>Not your granddad's /vg/ thread

Discuss Kerillian being overpowered here, and your thoughts on "Against the Grain"

>friend playing dorf on Against the Grain
>jumping around in the wheat
>the rest of us are laughing, he doesn't understand why
>he's playing on a toaster so he can't see the wheat

How does the poison bow work, does the effect stack, is it good against armored, etc?

Only good against infantry but it is VERY good. It was incredibly OP in the last beta, and is still pretty damn up there. With one or two arrows you can wipe a full horde spawn.

What is stamina in this exactly? And how does it relate to the fire witch?

>Tfw better player than most

Feels good being a reliable Kruber

It's how many shields you have when you block, it effects how many hits you can block and how many times you can push

Your stamina is those little shields that appear whenever you block. More stamina means you can withstand more hits.

versus mode

Doom dwarf runs are fun, grudge raker only, put OST on in background and go ham

>unlock huntsman kruber
>boss ded in less than 3 seconds
boy the skill's description didn't tell me it'd be so strong

>Against the Grain
did the beta release new maps?
its the shields when you block. having more then three is considered above average, and will serve very well when dealing with heavy attacks that eat up more then one. also pushing uses blocks, and the mage needs to push away stuff often. its not critical, but its nice to have a bump in stam when your primary offense id ranged.

why does my rapier turn red randomly? is that crit?

how do I target enemies? it says my passive targets people

im the rapier dude

That's right Kruber, let your training show!


oh man, ammo cap, mag cap, master crafted is fun as hell.

Here's your pity (You)

Press T.

yes, that's a crit. target is the 'ping' outline used to show baddies to your mates. its default key is T. ping stuff often anyway, its helpfull. also for items that you dont want.

can we pause the discussion a moment and post poptepipic edits?

>Heal Saltz as Kruber
>"Saved by a dwarf"
Fuck you too Saltz

Against the grain is a nice looking map, but I'm on the fence about the scripted Rat Ogre. It's pretty cool in the vein of that old L4D map, but since it's a Rogre 100% of the time it's kind of samey in a game where each run is supposed to be a bit different. Also I think it's funny that the grimoires are basically right next to each other.

Since our progress is being reset I wonder if I should try to stick with Sienna or switch over to Saltz. I've played basically nothing but the Bright Witch but she seems so UP and I highly doubt they'll manage to both buff her and make her as fun/interesting as the other classes.

>elf was completely useless
What a Fucking shocker. Gonna assume they were in the back the whole time too trying to get those LEET SCOPE KILLS

Can anybody tell me how to use the rapier pistol?
I'm not seeing any options for it under controls

Mouse 4. No, you can't rebind it.

does progress in this beta carry over into the full game? How does this work?

nope. they said that they will give us something for it. probably hats or something.

FUCK I don't want to have to unlock slayer dorf all over again

has anyone seen the moon yet in V2? the end times has morrsleib exploding cus of the lizardmens brilliant plan to fuck over the entire planet and runaway.

>dats da glowy green moon

its not that much work m8, its only lvl 12. I'm at lvl 150 something in V1 and still don't have all the DLC weapons. orange ones atleast. this loot system is much better.

It's no different than a bunch of scripted encounters in 1. The White Rat is a more heavily scripted map than just about anything either L4D had. Unless you specifically wanted them to move away from that.

I don't mind it, considering it doesn't negate all the other random encounters. It's actually nice to have one or a handful of constants, so you can plan around them as random shit rains down on you. Makes it more nuanced.

Not great, but we won.

ohhh im telling, your posting screenshots!

>a healer character with support paths is introduced
How much the game would be ruined?

What do the different portions of the overcharge magic bar mean?
All i seem to notice is movement speed gets affected?

The NDA was lifted this closed beta cycle.

in V1? completely worthless. everyone has healing trinkets and the game runs fine with just a few per team.
V2? krubers merc special heals a bit as is, but a better heal would work ok if was somehow different. maybe targeted.

Not by much, they'd just never get played unless they were OP shit because in 2 you have a myriad ways to regen/gain temporary health.

A non-healer support is already introduced, that being the Handmaiden, and surprise surprise she's considered shit.

>he doesn't listen to the Rat Movie OST on repeat while playing
LMAOing at ur life

the first grey portion of the bar let you vent without taking damage, second portion you take damage when venting, third you take even more damage and slow your attack and movement speed.

the first segment, its ok to reload and cool off heat, second bar, cooling off heat will hurt you a tiny bit, last segment, cooldown will hurt alot. if you max, you explode. same for dwarfs flame weapons.

