sleep him.


>TM17 Protect
>pass through it next turn

*Ice Shard you*

>use substitute, confuse ray, thunder wave

Go get em champ

*blocks your path

this. pokemon should be banned from this board. seriously.

Hi user! I can see you're trying to talk about pokemon!
Well sorry to say but you seem to have found yourself on the wrong board! All pokemon talk should be done over on but it's an honest mistake so don't worry!

Go fuck a cactus, cunt boy

If this is Norman's slaking, hes easy af with Blaziken
I'm a Sceptile man myself though so I get that early game makuhita to deal with him

*gets face seen by you*
What are you going to do, soyboy?


SCP thread?

*Blocks your path*

*appears in your Nuzlocke*


what where

Nintendo think they slick...

aww, poor little animeposter is mad.

*blocks ur exit*

GF is quite naughty.

"eats your pokeflute"

Wait for him to make a move, then walk around him slowly while he's jackin... slacking off.


*cuts your attack*
*u-turns on your switch-in*

"what's the hurry user?"


This shit is why /vp/ exists, and why any Sup Forums threads with Pokemon involved gets fucked up.

Fucking noober, that's a Motherfuck.


Seems to be half half. Seen them get 404'd sometimes and sometimes not.

There is no need to. /vp/ wasn't made to contain Pokemon simply because it was annoying but because Pokemon threads would often become about the anime, manga, card game, etc. Pokemon is a lot of shit but just vidya and /vp/ is a place for all that.

Sometimes I feel we need a /db/ for dragon ballbut It isn't really as varied as Pokemon

Nah, just pointing out a fact. Post whatever you want, just saying this is why these threads often get deleted.


>I'm a Sceptile man myself
my nig