she did nothing wrong
She did nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
She killed millions
She killed herself. Was that wrong?
she was killed by the jew goat
Samefag /utg/ kike, kill yourself.
i don't speak gook languages
I will do many wrong things to his
>Korean edit of trap prostitution CG
Reminder that Chara did LITERALLY nothing wrong!
I like these threads
Let's pretend this is true.
She allowed herself to be killed by a lesser being. Was that wrong?
>She allowed herself
typical libertarian sperg argument
just like the jews ALLOWED themselves to be gassed by the nazis, right.
kill yourself, you fucking racist pig
If you do a pacifist route then she doesn't do anything wrong
Other than maybe killing herself so Asriel could take her soul and genocide humanity
But that plan failed soooo
Ultimately it's all your fault
>posting anything made by the fat faggot kike of singapore
It's time for you to go back to your containment board.
Is the full comic edited?
why's this game getting shilled so hard on Sup Forums recently?
polite sage
honestly have no idea
i like it though
a lot of the threads actually have good discussion
just not the chara ones
fucking charaniggers
but it beats wojack threads
there is no place on this gaming discussion board for fascists or racists
Wait a second...
Navel sex with Chara!
Thats not a girl
14 words
There's no character customization
The main character is always some teenage kid
There's literally nothing to do outside of combat
You have zero freedom on how to solve problems
The writing is shit tier meant to appeal to nips
Hey, Chara threads aren't as bad as goatfuckers threads!
Source reveals she has small breasts and a vagina, so you're wrong.
keep those two separated
neither deserves the other
Oh god I wanna lick her cunny so badly
only nip artists like her (because she is racist)
Most people dont draw rule 63 of boys
I appreciate tits on Chara, but they're rarely well drawn.
abortion simulator made by a tranny
Wrong thread
It's not the same character, dummy.
Gujira is a smutpeddler of varied tastes. You can even find his tanned trapsluts as real women in certain ero-manga.
I mean
this is bad
why are western artists so bad
>getting buttblasted about Celeste on a thread that isnt even about Celeste
Fucking gays
of my little soldiers
Theres just something about footjobs
>It's not the same character, dummy.
Gujira has a serious case of recycling characters across different genres and tags.
This is all awful, please stop defiling mai waifu.
>waifu (male)
I think most of us can agree Chara is a girl and Frisk is a boy.
I only post pure Chara!
Don't open that can of dicks, user.
chara is you, as in you the player, who is male. because only males played this game. but they didn't like chara. because only gays played this game, and chara is female.
what did he mean by this?
Chara speaks to you at the end of genocide. She isn't actually you, she's just inside you.
Chara is white!
The heroine appears.
that aint chara
She's gonna put a stop to her tyranny.
uh wow, racist much? #boycottNRA
>ywn never live in a nation full of people that refuse to defend themselves
Fishfuckers are ALWAYS sinners!
Post more Chara!
Just came for my daily reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
There it is. All is well.
o _
o ¯
>commandeers your thread
Would fuck the:
Snowdin Shopkeeper
Would not fuck the:
Would kill with fire:
Asriel, for being a whiny little bitch. Flowey was (is?) a cool character. Asriel is the opposite.
owl fist
>Chara is a boy
>Frisk is a girl
>why are western artists so bad
I blame alloyrabbit and supersheela desu
Can those things even consent?
tEm con can SEnT!
Does it matter?
nice bait
with the intention of killing everyone else
I didn't even realize this was an Undetale thread thanks to all the top-tier Gujira posting.
Now that it's turned gay I feel ashamed for having posted in here.
Yes, otherwise you're just fucking a cat in a wig.
That's fine too.
dumb mexican
Do mexicans not have Undertale or something?
That's terrible!
We gotta scale that wall and sneak some Undertale across the border!
Chara is cute!!!