to abuse the system as much as possible.
Beat the blob boss and then lost interest. It's a shame. The combat is damn fun but everything else surrounding it is the most boring and bland shit ever. Hoping there's a sequel and they try more in the level design and enemy variety.
This boss is not possible. I'm about to quit this shitty game.
It gets harder
Then I'll feel good about quitting. It's already fucking boring the shit out of me and I wish it was over. Too long, not enough enemy types, too many damage sponge bosses with OHKO attacks.
What's the easy mode build?
Ninjitsu and Omnyo don't really work until chapter 3 when you get the last dojo mission since before then, you have like 1-3 uses of damage for them
Learn to level up and not waste points. Nothing in the game was a damage sponge at any point.
>Learn to level up and not waste points.
Cool, let me just be psychic
you didn't play the game
LW build.
What did he mean by this?
If you know what weapon you are using you know exactly what to put points into, Throw in a little in health and ki and you should never have any problems
Wait till you get to Nobunaga and Yuki-onna. It's an optional fight but it's shredding my tank build.
I did that. I'm using the best armor I have. I'm using the best weapon I have. Bosses are still killing me in LITERALLY one hit. This is fucking garbage.
Should I go back and finish the game?
Last boss I fought was a ninja girl that liked running on the walls (possessed iirc). I had already been bored to tears for ~10 hours at that point just hoping the game would end but it just kept going.
but I think I'm ready to jump back in a year later.
how much do I have left after ninja girl?
>Should I go back and finish the game?
No, it's dogshit.
>how much do I have left after ninja girl?
10+ hours.
>upgrade your gear the game
Also what's with all the Nioh threads, did it go on sale again?
this game is so funnn
Coming to PC made people realize it's shitty overrated console exclusive #282931
>equips kunai/shuriken
it trivializes the fight so much, it ain't even funny
just pop em the second he lifts off and you get a free final blow
>it's another "PC gamer has a hard time playing a console port" thread
>it's a console game so it's good xddd
mongoloid frogposter desu
>only 37 hours
>user doesnt know souls type games require 130 hours before you really get into it
not really
stop being bad at the game
This isn't a Souls type game, because Souls type games are well-designed. They don't have any 10 minute boss fights with OHKO attacks.
He's honestly bottom tier of the harder bosses.
Ok, cool. I can't beat him.
>37 hours
So you're barely a quarter through it.
>narrow catwalk with big enemy on it: the video game
Fixed that for you.
Yuki Onna is my fav fight. Dark souls has nothing on these bosses
dark souls bosses are 100000x better
Uninstalled. Can't do it. it was fun for a while, unfortunately if the rest of the game is like that then I really can't care. 10 minute boss fight that can one-shot you at the very end with almost no telegraph. Cool. Great design. I'll pass.
why even fight these things