We have a new Wurm server up free to join for buyfags and piratefags
The server is once again 8ch playing as Jenn-Kellon (JK) and 4ch as Horde of the Summoned (HotS)

___Server Info:
Port: 3724
x3 skillrate x3 action timer

There is a badmin in the game making content for us to go through (im currently in a pissing contest with him, breaking into his unfinished dungeons and stealing his shit)

___BUYFAGS can pick up a steam code at G2A for $0.80 thanks to humble bundle

download serverfiles and client drive.google.com/file/d/1YOo4Dkr_ZMjVBaM932EymBUdLuCUjUxf/view?usp=sharing


to install, unpack mod loader into WurmLauncher folder, then unpack all the other mods ALSO into the same folder. if for whatever reason the (mod)folder and its properties unpacked into WurmLauncher instead of the Mods folder, then move them into it
AFTER YOUVE DONE THAT, run Updater.BAT (BATCH FILE I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH) that is in the WurmLauncher Folder

___Once youve chosen your screenname and joined the game, it will give you a popup with the option to choose a faction, JOIN HORDE OF THE SUMMONED and speak into HOTS tab or GL-HOTS tab to let us know youve arrived, we will invite you the the village of Chicago and you will teleport to our location where we can teach you the game


Other urls found in this thread:


Oh shit are we reallly doing it

whats this
a comfy autistic village sim?

Commence the comfy screenshot dump

The MOST autistic comfy village sim

Make sure to bully the sluts

If you've never heard of wurm its a terraforming village simulator with a complex magic system and hunting magical artifacts. You can be a humble peasant farmer, a knight, a necrocleric, all sort of medieval professions like tailor, brewer, fletcher.

gives you a basic idea, but its mostly about building houses and living with your bros in a monster, dragon invested, hostile occupied land of infinity chan cunts.

>the sluts
Quick disclamer. We are not erpers, we just called our smith the forgeslut.
That is all.

I still remember playing this back in 09, founding Brohalla

do I need autism to play?

Might as well post here. Since what qualifies as /vg/ doesn't mean shit.

If you're interested in blowing thousands of hours taking it easy and shit posting. Once you get in game we can invite you to our spooky village. We have a fully furnished barracks with temporary beds for your weary baby body as well as training equipment to prepare yourself for life outside the castle.

You don't need autism to play but you might as well need autism to enjoy it

Yes, you truly do.

what do you do in this game? i dont get it.

depends on what you want to do, you dont have to go full autism if you dont want to. you can be a soldier and go hunting for creatures, sea serpents, and dragons which is pretty low tier autism
this isnt a game general nor are there constant thread about the game being made either, go complain about the RoR threads if you have an issue or better yet

You need a ERP community then!

you can have some top quality waifus too guys!

It helps, the more autistic you are the better you'll fit in. It takes a special kind of autism to plan impressive structures. We're currently planning a large chapel for our godess of death libila.
You build, wage war, hunt for magic artifacts, harvest crops, mine, build ships, tend to animals, hunt troll kings and dragons and shit, raid asocial hermits living in the wilds. But most importantly make memories with new friends.

how do i romance the weapons wench?

its essentially a medieval village sandbox, build your house, town, train yourself to be a better woodsman, miner, smith, hunter, etc. its best played with a population since the full experience comes from being part of a community

suck her dick

You act like and idiot and get her to Tsun the fuck out at you

in game you devote a lot of time specializing yourself to a certain trade, and a certain fighting style (maybe a studded leather wearing plague barbarian, or a buffed out plated knight on horse back, an archer who dual wields swords or sickles.) You get titles based off the skills you train so you really become "that" guy in town even for stupid shit like puppets and yoyo's or living in a cave and going insane.

do i need a mic to play? i broke mine a while ago

Is there dungeon delving, pvp, griefing and shitposting?

This sounds like my perfect game im gonna need more info. Any webms of ingame footage?

How big is your world's population?

there usually isn't dungeon delving but on this server it got added. Everything else is there in abundance though. I'm also not even sure webms for this game even exist.

I hate to be that guy but can this game run on my 2011 mac w/ windows 7 installed?

There are currently 30 people on the server right now but it's late so that's a low number

no you dont, theres no mic system in the game either
yes, so long as the admin gets his shit together and finished the several dungeons ive found. shitposting is done all the time including but not limited to running 20+ lava spiders through the enemy village. PvP will mainly be taking place between HotS and JK but there are also hermits in the wild you can stubmle upon and kill
population hit 50 in the first week, its died down to roughly 30 consistent players on both factions and now that we are starting to get more 4ch players were hoping to bump it back up past 50

There is an active dungeon master who regularly is working on handcrafted dungeons we compete to complete against the other faction. The reward is usually rare equipment or magical spells for our faction to use against our enemies.
30 on a slow day, up to 50 when there's an event and call to arms it's a slow game you get invested to for a couple months.

