Ps2 slim connected to youtube?

Okay I know this is a long shot, and this may be the wrong place to ask but lets give it a try.

I have a ps2 slim, is there any possible way to get it to browse the internet? Maybe from a usb loaded with linux or something?

I just want it to play youtube videos and maybe some music.

Any ideas what I need to do to get this to work?

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what did you use to post this

an electric typewriter hotwired to a ham radio hotwired to a rotary phone

yes there was a netflx disc for the ps2 in Brazil. they shut down the service about a year ago. before that you could run netflix on a ps2.

I'm on my own computer in my mancave. I just want to set my old ps2 in the living room for the kid. As my ps3 died years back, and I stopped buying consoles.

We've got a timetraveller in here!

Has anyone made Linux or some browser bootable from a USB for the ps2 slim? I'm just trying to use youtube, nothing special.

you can browse the web with linux through fmcb but youtube wont work as they've gone to html5 and you need hardware acceleration. just buy a raspeery pi and turn it into a kodi box. you can install a youtube app on it.

>youtube wont work as they've gone to html5
Hm, ok....well I had heard some used something bootable from a usb to get low res youtube, either way I'm left unsure what they did as its in french. Rather not spent more money on this project, as its either I can or cant at the moment.

Eh, what about using a usb to run linux to then run virtual windows or something?

Can't you just get a Chromecast, Roku or Fire stick?

i seriously doubt youtube will be able to serve video in any format usable by the ps2 anymore. i also doubt their html/javascript will be usable on the ps2 web browser

Get a fucking raspberry pi. theyre like 30 bucks you cheap cunt

dude just get a fire stick or a chrome stick. they cost like 30 bux

Stuff costs money, user. I'm currently out of work, so I'm using what I got for the kid.

Oh shit, sorry to read that. I don't know if you could change your ps2 for a Wii, the Wii's YouTube app still worked last time I checked a few months ago.

Its okay user, as for a trade Its not an option. I am giving the ps2 to the kid, so she can play some vidya games. Got like 9 decent ps2 titles for her age, and a lot more when shes older.

As I said, its not nessary to get online for music or videos, it just would be a lot easier as we dont have everything on dvd and cd.

Currently using it as a dvd player/cd/game console.

A USB stick is not going to magically connect it to the internet. You still need the hardware to make that type of connection like the network adapter or a mod

>is there any possible way to get it to browse the internet?
why would you?? the internet and page rendering has changed vastly since ps2 days and it would take it ages to render a page if they even render at all on a ps2.

Short answer: no.

Just do what everyone else does and give your kid an ipad

>Just do what everyone else does and give your kid an ipad

Kid has an old tablet, but the battery cant hold charge anymore. I am also trying to get her to stop connecting to the internet though the wifi (touch pad devices allow kids who cant spell use the net). I'm trying to limit her somewhat if possible. Shes 6 and for 2 years now the "unboxing" videos are getting annoying, and due to past history thats all youtube on the tablet suggested to her. CVouldnt block it either, but the lifespan of that device just got shorter from over use. I hope that explains things a bit better why i am not getting her an ipad.

If nothing else and its impossible, I'll just sue the ps2 slim as a dvd/gaming console to distract her.

Just to be clear, I'm out of work so im working with what I got. Besides, the point of it is to use the tv i have in the living room, so its a more of a "family" event. Back in my day (90's) gaming consoles brought the whole family to the living room....tablets she can hide in her room and watch them and be all anti trying to break the cycle.

fyck man, that last post took me a little far into dealing with my everyone user who replied to this thread, thanks for your time.

This may be impossible, but at least its better to know before investing more time into it.

you need a tv to do that?

you really think youtube is worst for her then videa geam?

how about an extension cord for the tablet?

> you need a tv to do that?

I got an old flatscreen tv for the ps2, thats no issue. Was using it as 2nd screen for my comptuer but it was too big and low res. Perfect for ps2 dvds though.

Does any of your tvs have hdmi?

>you really think youtube is worst for her then videa geam?

Yes. Look, I'll be real here, I'm out of work, we are not rich. Youtube suggesting unboxing videos of cute plastic shit we cant offard makes her whiny about it, her friends do the same and brag about it. Also reconnded videos may lead her away from the kid friendly unbox videos to something worse....somehow she got on a music channel which strippers...

however ps2 games....arent an issue, I played all of them front to back, I know the content is okay for her age. The internet however, is always a mixed bag and I cant hover oevr her 24/7 for that.
>how about an extension cord for the tablet?

We tried that, sadly she yanked on it by accident and now its too lose to work if she doesn't hold still. Shes 6 soo thats not happening.

Yes, the TV has HDMI, its an old flatscreen.

I see my point flew over your head.

