Filename thread

filename thread




is he deead

Not only did this guy die, but he actually only fell about 15 feet. Theres a landing/balcony below him.

Some sorta competition, btw.


omg did she dieded







it ain't the fall that kills ya

Both are technically right this time.

Alternative title
>Ghost Trick

>that bald guy with the goatee
Is that kamiya?


Why did he back away from the girl? Is he a gay?



Why does he keep fucking moving it


Classic. I have no idea why this shit is still funny to me but it is.


That looks good.

>Using advanced techniques on a basic skill

Past 15 feet can yes
You have a 60% chance of just getting fucked up falling that high

>Kamiya smiling.jpg


To stop it from sticking to the grill... have you ever cooked something in your entire life you underage retard?

Pullups are the one exercise every self-respecting male should know how to do.



why does Sup Forums hate this movie so much anyways


Good thing I don't have any self respect, then again I don't go climbing buildings either.

Needs a filename, please assign it one


this is what I want to be raped and hospitalised by.

Does climbing trees count?

The phrase means it's the impact after the fall that kills you, dipshit.

ah you son of a bitch

I swear to god I'm never playing ghost trick because Sup Forums just went and spoiled it within the same thread I learned it existed.



it's still worth for some of the gameplay parts imo, just emulate it or something.

it would actually be better as a gif since you can't skip ahead

Sorry mate, I wasn't born into such prestige to have a fucking chinese wok in my gigantic fucking kitchen.

Useless Blue Magic

you don't get fucked up from falling, you get fucked up from hitting the ground.

That's sadly a risk of filename threads, user. I'd recommend playing it anyway, the twist in that pic is a tiny detail and the journey is the fun part. The characters are fun and the graphics are super stylized with great animations. It's a puzzle game so you can't really spoil the gameplay.


>installing skyrim mods

man has it been that long since we stopped using numale?


I wish I'd look this good in speedos.

Bullshit, you don't need to push the bread around that much. Also, that's a disgusting amount of butter for a grilled cheese, no wonder it slipped right off the plate.



Fuck off Chef is a great film


I cooked grilled cheese when I was ten years old, user. We had a non-stick pan and I was always told not to move the grilled cheese until it was ready to be flipped or it wouldn't come out as good. If my mother's instructions were actually false then I apologize for being taught wrong.





don't talk to me or my sonic ever again



I miss Launch


I didn't first see the game in a filename thread. It was a hidden gem thread. When ever this game is mentioned on Sup Forums people encourage others to play it while also posting spoilers because they're retarded. Like serious the autists on Sup Forums are bad about that. No I don't want to play your favorite game after you SPOILED IT.

are u fucking stupid goku black in in dragon ball super


Oh. In that case user was a faggot and I'm sorry he made you not want to play the game.


That faggot is both right and wrong.

It's true that he's doing that so the bread doesn't stick, but it's not the motion, he's using the bread to butter the entire surface which is why he's also spreading a disgusting amount of it onto the bread itself.

Also, if you think that's disgusting, the secret ingredient to make the best Grilled Cheese sandwiches ever? Mayo.


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I love Echoes but yeah.

this is why i dont buy 60 dollar games.

Falling doesnt kill you, landing does.

anime is retarded and so are the people who watch it


okay, I'm a faggot, can I get sauce on this animu

What do you watch?


Rokujouma, it's a fun comfy harem so know what you're getting into





better anime

yeah you should never watch a single anime, they are all bad


I mean I've been lifting for years but climbing is different from a pull up. You have to use your finger tips instead of a good grip and pulling yourself over the wall is harder than doing a rep for a pull up. Muscle ups are probably a better equivalent

>your son has problems
>instead of telling him your wisdom
>instead of being someone he can vent his frustration on
>instead of fixing him

>Even ancient africans knew greeks were raging faggots
