>tfw, spent 30,000 hours of my life on video games of all platforms

>spent 30,000 hours on vidya including mobile
>that's 3.5 years of my life I could have used to improve myself, be more sociable, get laid, find a gf and then a wife, focus on my high school and college grades, and have a upstarting promising career instead of being a NEET with a useless business degree doomed to work unskilled labor
>tfw I'm a failure in life at 23yo because of my addiction to vidya
>tfw, so shot out on vidya that I just play f2p grinds like total war arena and spend hours on Sup Forums learning nothing

get fucked frognigger

>including mobile
You would have had some credit if you hadn't included this bit.
Also the frogposting deducts some points.

jesus dude take a fucking walk

I played a shittone of yugioh duel links but now I'm bored of it

did you not enjoy your time gaming?

Fuck man you’re not even at the point of your life where you should have nothing else to do. Did you even go to college?

Get over it you worthless redditor faggot.

I do and I work out but the problem still remains on a life wasted because of vidya. I'm willing to be people here spend more than 100k hours on vidya here. Trump is FUCKING right.

Guess you have trouble reading, guess you never went to grade school desu.

At least im not a virgin worthless neet who wasted the prime years of their lives on vidya

I just want to smell a girls ass. That's all, just a whif and I'm ok with dying after that.

Right about what? You’re the one who’s wasting your life

We all end up in the same place user.

Try to have some fun with it.

Next time read instead of asking retarded questions like if I went to college. I already said I have a college degree in my OP you rude asshole Chad.

I can't even have fun with vidya anymore. I'm suffering from crippling depression and anxiety from the realization of all the hours wasted. My 30k estimate is probably overballing the actual amount but I regret getting into hardcore vidya DESU.

Lol try to have a fun Saturday user. And don’t get too upset in your next pity party thread

Then do something else. Most people get tired of doing the same thing forever unless they are autistic like speed runners.

Multiple hobbies are a must.

It's a lot more if you adjust for the fact that they're the most important years.

>has a degree
>has a job

>I'm a failure at life

I know some of you guys don't want to see this thread but I literally have no one to turn too to discuss this. My parents tell me that I'll get over this rut but how? I've grown out all my friends after Hschool and never made any real friends in college, just class buddies and didn't bother actually getting to know them or go to parties.

I'm sorry if you guys hate me for venting but I really need to get this shit off my mind and maybe help an user out that's underage by telling him that he should reduce vidya and focus on improving himself before it's too late.

Autism: The Thread

ATM I don't have a job and have been jobless for nearly 15 months although I'm trying to find something.

Women are not worth it

I spent 19 years of my life the same way as you, decided to work out, groom, dress better, took classes to learn how to talk etc. I've had several women since then.

Guess what, I'm 25 now and all I want to do is stay home and play videogames. I'll go to party with friends and bang some girl here and there sometimes but I've had two awful relationships already and they just suck.

fpbp. Stop feeling so bad for yourself and do something with your life.

No wonder you are a dump frogfucker

It's literally your parents fault you ended up like this.

alright, I’ll bite. 1. You have a business degree which isn’t worthless, but you need to make sure you apply yourself to make any degree work. 2. You have the power to change yourself, and seem to have a good grasp of who you want to be. 3. You’re 23, not 50. You still have the time, energy, and power to make your life into more than it is. Be open to opportunity and work hard user. Sell your vidya and apply yourself to your dreams and goals.

>stop playing vidya until your brain rewires itself to make you do something else
>don't start doing something that's just as useless

If whatever else you could do in those 30k hrs were more enjoyable than playing videogames, you would have already done it and not doing this gay ass post OP. Stop trying to be a pathetic wannabe Chad because guess what Chad ends up being a loser in endgame.

4. stop whinging

>that's 3.5 years of my life I could have used to improve myself
Are you retarded? Like, actually mentally retarded? Why do people keep telling themselves shit like that?

I fell for that sleep cycle meme one that promised you could get by with only two hours of sleep per night. I imagined all the things I'd be able to accomplish. I'd imagine learning multiple languages, maybe an instrument.
Then I remembered that if I wanted to do those things, I'd just do them, and that I fucking loved sleep.

If you actually wanted to improve yourself, whatever that means to you, you'd do it. Whining about how you could've done it in hindsight just means that you never wanted to.

