Come celebrate the day a rag tag group of virgins led by a furry tripfag and a br with 140 ping beat a well trained...

come celebrate the day a rag tag group of virgins led by a furry tripfag and a br with 140 ping beat a well trained reddit team

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brace for butthurt

i remember


>Shazbowl was 6 years ago

time for a bunch of kickass art I saved about 6 years ago

Rematch when?

To be totally honest, I dont want to see how nu/v/ would embarrass us
>Start to lose
>Stop trying and just call the other guys cucks

it would just be a scrimmage because teams are same

And risk losing?
Fuck no.


It would be reddit fighting against themselves


This is essentially what happened during Shazbowl though

Sup Forums was getting their asses handed to them at first and everyone was complaining about who picked those chucklefucks to play

The BR sniper literally turned the game around

The problem with Sup Forums today is that there isn't enough people browsing willing to be like that BR sniper


I don't suppose there are video recordings?

The stream is watching one

still in the first game if you wanna watch

Sup Forums was kind of worse back then than it is now. There was constant bans being handed out and tripfags like manlytears and quentin. Fucking constant gamestop threads and tfw no gf threads constantly. Mods were banning everybody that talked about video games and letting the worst shitposters run rampant.

>Sup Forums was kind of worse back then than it is now.
Post discarded. Didn't even read the rest

Busy right now sadly.
Watching it alone later will have to do.

How many years has it been?

6 now

Nigger, I've been posting on Sup Forums since before you could walk. Those years were a hellish time to be on Sup Forums.

nevar forget


Yeah soyspam and shitposters squatting in every vidya thread looking for an opportunity to derail is so much better

Kill yourself faggot.



>shitposters squatting in every vidya thread looking for an opportunity to derail is so much better
In 2011 Sup Forums literally every single thread was getting derailed. Console wars were still raging hot. You couldn't have a thread about any game without it derailing into console wars. And that's if you had a thread about a game in the first place. It's like you think threads getting derailed is a new occurrence. It happens now less than it used to.

If you think the soyboy meme is spam you haven't seen nothing.


Whatever you say 2016fag



What server llamas?


You don't even know what it's like to see pages and pages of duplicate threads and this was before there was a catalog and inline extensions like filters and auto refreshing.


I need to expand my Tribes folder.

2013 was worse

One of the most fun Ive had in a FPS and it was taken away and raped by Hi REZ. FUCK them I will never support their garbage

god, i love this image so fuckin much. how did reddit lose?

>old tribes general before /vg/ was invented
galo sengen..

Ego was always a bad team

Reminder harbleu is a overwatch pro now.

If we were to conceivably play another game to compete against Reddit, what game would we play?

I'd play a game with you guys against Plebbit in TF2, because it's the only game I'm decent at

Honestly, there's not even any good multiplayer games for it to take place in these days.

Mountain Blade Napoopan

its hard to believe this was like what, 7 years ago now? Are there even many people browsing from this era left?

I haven't been on this board in like 2 years. Just poooedbin and saw this lol




#nfs best team

>reddit, even are trying you anymore?
what did he mean by this?

>not enjoying le vee culture threads


I was there too friend.

but Sup Forums you are the reddit now

>not enjoying the maelstrom of shit that was Sup Forums

I bet you were glad when dubs were removed fag

R6 Siege maybe idk...

>The West defeats commies and nazis
>The West becomes commies and nazis
>Sup Forums beats reddit
>Sup Forums becomes reddit

They can't keep getting away with it.

>nu/v/ is reddits ultimate revenge for the shazbowl

that fucking 200 ping sniper saved the day

seph managed to prove that a good sniper can turn around any situation

do we need to lose against reddit to go back to old Sup Forums?

>intentionally losing

underrated post

Do you have a better idea?

why did this game have to die?

Why did they have to come back only to make it worse?

There is nothing on the market that would be worth kicking reddit's ass at.

Too much memeshit that would just devolve into shitty esports balance like Overwatch, and no one would care about a match of quake or unreal

Go fast.

zfz >monoesperts

>tribes ascend could have been goat tier multi-player game
>introduce pay 2 win elements and game dies instantly

They fucking had it all, dude. I would have gladly just paid for a full game.

Lethal League

The shitty part is after the game 'launched' (abandoned to chase the LOL cashgrab with smite) they gave us a GOTY edition that gave us all unlocks for all classes

Then they returned and 'fixed' the game (By removing classes, giving each of the 3 classes all weapon types in a 3 slot loadout, and removed all perks, but didn't fix the shit post launch maps or removed flag drag)


>Then they returned and 'fixed' the game
Out of the Blue patch is, with no doubt, the shittiest patch to ever grace a game.

Absolutely destroyed any chance of the game remaining as a niche shooter played by a small but committed community.

It singlehandedly destroyed the entire balance of the game and everything it had going for it.

i only payed tribes after its heyday and while i got my ass kicked in ascend it had to be one of the most fun FPS i had played since unreal tournament 2004

>flag drag

I had nearly forgotten. Why does everyone have a hateboner for FAST?

russian roulette, 5/6, I'll start

They already had a rematch, reddit won, funny how no one brings that up.

that's because in the rematch rematch Sup Forums won again

>That Sup Forums vs Reddit BF3 match