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

love this shit


of course. its a java game though so its a bit unoptimaized especially since the biggest memes in the game are """Rolf-code""" and the game was also developed by Notch at one point


Any linuxfag knows if you can run this shit on it? Probably you can because its Java but still. Downloading btw

There is also a kingship system and no current crowned kings. Once our king is randomly selected from one of the chosen by an ancient snake we will truly be blessed and prepared for combat against our enemies. The dungeon master might arrange a gladiator style fight against our village champions.

When you're out exploring the world you never know what you might find to benefit your town. It's a mysterious world in wurm.

I have enough AUSMITAL to get involved with something like this.
What sort of system do you need to run it?

an existing one

>consider buying in on g2a for $0.71
>get charged an extra $4.30 for no reason
i know it's not a lot, but still wtf. pirating it on that alone.

Trying to join games crashes when i get into the server.

Did you forget to uncheck the g2a shield thing?

make sure youve got the correct IP and port settings
otherwise are you getting an error code?

I get into the server, and then I crash.

>Wurm client is not responding

are you a piratefag? did you get and install the steam emulation files? are yuou retarded and skipped the readme that came with the patcher.rar?

If you're running Windows 10, upgrade to 7, 8, Vista or XP.

yup. thanks

I installed it as directed, including the copying of the files into my wurmlauncher folder. I did not install any mods. I overwrote the files.

Grim reminder

new nvidia drivers mess with wurm, if you roll them back it might solve the issue.

i'm good. thanks anyways goodluck populating your game

RPers are the best villagers the more into it you are the funnier that shit is. *(no furries)

actually yes is probably the worst offender to running the game

wangus is gay

RP inevitably becomes faggotry, either through ERP or through online persona e-celeb circlejerk.

Our village deity libila the goddess of death, pain and butchery. She blesses her devote worshipers with power over the undead and the ability to drain stamina and health, corrupt weapons and arrows to inflict rotting wounds and buff allies.

It's possible (not easy) to build underground fortresses in the mountains and live the true dwarf fortress life.

You can't have walkable terrain over walkable terrain, or multiple z-levels. Same restriction as DOOM. So you can't really live the dwarf fort life.


Based Libila dabbing on the haters


The map has real world geographic features so to the north are frozen tundras remote frozen islands etc temperate forests below them, those turn into mountains, deserts, oasis's etc.


Ill join in a bit, let me install the game.

>that desert

Join up Sup Forumseddit
also wangus loves sucking on massive cocks until climax

Can confirm

I see the faggotry already exists.

it has its spots.



Starting to have second thoughts about this Wurm thing, since it seems you guys already have some kind of e-celeb circlejerk about wangus.

Ironic cocksucking is still cocksucking.

Can I come back and betray everyone again as a priest in protest of leadership so bad that Commie that knows not what communism really is was somehow a better leader?

no, the fuckers are just sperging in the thread because they have no social skills and want to "meme" it up to compensate

only if ur xXXbonezoneXXx
nobodies gonna hurt you user, we're all friendly peasants here. If you just wanna tend your crops nobodies gonna annoy you and shit.

You're a cool dude, as long as you don't betray us you're welcome back in my book.
Haven't heard from you for a while, Ristle.

You miss out on top tier comfy by not joinin.

what circlejerk?

Have the 0 social skill spergs instead sperg out about stuff they've built in game, rather than someone's online persona.
Sperging about building a village is the type of autism I wanna get into.

I don't wanna get sucked into a vortex of gossip, attention-seeking and personality worship like what happens on many other Sup Forums projects.
Getting sucked into a vortex of terraforming the land on the other hand is fine.

I just spent like a week grinding away at a tavern for everyone to get comfy in, get your dick in here and make something nice so the village isn't all mud huts.

Man I remember the days before Golden Valley. And then Golden Valley closing up.
And the Zoombini migration and all that shit.

Cooking was still pretty cozy, I'm still very tempted to do something with that every time one of these threads shows up.





Formerly Jock's.


So there are spiders around the village?
Don't they invade and eat crops / attack villagers?

the game isnt that complex and no, theres no immediate dangers around the village but there are large spiders and lava spiders in the forest next to us and around the map



