Our presence has been felt, Konami are trembling, but we need your support fellow Sup Forumsermins to our final push to destroy Metal Gear Survive and destroy Konami for good.
Steam reviews are still positive and we need people who are willing to buy the game, give it a negative review and then refund the game, metacritic bombing will not do, we need to send a clear message to everyone, including Valve that supporting such cancer will not be tolerated.

It doesn't matter how much or how little you play (but the less the better as to show you're not supporting the game), the content of your review doesn't even matter, it just needs a negative review.

Do what's right for gaming brothers and ensure you're on the right side of history.


Other urls found in this thread:

Nice thread user, you've convinced me to purchase Metal Gear SurviVeā„¢ for the price of $39.99 out of spite

the shills from Konami are insane. I have never seen It this bad before, they really do some shady fucking business it's amazing how people rabidly defend Konami online and are so quick to point the finger and call someone a kojima worshipper just because they rightfully said survive is fucking stupid.

>the right side of history.
Oh god it's this guy again, someone find his Steam review.

>yfw Kojima got away 200% free in the end

>and ensure you're on the right side of history
This always sounds so fucking slimy no matter who's mouth its coming out of.

I'm not saying Sony will ever drop him, but there'll come a point in the (once again) unproductive development of his new game that the costs will have made it impossible for the game to turn a profit, and at that point the release of the game will cause the (quiet) end to his career.

This is some serious cringe false flagging.

but seriously, how's the game?

I don't care if you buy it out of spite, but PLEASE even if you enjoy the game, leave a negative review, that's all that matters.

Just like your mothers mouth last night.

>but PLEASE even if you enjoy the game, leave a negative review
what the fuck is wrong with you?

I dunno, what did you expect out of a game that only exists to get more revenue from existing assets? It's more MGSV in a different flavour.


Have you not looked at Steam reviews or something?

are you retarded? mgsv turned up a great profit

This isn't about players enjoyment, it's bigger than you, it's bigger than me, it's about fixing the industry and letting developers like Konami know that these sorts of games aren't acceptable.


I wouldn't mind more of these kinds of games

Game is fun as shit, get fucked OP

Here we go again Sup Forums it's a stupid game who the fuck cares

>these sorts of games aren't acceptable.
Fun games or reasonably priced games?
I'm confused about your message.

I care, Konami cannot be allowed to get away with this.

what did konami get away with?

You'd have to be naive to think otherwise.
I mean, this is seriously just as pathetic as the kind of false flag attempts on Sup Forums. Its all just dumb satire that some moron spent way too much time posting.
Genuine discussion on this board is fucking dead.

Reverse psychology shilling?

Stealing Kojima's lifes work, firing him, and then profiting from it.

Caramel is that you

Hello Sterling, how's the hambeast of a wife doing? Plenty of dark meat in her diet?

Shut the fuck up take kojimas cock out of hour moutj for 5 seconds and realize tue IP is Konamis and they can do whatever the fuck they want. Also its a good game

Ive already put 7 hours into and i got it this morning.

Stay mad

For the last time Futasnake and Caramel are NOT the same person.

>not acceptable


This game is fucking beautiful.

ALL I really wanted was an alternative to keep some food off mgo3 going. Didn't think they would go all out and produce a bastard child of SWAT and SH2, damn

Getting tired of this shit. It was already painfully unfunny in KCD threads.

They stole their own property? How'd they do that?

Is this you OP?

I'm fully convinced this guys actually a konami shill of some sort

probably won't destroy konami but its getting panned and doing poorly on amazon and steam

Don't worry it wont

I normally don't review games but I left a positive review thanks to this post

The way I see it konami is the one that help get us metal gear solid 3 and above since kojima wanted out after 2. Hey if I enjoyed it for 40 bucks I'm leaving a good review if not it is what it is.


Survivor horror stealth

Report, hide, and ignore all shills/personal army faggots

Prove that Kojima was fired.

>Our presence has been felt, Konami are trembling, but we need your support fellow Sup Forumsermins to our final push to destroy Metal Gear Survive and destroy Konami for good.

This is cringe-tier, go do this grassroots bernie sanders campaign tier on reddit. This is painful.

how did battlefront 2 work out?

The game is doing pretty good. Hows kojimas new game?



Where's the guides?

it did worse than the last battlefront game and lost potential revenue since EA took out the microtransactions

I'm leaving a positive review on steam as we speak. People that make me cringe like you, make me vote for Trump out of spite.

Toddlers and underage faggots need to be banned from the internet.


This reminds me of 2014 when Sup Forums was overrun with Gamergate/Five Guys "call to arms" cancer just like this. Fuck yourself forever.


What exactly are you getting at with these posts?

Who cares?