PS2 linux is a thing but It's nowhere near strong enough to run youtube. You might be better of trying to hook up the tablet to the tv or fixing or getting a new ps3

Man I didn't expect so many feels from a weird tech support thread. You sound like a great dad OP
And you have exquisite taste in cat pictures

Load Kodi on a firestick or some other cheap thing like a pi. A pi you can load games on too. free tv movies and games for ~$25

Google chromecasts are like $20.

Take your kid to the fucking library you fag

Don't know if it's possible, but if you want to bring everybody together you might try D&D or some other pen and paper RPG. Let her make a character. Kids usually love using their imagination like that, right? Also, it's free.

OP, you might try the Steam Link. I bought this damn thing for $5 and it is without a doubt the best vidya investment I've ever made. You use it to mirror your Steam-connected PC to wherever you plug in the Link (in your case, the living room TV). I know you said you're out of work and obviously you'd have to pay for the Link, but it's on sale a lot. Otherwise I'd go the boardgame route.

>Man I didn't expect so many feels from a weird tech support thread. You sound like a great dad OP
Thanks user. I didnt expect it to go into that direction either. I'm just trying to be the best step-dad I can be. I would have just let her have the n64, but ps2 is a dvd player as well and its controller in better condition.
>Don't know if it's possible, but if you want to bring everybody together you might try D&D or some other pen and paper RPG. Let her make a character. Kids usually love using their imagination like that, right? Also, it's free.

Funny you mention that, the wife and I where thinking about dnd when shes a bit older (thinking in about 8 years), right now she just turned 6 today, so we got some time to go before she can handle it.

>Take your kid to the fucking library you fag

Why? We have computers in the house, I am just trying to use the living room space as a room for a better family experience.

look in to free mcboot tutorial
and download some games up

Even this fucking cat knows you don't put pineapple on pizza.

and what was your point user?

Shes 6, she bores easily of board games we played a ton of times and her toys. My wife was agaisnt a tv, since she dislikes cable...but after sitting on the couch for the first time in years with all of us watching a dvd, she said I made the right choice.

We need something to distract her and be a family thing where we dont have to be hover parents over. Either way, i know a tv isnt the end all be all, but working with what i got here, it engages her, and for a 6 year old thats enough for now.

You sort of get my point I guess.

The cheapest consoles that can do this are last generation ones. PS3, 360 or Wii. I'd recommend the Wii, which can be had for like fifty dollars now. Also, if money is an issue then the library is a good suggestion from the other user. It's a good, free alternative to Netflix for DVDs.

As I said before, my wife hates cable and we both havnt watched it in years. Ive been doing all I can for this kid, but at her age I understand as I remember being her age and being board out of my mind before my first gaming console.

I just dont want that experience to be in her room alone, I want it to be in the living room where the whole family can experience it and be social. Gaming is just a tool, and I plan to use it wisely.

>Also, if money is an issue then the library is a good suggestion from the other user. It's a good, free alternative to Netflix for DVDs.
I pirate most child movies for her already, I have a computer. I just want to move t he movies to the living room and out of my mancave.

Dvds are cheap enough, ps2 is a cheap dvd player and we find some gold at goodwill in dvds sometimes. So that isnt a problem.

I have a ps3, but it bricked on me after a few years (hence why i stoped buying consoles and focused on pc gaming).

The wife and I talked about a wii due to a past comment, and it may be in the future but atm, I just cant afford to spend money atm. Besides, last thing i need is her swinging the controller around, she already cant sit still for long to start with....rather not encourage that behavior.

Maybe he has a slim, which has the port built in.

As it is, in theory it's possible. But I don't know if anyone ever did a Memory Card mod for Linux to boot from. I know there's FreeMCBoot that will load games from the harddrive with a memory card modification. But I don't know if that's an "operating system" like OP wants.

Get a thinkpad, x220 or x230, bolt it to the desk, hook it to tv, install gnu/linux, install emulator, plug some gamepad, if in the future your kid need a laptop unbolt it from the desk.
But we are talking about $200. It's still infinitely more usefull than a wii though. And no, it doesn't have enough power to run ps2 or wii emulator. Older PC game is good to go. I play civ v on x230 occasionally.

If you're looking for a all-in-one, you're not going to get that with a PS2.

However if you can swing a Roku or something, you could use that for a media center function.

>Maybe he has a slim, which has the port built in.
I do have a ps2 slim. I mentioned that before. i did

user, I emailed you. 6th word of the email is "tech"

Are you in prison OP

>wanting to jury-rig a bunch of shit because poor
Maybe try getting your life together first ?

>Are you in prison OP
No. I am just an our of work step dad who is trying to do all I can for my daughter.

>Maybe try getting your life together first ?
I have user, working on getting work every day, but I need to focus on the family as well. The kid needs attention she isnt getting due to us being out of work.

