RNG blades

>RNG blades
>no one complains
>Overwatch has lootboxes
>the world is ending!


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Blades doesn't cost real money.

Please search on /vg/ before making a discussion on Sup Forums

>Have to use actual money on lootboxes
>Blades are RNG but free

Real brain buster there, OP.

Fuck you, now this thread will live just to spite you

>no one complains
Except a ton of people have complained about it. Even worse they make you sit through the stupid animation every time you open a core crystal.

You naturally get lootboxes by leveling up and playing arcade.

It's almost like if lootboxes were simply a scam to help retards part ways with their money and RNG blades were just a game mechanic. Almost.

>nintendo exclusive
that's why
it's okay when nintendo does it

you're encouraged to pay for them due to the grinding requirements

Is there an official poll somewhere? I eend to know if Nia is the most popular.


>my save file was on Column 3, where Finch is absurdly easy to roll
>she was my very last rare, even after KOS-MOS

What the fuck

Also most people don't really care much about cosmetic lootboxes in overwatch either.
People didn't make a big deal about it until EAFront 2

But you never actually have to pay for them.

And you don't even have the option to pay for them with Xenoblade. Was that so hard to think about?

true, but their entire model is built around you paying for them which is why it's extremely rare to get an actual skin. They want to encourage you to pay instead.

Go to your containment board

All of the gacha is irrelevant since it gives you best boy for free.

But they cost real time
And a fucking lot
And as we know
Time is money

But everyone does complain about blade gacha.

I keep seeing this in multiple threads, is it because the scp fag autism?

Fuck off vg fag

some of the shit in xenoblade 2 is some of the biggest timewasters ive ever seen in vidya. Fuck rolling for RNG blades and fuck merc missions especially. fuck you too ursula, holy shit

How did they get away with it?
This game is a total mess
>resolution is eyecancer
>what is lip sync
>Animations are worse than me messing in MMD
>fighting is retarded
Every body got this game for animu tits. Everybody is bearing this SHIT for animu tits

>roll two common core crystals today
>get polar bear loli and hydra shoulder furry bitch

you'll be able to skip the animation in the march update

>time is money
Then why are you playing video games?

How do i get Legenadary, rare or any cores? I am on the nia rescue mission now

You're too early in the game to worry about that shit
Get out before you get spoiled


Jrpgs are a genre made for wasting time.

For fun not for grinding
I always choose easy mode and hack or use trainer if game is too hard or has retarded requirements to get certain things

You get all types of cores from monsters you kill. But even the common cores aren't very common.

It's weeb and has titties, most games like this get by with waifus.
The funny thing is that people still complain about the gacha, it just gets a pass because it's Xenoblade.

So what you're saying is that they're lootboxes but without any of the benefits?

That's not the point dipshit

actually stupid, stop defending overwatch you mongoloid

Just tell me
I dont care about spoilerz
Also i still dont get how the fights work
Someone give me a quick rundown on important things

You don't have to pay for the blades.

no, as you always get something useful. Even a blade you weren't hoping for is still useful for merc missions. Meanwhile, costmetic lootboxes are both inherently useless (especially if you don't get what you want) and can cost money.

>>RNG blades
>>no one complains

So just continue to kill monsters?

You don't, but the game is intentionally designed to encourage you to do so making it incredibly tedious to get them without doing so.

That's the problem with this gambling shit, games are designed around it. Several AAA games now have the same business models as free-to-play games, except you have to pay $60 to play the game, and are then encouraged to spend even more money on microtransactions.

I really don't have to
>Lootboxes in OW: Grind for an item picked by RNG, or buy it and skip the grind.
>Lootboxes in XBC2: Grind for an item picked by RNG
It defends itself desu

>You always get something useful
Boy I am laffin
I also wasn't talking about the usefulness of the item you receive, functionality-wise the lootboxes in OW are better than XBC2. Debate me.

I think you're in a point of the story where not even half of the combat mechanics were explained to you. Just take it at your own pace.
About cores, it's as he said Just progress through the story and you'll start getting some cores

>Debate me.
I just did but you ignored most of the post

>buy it and skip the grind

And there is the problem. The fact that paying to skip the grind is an even an option shows that they made the game tedious and grindy on purpose to nickle and dime players.

>trying to roll a common fire blade on Nia so I can get past the field skill check on tyrannotitan
>roll Zenobia

>Cores are lootboxes but without any of the benefits
>"You get "useful" items from cores!"
>You still have to grind and are subjected to RNG and will probably end up with the 500th Grey Ball Thrower

>comparing blade pulls to lootboxes
You're comparing apples to oranges, user.

So what's Xenoblade's excuse for being grindy and tedious?

