Do you miss him already?
Ready to say that MGS5 was a masterpiece?
Do you miss him already?
Ready to say that MGS5 was a masterpiece?
delete this
Kojima will never top his PS2 games. Everything since then has been disappointing.
Silent Hills gave me hope again but I'm not holding my breath for Death Stranding.
oh nononononon
delete this
Who dis
I'm really glad someone decided to derail this extreme shitposting with even more extreme shitposting
>tfw dicklet
r/aznidentity and asianmasculinity BTFO
it's ok, you'll never get the chance to show it to anybody anyways
>scp deleted right away
>this still up
Doing god job you mod faggoys.
this hurts......
Choke her until she's on the verge of death, then let her breath and come back. Then proceed to cut off her fingers and pull out her teeth with pliers one by one, amputate her limps while keeping her alive and then remove her organs while making her watch every second of the procedure.
why do they delete scp?
Do you feel in charge?
>scp threads died so porn threads could stay up
well done mods
this looks so fucking fake
>her reaction perfectly mirrored mine
that poor guy
stop crying about SCP, it's a shit game
this isn't a porn thread, just some retard hijacking it
>based porn posters kill a kojima dicksucking thread before it could even begin
>not a porn thread
>kojima about to sex up some slut
Look at what he's holding, it's a thinly veiled porn thread
I approve of this.
race mixing is unironically vermin tier
kill yourself
This place is so fucking retarded, I'm sure none of you get women anyways so why do you argue so vehemently about races?
>vidya thread deleted in sight
>porn thread reach post limit
Damn, I fucking hate this place. Fuck you dicksucking mod. Ban me. You suck donkey balls.
Sup Forums
only worthless people cling to identity politics
beta white guys with chink whores is the same as niggers with fat, obese white chicks, in the end you couldn't get a proper woman of your own kind and resorted to low hanging yellow fruit. You sure are "alpha" now.
t. virgin 20 year old
t. beta 30+ year old who settles with what he can get and thinks he's hot shit
Enjoy your fuck meat buddy, just don't be surprised when people give you weird looks when you're in public with your toy.
Because people on Sup Forums aren't allowed to congregate and have fun playing videogames, we are only allowed to have retarded discussions about minorities in game, muh sjws, draw fags and shitty threads like this one.
Trying to get people from this community together to enjoy a game is unnacetable and one thread every several hours "clogs the board", apparently.
>mods trying to salvage the thread
oh you poor fools
t. 40+ yr old divorcee
>people give you looks because you are dating an asian woman
Do you still live in the 60s?
Does Sam look like a fucking dork on purpose? Is he going for the "fat Dylann Roof" look?
>Trying to get people from this community together
There's a reason most of Sup Forums doesn't do this and that's because the parts of Sup Forums that do show up when you try to do that are the really obnoxious parts that spout memes 24/7 and are just all around not enjoyable to play with. If you want discussions and getting together to play with people go to /vg/.
He uses all sorts of ridiculous outfits in his comedy shit.
He's played women too.
>Sam Hyde
Could you be any more of a stereotype?
/vg/ is a circlejerk though and the more popular threads still suffer from the obnoxious meme spouting problem
Then clearly the solution is don't try to look for people to play games with on a website infamous for shit posting.
So like a poor man's Tim & Eric?
>He's only fucking that gorg-hideous chink because he can't get laid with a superior white female
>Haha what a loser
But that hasn't happened in SCP, that is why we still do this. Yeah, there is the eventual retard, but it is no big deal to handle it.
SCP threads usually have AT LEAST 2 or 3 severs at maximum capacity all the time, that is 60 people. And that is usually just the NA servers.
Say what you want, but those SCP threads get a lot of people and for the past week I have been playing it, I haven't heard a single squeaker.
Worst I had was a 18-sounding reddit retard who kept complaining about everything and throwing memes around, but that also lasted for 10 minutes.
They actually got better ratings on their first season than T&E. They only got canceled because of politics.
based mods
t. 20 year old virgin
damn it I missed all the hot white male asian female webms