Who's still playing Isaac?
Who's still playing Isaac?
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I tried a few weeks ago after not playing for a long time. It's not fun anymore.
Me, on Switch.
I play it one or two runs almost every day
already achieved everything but it's still fun
It got boring after 1,500 hours desu
More like binding of LOSS LOL
Is this loss?
>starts run
>plays like shit
>complains about lack of dps
>blames game
He used to be good.
Played it quite a bit a week ago and uhh, was Afterbirth a mistake? Not even talking about AB+, just the "vanilla" AB. It feels like nearly every element added by it ranges from uninspired to tedious.
Everything added after rebirth was literally done to spite the players. Edmund and Tyrone hate the people who play their game and don't want them to enjoy it.
Me. That game fucking rules. One of the few modern games that I beat and still play a ton. Almost everything else is just going through the motions of beating it and moving on.
"It's career suicide for me to still be playing Isaac in 2014 or something like that." - NL, 2012
Explain The Lost buffs
I play Isaac when I'm listening to YouTube videos. It's in my "no attention required" category on Steam.
I'm still bummed that base Isaac still has not been ported for Linux. It's great and all that AfterBirth is on Linux but JUST I want to play the original base game on muh Linux too
I used to play it quite a bit but ended up replacing it with Warframe as my go to game for doing a couple of quick runs for fun.
Yes, I unlocked plat god on rebirth (by cheesing the lost), but can't be arsed to play more than ten hours of AB or AB+
I fucking hate all the new alternate floors and their music.
The game is so tedious the only way to have fun is with a DPS build.
I haven't even bought AB+ but I still play.
Doing dailies pretty much every day ever since they were implemented
>a general for all indie games
Dunno if it was AB or AB+, but I really hate the damage sponge bosses.
Also the challenge characters really made me stop playing the game. You just get tired of it. Instead of interesting mechanics you get fake challenge and then you die.
i will when they update antibirth
Is AB+ really that bad? Still haven't tried it.
My friend was ranting at me for resetting when after only the first floor unless I got something decent, or faced or any other boring, damage sponge.
He complained that I wasn't ''playing the game the right way'' and bragged how he had almost all achievements without ever resetting.
Can someone tell me what the point is? Do you people actually have fun doing that shit? Getting a really shitty build with absolutely nothing going for it and having to tediously chip away at every boss until it dies. How the hell is that fun?
I can get doing it for the challenge, but after hundreds of hours it's not fun nor challenging. It just takes a long time and I don't play games to waste time.
Yes, it really is that bad. No point in updating, unless you want to make the game worse.
There are way more annoying enemies and bosses that only serve to slow you down. They're not interesting in the slightest. Just take a lot of damage.
The new items are not worth it.
i thought about buying afterbirth+ in the last sale but found out you can only get it in a bundle now and i dont want to buy afterbirth again
I play normal runs straight, but all achievements without resetting is just stupid.
the point is to get cool item combinations. people who tell you to deal with it are people who mistakenly think isaac is some hardcore super-skill based game in the first place. This is why so many people complain about the expansions because the devs listened to these retards and figured no fun was fun
You get a discount for the price of Afterbirth when you buy the bundle. It's bundled so idiots don't buy AB+ if they don't have AB.
Wasn't some giant last booster pack supposed to come out a while ago? What ever happened with that?
>Getting a really shitty build with absolutely nothing going for it and having to tediously chip away at every boss until it dies.
I know man if I wanted to play like that I'd just fire up Enter the Gungeon.
Should be out soon.
Some runs you can get crazy item combinations later on even with a lackluster start, so I like to stick around. Plus it's good for building your core skills and not getting too reliant on OP items.
My nigga, best version of issac
Are they still planning on porting Antibirth to AB+? I swear I saw them saying for a while they wouldn't, then they said they would, then said they were planning to but it would be a while, and then they never talked about it again.
Eternal edition Wrath of the lamb is still the best version. Just flash fucking sucks
> I don't play games to waste time.
Unironically this
I only play Judas or sometimes Cain/Isaac
Every other character is just a pain in the ass.
More like Wrath of the Terrible Game Design and Abominable Framerate
Just bought AB+ for PS4 and did almost all the content already. Only thing that's missing is picking up all the unlocked items for the trophy and there are some trophies that are bugged.
First time I played I didn't know about resetting I have beaten the game with wild runs like that
Time spent having fun isn't wasted.
Pirated it.
It's... okay.
I mean it's obviously not a roguelike and the developer is a piece of shit for trying to sell it as one to cater to idiots who think they're super-leet hardcore
It's just a boss bullet hell simulator with luck thrown into it.
You get brimstone? You win. You get certain items? You win.
It's really just down to him trying to say "hey uh yeah, I know it's not balanced in the slightlest but um... y'know, y.y.you don't have to take these items, here are some challenges that are designed to handicap you to the point you just get good items"
Really it's just an exercise in tedious game mechanics. Imagine NetHack as a monk but without any skills or having the Mysterious Force constantly activate on every turn.
It's a horrible fucking game and not worth more than 5 euro honestly
I want it on Switch but the price is too steep. What's the cheapest its been? I'd get it for $20.
>it's not a roguelike so the developer is a piece of shit
Okay, dude.