>Not using the gaming time to develop social skills and make friends and get laid like any other hobby
The problem is not with game, turbosperg

This. Tell your dad to grow some balls and beat your ass.

You can't get those 30k hours back but you can make sure all your future hours are more productive.

>improve myself, be more sociable, get laid, find a gf and then a wife, focus on my high school and college grades, and have a upstarting promising career instead of being a NEET with a useless business degree doomed to work unskilled labor
Literally none of this is more important than playing video games (aka enjoying your time), and chances are since you don't already have a job due to nepotism you weren't going to get a good one anyway and you'd be working at starbucks no matter what

How the fuck do you guys deal with this? I cry every fucking day because I'm so scared of getting a job. But I need it for money. I was bullied for a long time and I've come to be afraid to talk to people.

Fucking end it Bros.

No, shut up! It's vidya's fault, not mine! It's not it's not it's not!

I think it's more that you only get one life with a limited amount of time and he's spending that time on video games knowing that one day he will be old and it will be too late. His one chance to live life passed him by.

I'm not going to deny that I never had fun with vidya, because I did most of the time.

But faggots with AIDS eventually regret wasting their life getting fucked in the ass bug catchers and niggers, before dying at age of 35.

What do you do for a living? I'm guessing service industry based on your thought patterns.

>30.000 hours
fucking casuals, what are they even doing here on Sup Forums?

Sex is massively overrated. It'll never be as good as the pedestal you put it on.

Most jobs today are in the service industry. It depends on what job you have, being a technician is more enjoying, profitable and life fulfilling than being a Starbucks barista.

Everyone regrets their choices. Because all choices lead to not having certain experiences. That's life. The solution is not regret, but acceptance. Constantly feeling regret for everything you do (or don't do) will fuck you up.

Cry more, faggot.

Can we at least agree that our lives would be much better if videogames and the internet didn't exist?

Sex kind of sucks unless you're having it with a really hot girl. The kind of sex 90% of dudes are having isn't anything to be jealous of.

how do I find out how many hours i've spent playing video games? I'm 32 years old and i've been playing games since 1989

>based on your thought patterns
Yeah or because I mentioned starbucks you psych 101 fuck. I'm unemployed currently and don't want one either because I would rather spend my time playing video games than wasting my life doing shit I don't like. Too bad I wasn't born rich or connected

No, you'd just waste your time on some other vice. Stop blaming things for your failures.

Stop playing videogames RIGHT now.
Get /fit/, find a job, have sex, get married and have children of your same race you fucking useless parasites.

You're still too young to be giving lifetime advice about women based on casual dating and sexual encounters

Eh service industry material not currently being used, close enough.

There's no other vice more destructive to your standing in society than video games.


>OP from another timeline
>Still a faggot
>Got /fit/
>Fucked Stacy
>Married her and got kids
>Shes starting to get fat
>Bitch is so shallow and boring to me probably cucks me while Im at work
>Stuck in a middle management job with my shitty biz degree but I have to pay the bills
>I hate my boss
>I hate my family
>Why I just didnt play vidya and enjoyed myself when I could instead of trying to be someone else just so normies dont judge me bad

>pay taxes
>have children that all pay plenty more taxes
>still get fucked over by your rulers
No thanks, I'm good.

t. incel videogame addict

Even if video games didn't exist you still wouldn't have done anything with those 30.000 hours, don't lie to yourself user, its not the video games that are stopping you. Its yourself, stop escaping and looking for excuses.

>There's no other vice more destructive to your standing in society than video games.
Try heroin.

This. Have best girl for showing us your wisdom user.

>unironically wanting to get married
youre right you are a waste of life

>have nothing instead
>ha ha, those normies with their fulfilling lives, security, and wealth!
You're not fooling anyone.

If I open a small business selling stupid shit like bird baths am I suddenly elevated above the service industry peons? We're all in the same boat, doing shit we don't care about to make money so we can do shit we actually care about and enjoy, like video games. I guess for you it's acting smug on anonymous image boards

go away trip nigger

>complaining about wasting your life and still in your early twenties with no ball and chain

You don't know how lucky you are son

Heroin at least makes you look like a dangerous hardass not to be crossed.
Videogames make you a pathetic incel manchild, a laughingstock.

Heroin literally does less damage to you than videogames.