>grindy and tedious
Except it's not. Go play the game.

Protip: it's the same shit

It wasn't intentional

Overwatch's tedium is 100% intentional because Activison/Blizzard are a bunch of greedy pigs

you're acting like you're ever required to grind, it's entirely optional. Also, everything you can get from a core is useful in some way due to merc missions (as I already said, which you continue to ignore)

i don't care about either.

I mean it’s stupid sure but you get plenty of great blades through stories and sidequests, I’ve only drawn 3 rare blades and have had plenty to work with. Seems like the only reason to have a problem with it is if you’re a waifufag

One costs real money, the other doesn't

I will also likely buy XBC2 at some point, while I will never buy Overwatch because I refuse to buy any game with paid lootboxes or any form of microtransactions on sheer principle because I don't want this shit to become the norm for games.

People still complain about it and I’d agree it can be annoying. The difference is the other is designed around monitozation. I’m not sure about Overwatch specifically, but if it’s anything like HoTS, you can only get a few every so often and there is a lot of stuff with low drops. Least in Xenoblade it’s not hard to get Core Crystals.

The complaint with the Xenoblade gacha is the tedious random element along with unskippable sequences involved with the repeated opening of cores. But it is a game element baked into the game one you get to ‘enjoy’ until you get all the blades (you want).

Overwatch’s is monetary. You will eventually feel either obligated or pressured to purchase the boxes when you WANT to open more but don’t have any. The vileness of the system is their coercion tactics to get players to participate in opening loot boxes. Xenoblade, thank goodness, doesn’t have micro transactions built in their gacha and also pretty much ends once you get the all the rare blades. OW boxes, while it isn’t necessary to play the game, is a blatant form of gambling.

I actually really enjoyed it and it makes me wanna go but X and 1 (when they’re probably ported to switch) it was a bit hard to get a full understanding in but once I did it was a ton of fun

My problem wasn’t with the random grind of getting blades

My problem was with the fact that you can’t fucking transfer more than three blades between drivers in a save file so I never feel like pulling blades because I’ll get a tank on Nia or a healer on Zeke

You get 5 more overdrive protocols by filling everyone's affinity chart, and you can get an infinite number from 4 star commons, of which I've got dozens.

How utterly damaged are you that you can't just use what you get even if it's not the same role as the driver's main blade?

People WERE pissed about the RNG blades, because it was obnoxious to get some of them. However, since not a single player on the entire face of the Earth, or UNDER the face of the Earth, or up in the atmosphere... or even in orbit, had to pay one single extra red cent/shiny yen/whatever their local currency is for a single one of those RNG blades made that anger FAR less substantial than the fury over loot boxes, micro-transactions, "milestone rewards", $60 games marketed/sold as a F2P/P2W model, "games as service", etc.
You sperg.

You don't pay extra on top of buying the game.

why did OP bother shitposting about something he clearly knows nothing about?

He's got no games to play.

the gacha is shit and people have rightfully complained about it from the start

XC2 wastes your time in a lot of ways though and the gacha is no less tolerable than setting up merc missions every 10 minutes and feeding blades thousands of items to get their affinity charts high enough to unlock their quests. game has some real shit design choices.

a lot of this stuff is going to be patched soon

lootboxes are for cosmetically garbage, expensive garbage the devs charge you for instead of giving it away for completing certain tasks or leveling up, remember when you could unlock stuff in Black Ops just by playing the multiplayer?
in xenoblade you get the core crystals by normally playing the game, at the end of it you'll have some many you will be swimming in crystal cores and opening them in not so much of a hassle anymore, with the recent update you can skip the core opening cutscene but i do agree more blades should be able to be unlocked thru sidequests

Did they change anything because I don't see how the game is about getting that sweet skin and not about a heroshooter. Skins are just a bonus you can get.


You're right.
Skins don't affect gameplay/mechanics

I meant their model for the cosmetics in the game, not the model for the entire game

>it's okay when Blizzard does it when they charge money for it
>it's not okay when Nintendo does it when no money is involved
talk about double standards, OP/

The game gives you multiple super-powerful blades solely through the story and you'll get rare blades if you bother trying for them at all, you just might not get the best ones. The story is easy as fuck so you don't need to have an incredible roster of blades and if you're a completionist you'll get the ones you want by farming legendary core crystals.

Then stop playing video games holy fucking shit

>Spend 3 days farming arcade matches, often with randoms in OW
>Get enough lootboxes to maybe get 2 purples and 1 gold that may or may not be what you were going for at all in a time-limited event.

>Spend 1-2 days grinding legendary cores
>Get all the Rare blades you didn't get in the main game except maybe KOS-MOS if you're unfortunate.

>no one complains