Your friend is an idiot and most likely plays other "roguelikes" like BoI in order to feel "leet". Ultimately the game is designed around the first or second floors and that determines how you win and how hard it is.
Sure, I can do the last bosses with Azaael without items but at the end of the day, you're just handicapping yourself and you have a mssive handicap in that 90% of the items are completely useless
I've probably got more hours in Antibirth than I do Rebirth at this point. I play The Lost just about exclusively when I'm trying to have FUN. It's a great time waster for me, something to just listen to music and chillax.
if you don't break the game on 99% of your hard mode runs without resetting i just think you're not very good at it to be honest
play monolith instead
I have like over 2400 hours in the original, but my toaster struggles on the new game
monolith is a great game and if the thing you hate about isaac is "RNG" you'll probably love monolith. it's super fucking fair
I know how you feel. I love playing Eden but I always reset when I get shit items or some dumb shit like a 17+ tear rate with 2.xx damage (literally like 80% of the time). Shit isn't fun and its not worth wasting 15 minutes getting through the first two floors to get to a 3 red chest devil deal or getting some retard shit like brother bobby/sister maggy/betrayal/plan c.
Eternal sucks because they took the damage sponges from the new game and put that design on the eternal, also wow so many shitty rooms become worse with eternal fucks. I have all the eternal achievements so I know how shit it is
Will he do a play of that Revelations mod? Looks interesting.
I like it smoooooooooth.
I played the original with I guess WotL expansion. Why is there a rebirth, and afterbirth, a + edition, and an eternal edition? Wtf
Maybe when it's actually finished in forever.
>not destroying the boss in less than a second
why even bother recording this
Waiting for Antibirth mod to be compatible with Afterbirth+ and then I'll use my PUBG skin sales money to give Greedy Fat Fuck the last bit of my money he'll ever get so I can have it complete and play with mods, I guess.
Rebirth is a remake, with Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ being DLC for that.
Eternal edition is an update to the old flash version.
> send help
Mmm, I think it was the first time I got the punch item that has a bunch of knockback, I thought it was neat knocking ??? around so much.
>he played the Ultra Boring challenge instead of just using the console
>also the challenge characters really made me stop playing the game
nigger I literally only play the game as the lost.
it would probably require them to redo the entire mod
don't care either way since antibirth is ass
I will never get the jacob and easu achievements. Shit is so frustrating to play.
I still play it from time to time, but with Antibirth which is the only true Isaacc "expansion" imo
I had to uninstall it because I was playing it too much and not any other games.
It's way too easy to load it up for half an hour and play a run multiple times a day.
>best version
>can't even use mods
You can play the game in a shitty laptop, so portability isn't an excuse.
I've got so many achievements left to get, I don't see myself ever going for them all. I didn't even have them all in the first one man.
>pointless, self-centered, speculative, insubstantial reply
>reddit spacing
I used the console to unlock the multiplayer baby achievements and will never regret it
303 hours here
The absolute madman actually did it
actually, I just realized that the achievement list includes shit from the expansions that I don't have. What the fuck.
spooky how we both have godhead as our last achievement...
jokes on your friend, it's necessary to keep reseting to unlock half soul hearts in AB+
that can be viewed as more of a punishment for resetting too much...
Why is Sup Forums so shit at videogames? I always do blind runs or take risks, or even roleplaying runs by doing only angel rooms. And it always goes well. This comes from someone playing AB+ for the first time.
The only time i felt the need to cheese the game was doing the keeper. And the only time i felt the game was cheesing me, was during those closet small ones with a boss.
Fun to boot up every now and then to explode things.
I recently got back into it and having a good time. Just got the first piece of the photograph.
autism speaks
Two things make AB+ annoying as fuck.
Portals, which constantly spew out random enemies until they either self destruct or you kill them.
Stonies, horrible fucking things that are indestructable 'harmless' Fatty enemies that do nothing but swarm you and push you around and block your shots and only go away if you clear the room.
Bullshit when you get them both, and they appear on almost every floor.
>Do an Azazel run
>Find Ludovico Technique and Sacred Heart
After the mess that game became after that Afterbirth update, I'm not ever going to give McMillen my money.
Bugged the hell out of my runs, never trust that faggot when it comes to stability on release
Portals only spawn 3 enemies and the stone guys do jack shit, you must be incredibly bad.
I've just got Keeper Vs. Delirirum and about half of the Lost achievements to go.
Dying half way through Boss Rush as the Lost because a pink poop regenerated on top of you fucking sucks.
Its already sold millions, you shitting on it is kinda silly
I haven't touched Isaac since I bought NT. I understand why it's not as popular though, it demands a lot more skill.
The portals and stone fatties were fucking terrible upon AB+'s release and basically ruined the game, though I think they've been patched enough that they aren't THAT bad anymore. I haven't had much trouble with them anyway.
>portal keeps spawning fat bats
Nope. Unless you think the fact someone plays actual roguelikes means they're atutistic, which in itself is a sign of autism.
I never said it wasn't selling, user. I'm aware it's selling solely on the "muh roguelike" scam the devs pushed out.
It's the same with the many games copying the forumla of Dark Souls, realizing it's too difficult to implement because nab programmers so they just put in some features and people latch onto it as "the new Dark Souls" when it has a hadnful of things at best, in common