Underrated games
Underrated games
Oh good! I love shit posting threads.
the marketing surrounding this game was so fucking gay
>sjw white genocide propaganda
Right here, BUDDY!
Anti nazi is anti white!
Didn't buy it because a 12 hour game isn't worth 60 or 30 dollars. It looks fun enough, despite neo nazis getting triggered by a 20+ year old series about killing nazis didn't remove the nazis/make them good guys
>no woman will ever do this to you
feels bad
it's just a bad game. the first one was good.
My understanding is that it's good, just not as good as the first one.
Also first one is better than doom 2016 :^)
Yeah I'm sure it was because of killing nazis and not because they made the in-game space turbo nazis comparable to drumpf supporters with shit like "make america nazi free again"
It was underwhelming as hell.
The gameplay was good, but the pacing and time between cutscenes wasn't.
Also TNO's story was great, and had a perfect balance of dark serious tone and goofy grindhouse shit. TNC is just retarded whacky exploitation silliness with really obnoxious new characters and old characters flanderized to hell.
The DLC is fine since it has less bullshit and more action.
It's great, but the pacing is whack. Like, unless you decide to fuck around with Ubercommanders, you're gonna fly through the game.
Nothing in game even remotely compares to how loud and annoying the marketing is. And the matter of the fact is, if you take a Wolfenstein game to fucking face value, you might be retarded.
It didn't get hate for nazi killing, The New Order was great.
It got hate because its marketing played poorly on modern politics, and its so-called diversity additions were painful stereotypes including blaxploitation caricatures.
TNO managed to have plenty of cast diversity without being awful about it.
Sup Forums-types hated the first game too.
I can't remember a single shred of hate TNO got beyond "the gameplay is mediocre" here, back when it was released.
Well that and megatextures.
>made them comparable to trump supporters
Didn't happen. Also retarded to believe the game was fundamentally changed months before release, or was made in less than a year starting after Trump won
>Make america nazi free again
Still never understood the issue with this phrase. Also not anywhere in the game.
>characters set in the 1960's acted like blacks do in the 1960's
>a series that has always borrowed from grindhouse style film and the like isn't super realistic
>reee its diversity forcing because why would a black person be in America in the 60's
Why sugar coat your real reasons so much?
>I can't remember a single shred of hate TNO got beyond "the gameplay is mediocre" here, back when it was released.
Because that was prior to Sup Forums taking over and before neo nazis became the primary base of Sup Forums.
is anyone still playing that? I'm thinking about getting it.
That's absolutely true
I was not a fan of NuDoom
What a disappointment
more like failed games
Sup Forums is my main board and there was only a minuscule amount of complaining, both on Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
100% factually false newfag.
>reee its diversity forcing because why would a black person be in America in the 60's
You're projecting a lot. As I said, TNO had plenty of diversity and it was great. J was great (for obvious reasons), the Russian was great, Max fucking Haus is great. The polish cripple wearing super advanced Jewish magic armor was great.
The difference was they had their roles without being obnoxious stereotypes, while still fitting the feeling of the era that the game takes place in. Meanwhile the new cast of characters in TNC are just plain unlikeable, commentary on American society or not. And the game's treatment of previous characters (Anya) was ridiculous and stupid, including BJ, who was missing a large part of the warrior poet characterization he had in TNO.
Also not the other guy, but "Make America Nazi Free Again" was a hashtag used as their PR and was directly mocking "Make America Great Again".
I really think you're trying to find a fight that doesn't and didn't exist, my dude.
>Didn't happen
They openly admitted it was because of the changing tides of the modern world. Also the lead up to the election and events in European politics were happening during the development times. Make american Nazi free again pissed people off because a lot of people get called Nazi for moderate beliefs, the word was overused by the far left.
>Nu Doom
Sounds like a SJW game.
I thought that wqs tom brady in the thumbnail.
it is.
it even has a non sexualized empowered female.
most gamers are national socialists, they're tired of this shit
I won't go that far, but anti-SJW for sure. Hence this games horrid sales despite heavy advertising and early discounts.
the taste of a liar
There's a pretty thin line between anti-SJW and pro-national socialism
the game made me think
>didn't happen
official twitter refrenced trump's comments on Charlottesville by saying "These are not good people" in a tweet referring to the nazis in the game. literally saying trump suppoerters are equivalent to nazis.
I wish I could like this game, the cinematics are top notch, but the shootan is just to bland
This was so fucking great. What happened with old colossus? Not taking politics, but the level design, enemy variety and everything else seemed like such a downgrade
You fucking retards know this is a promo from new order and not colossus right? Why is Sup Forums such a retarded hivemind?
Spending your night falseflaggin on v is more pathetic than just posting
>neo nazis getting triggered by a 20+ year old series about killing nazis didn't remove the nazis/make them good guys
niiiiiiiiice. Everybody who doesn't like it first must prove they're not a real life nazi, is that it?
They did. Hard. It's funny because like this dev from warhorse says, you couldve actually criticized the game for its faults, but autistic drones want to use it as a platform for "political" whining
>this is a promo from new order
If you actually played either game you'd know how dumb you sound.
>Some rando forum poster named Eyestabber says thing
>Wolf II flops
>nazis are mad because they didn't take out nazis
You're hysterical. Irrational hysterical and hilarious hysterical.
National socialism is very very specific. But I guess in this age of the "post nation" statist all nationalism is national socialism.