Hah, Your fault for stunting your kids brain.

Email me again but write your email address in the body of the email. Mailinator is retarded and doesn’t show your email. I’ll email you from my real email after that and send your kid some stuff on monday. An android tv box is just an android device that plugs into hdmi port on a can play Netflix, Hulu, Roma or whatever on them. They’re pretty kid friendly and fun

>Email me again but write your email address in the body of the email. Mailinator is retarded and doesn’t show your email. I’ll email you from my real email after that and send your kid some stuff on monday. An android tv box is just an android device that plugs into hdmi port on a can play Netflix, Hulu, Roma or whatever on them. They’re pretty kid friendly and fun

Ok, email sent
>Hah, Your fault for stunting your kids brain.
Read my posts user, I'm her step father. I didnt cause the problem. She isnt stunted at all, shes smart just doesnt like too much effort into stuff when hungry as we let her use it before meals so we can cook and just needed a way to get her kid to leave her alone early morning on the weekend. She hates it but we gotta do what we gotta do sometimes. I hope you understand that i am trying to move her away from certain media.

I emailed back from my main email. Your email was spamf right?

yes, dont post the rest, thanks

Don't let your "kid" use the internet unsupervised, unless he's over the age of 15, retard

Unfortunately my wife son already grew up, sorry can't help you user

>I emailed back from my main email.

i didnt get that yet...ill email the dummy email you gave me again if you need to.

got the email reply, i replied back. thanks user.

This, it really isnt hard


Its normally not an issue if we set her up on PBSkids or something. But sadly the youtube isnt that safe. We do keep an eye on her, but we dont hover around. Its a tool that we had to use to get sleep, but we are slowly trying to solve the problem without boring her to tears.

Its honestly, not as bad as you are thinking.

>I am just an out of work step dad who is trying to do all I can for my daughter.
Good luck OP

What a strange thread.

buy a cheap 360 or ps3.

what is wrong with the broken ps3?

It's broken.


The ps3 would randomly freeze, random colors red green blue pixels appeared on the screen at random, and a strange bit of numbers would appear on the top left of the screen when It happened.

Ended up giving up on it, after it kept doing this. I think just part of the hardwear died or something. Took it apart but couldnt figure it out. It was the last console I got...gave up after that.

I doubt you can do this OP. Seems a bit wonky if you ask me.

have you tried booting it up lately
>sound like in overheating issue

I agree, it kinda is wonky.

Last time I booted it was 2 years ago, it just froze again when I did. It might have overheated by i think the overheating killed some hardwear in it.

Atm its just a paperweight, my ps2 lasted longer than the ps3, and with online play going to pay to use for ps4, i decided to stop consoling gaming. Its just a habit i cant offard.

Ok dude, but don't tell anyone I told you this.

First, you're going to need to make sure that ps2 is level at all times. Buy a leveler if you need to, I like to put one on my hardback copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. You can buy that book too if you wanted, I reccomend it, not for this internet browsing but just in general. You'll want the one with the nice illustration on it, it's only 6.99 before shipping and that's a new copy too.
Next, make sure your controller is a ps1 MADCATZ controller, if you use any other controller you'll run the risk of accidentally running google chrome and trust me, you don't want that. Google Chrome is for pussies and nerds. If you use a ps2 controller, you'll run the risk of frying your hard drive, trust me, that's how I fried my mom's hard drive.
Alright so you've got your leveler, Harry Potter book 3 hardback, ps1 MADCATZ controller and PS2 Slim. Ready for the internet yet? Yeah, thought you'd be. Well NOPE. You need a LAN cable too you dingus, PS2 slim's were designed to really cut the shit, even the wireless-fireless capability (wi-fi-ca) so unless your PS2 is sitting on your router(which I advise against, it should be placed on Prisoner of Azkaban) it won't even pick up a signal. So slap that LAN in the router and stick it SLOWLY into the back of the PS2 in that order.
Okay, almost there, this is where it gets tricky and it's a big secret us hackers only spread to a few in the group, next you need to purchase Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess for the Nintendo Wii.
You'll be putting this baby in your PS2 because when Sony products read Zelda it shoots out electrical signals that boost internet speed, this part is optional but it gets you a download speed of up to 4MB/s.

Well, you're ready to go man, just don't browse porn or else it will mess up the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and replace Midna with Daxter from Jak & Daxter.

Ok everyone, its late. I needto get up early tomorrow so I gotta go now.

Thanks for your time and replies. Goodnight.

can confirm for OP, worked but can't load runescape.

If you're still here user, I found this from a quick search:

Supposedly you can run Youtube from a PS2 slim with it, but I didn't go to far into it, so I'm not sure how it all works.

Hello fellow Brazilian