You're the one telling everyone who deviates from your gold standard that they're unhappy and have nothing in their lives.
Have you considered the possibility that you're just projecting your own dissatisfaction?

You’re writing this like your life is over, it’s not. You’ve already identified your problems and now the only thing to do is act on them and improve. Try and stay positive user and good luck.

Im basically you except 27.

I dont even feel anymore. Still I wish I could do something with all the vidya knowledge I amassed.

t. incel with no future, doomed to be dead by 30

>Heroin at least makes you look like a dangerous hardass not to be crossed.


Nigga there's still time to save your worthless ass. There's faggots on this board older than you who found ways to improve their shitty life. You can too.

vanilla sex is okayish, but sex involving your kinks is literally the best thing in life

>Heroin at least makes you look like a dangerous hardass not to be crossed.
Hollywood movies are not a reliable representation of real life, user.

You could've worked hard to slave over a job you hate instead of enjoying a hobby

Heroin makes you a dangerous, untrustworthy freak who pisses himself when he's about to get his next dose because he wants it so bad. Nobody wants to "cross you" because you disgust them so thoroughly and they're afraid you'll try to rob them for your next fix. If you honestly think a hardcore drug addiction is as bad as playing too many video games then you're welcome to start shooting up and see how things are in a few years.

Work will help w/ your confidence, builds character. Also getting out of your comfort zone is great for your mental health, even a cold shower once a day can improve your overall happiness.

The butthurt is real. Save yourself before it's too late.

OP here. Currently I'm trying to find a decent entry level job in something that interests me, like economics or data entry.

>tfw my life is great AND I still enjoy video games

>doomed to be dead by 30
Nah, the taxes you're forced to pay feed me well.

How do you stay positive? I acknowledge my problems but I have no motivation. What gives people motivation to do things?

You're self-medicating. Figure out why the vidya obsession exists, and then move to fix the core issue for good. Godspeed

Would you harass a heroin junkie suffering from withdrawal, knowing that what he can loot from your corpse is the only thing between him and his next fix?

That's what I thought.

>only 30,000

You’re 23 and have a degree. Just start applying to shit in the business field. I didn’t get my shit together until 22 and got my first career job at 24

Enjoy working away at a monotonous slave wage job where you think you'll magically be satisfied with existence when you could've just stayed shooting the shit with friends in video games.

Let's see if you can still say that with a noose around your neck.

What caused you to get your shit together? What got you off your ass?

>that's 3.5 years of my life I could have used to improve myself, be more sociable, get laid, find a gf and then a wife, focus on my high school and college grades, and have a upstarting promising career instead of being a NEET with a useless business degree doomed to work unskilled labor
stop using video games as an excuse
if it wasn't video games, it would have been something else, probably hard drugs or alcoholism

the problem is you, and you don't want to admit it, it's why you're crying on Sup Forums right now instead of improving yourself
you're a failure and you'll always be one

>eating well on NEETbux
You've never even had real food

>he's calling me a faggot he must be angry!
Or maybe you're just a faggot dude

After I graduated College I was unemployed like you at 23. I stopped playing video games and everything else in my life and spent literally all of my time working. Specifically I decided to get a computer science masters and needed to take undergrad classes and then go to grad school. I got the undergrad work done in 1 year and my masters in 1.5 years and got a good job making alot of money out of college.

I now have a career and alot of money. I made it out, im not sure if you will. Really its alot easier to jsut do things right the first time around. If you dig yourself into a hole as you and I did its twice as hard to get out, but its possible. Failing only made me more motivated to work hard, it seems for you failing broke your spirit.

secret is in moderation.
play vidya if you like it, but have other interests/hobbies. musical instrument, hiking, movies, whatever.
also you can have a gf or fwb without falling for the Sup Forums meme of marrying and having 2 white babies so you can be a warrior against muh white genocide

Neither do you, wagie. All the real food goes to Mr. Shekelbergstein and his cronies.
The only difference is that you have to work for your massprocessed slop, while I get it for free, wagie.

>You've never even had real food
Food is cheap as fuck if you just buy the ingredients and cook it yourself.

Feels bad to be completely helpless about the people in power robbing you of your money and giving it to people like me, doesn't it?

The fact you think all jobs are wage-based is proof of how far you are from achieving anything. Keep getting mad and calling names, kiddo ;-)

going to college is what got me out of NEET kissless virgin life.