I mean a CLASS like a cleric character, such as the one from the warhammer pvp that EA released some years ago who was able to both single target heal and also healed teammates whenever he hit an enemy with a mace.

Is that the giant rat youtube video? Fuck user that's underground

You seem very helpful.

how would he use his powers? an aoe offense and activated heal and he uses hammers? how would not step on soldier dwarf and salt?

or do you mean a caster type where is ranged is a TF2 medic gun style thing? thats... kinda bad.

Thats really good to know

Classes exist to fill a role, if a character is added to fulfil a redundant role, then they neither break the game nor add much to it. 2 features a bunch of on-hit health gain talents, damage reductions auras, etc.

What's actually the best way to deal with Chaos Spawn? All the pubbies I've had usually run around like headless chickens and get chunked by that thing.

Thank you. I was trying the Halberd. If you can funnel them in front of you, you can kebab a lot of rats at once. Have to get used to positioning and lack of sweeping attacks as opposed to the 2h sword, though.

idk, I treat them like rat ogres. juggle agro and pick at it with ranged and axes and such. I havent fought one in a nice big open place to explore its patterns yet.

I see 3 paths for him, minor aoe heal on melee attacks, aoe heal with cd, and single target heal with not so high cd.
>how would not step on soldier dwarf and salt?
Excuse me?
Do they really? Tell me about it, are they actually capable of self sustain on the higher difficulties?

I was literally wondering how much the game would be ruined if they added classic RPG classes to it.

I swear every time I see this image it has more shit in it, it's beautiful at this point

I was having the same trouble adjusting to the halberd's swing. I should try the sword and shield I picked up the last time I played, but I don't want to lose the offensive power.

one person added a bunch of shit to it and now it's just a mess

So it seems once you get itemlevel 300 or so there's really no more reason to do stuff in the full game. thanks

I'm not sure I follow your thought process. What's your point? What would the game be like if they lifted classic RPG classes to it? If they added a healer character whose active would single-target heal and whose hits in melee AoE healed around him, it'd make higher difficulties trivial, yes. Balancing such a class would be impossible without rewriting the current careers and traits on gear.

>are they actually capable of self sustain on the higher difficulties?
That's the purpose these additions serve, yes. Can each and every single one of them sustain themselves independently? Not exactly, it's a team-oriented game, most abilities are scaled for being applied to the whole team, with the exception of Waystalker's regen, which, by the way, yes, is incredibly strong right now.

what improvements happened from last game to this game in terms of the combat.

the combat always seemed slighlty off, you hit an armored rats head and it doesn't kill, or you connect with an arm and you hit the head, any improvements?

right so he'd be the only guy to get activated abilities on melee? would it work like bloodlust? like a 10% chance to aoe 5 points? that's crazy good. that could be a trait of his weapons, like cooldown on hit for mage, but not an innate ability

also war priests only can use hammers, two hammers, and 2handed hammers in the lore.what would their ranged be? If anything that would be how they used spells, like a book they can hold up and yell war hyms about. like an offense, defense and heal flavor like the table top.

and really, this would have been a class for salt or kruber, not a 6th guy. what else would he bee? salt is a zealot now. thats how he would step on the existing classes.

I'd rather see a bretonian anyway.

I tried out mace and shield, and was having a hard time. Even regular Chaos boys can take a few swings to down, so you really have to rely on your teammates to do the heavy lifting while you push, block, and buff for them.

How's the healing item scarcity on higher difficulties?
>What's your point?
Making small talk.


I used to play Sienna a lot in the first game. She feels like complete shit in this one. I don't know what it is, but she just feels really bad.

Elf with spear is really good though.

first, get gud scrub, light attacks are for the head only and you should have figrued that out. second, yes the damge cuts off now, so it just does less. there are target dumies in the lobby now and you can see exactly how much damge is done.

what's the really strong Elf class so I can tell my shitter friends to play as her so they can be useful

The lighting effects from her fire hurt my eyes and I can't see shit when she glows.

Probably the first class. It gives her passive health Regen which is good for trading hits and spamming daggers.

I'm finally trying Trials of the Foolhardy
Jesus fuck people were not kidding about the bullshit, if it weren't for the teleportation room this would be fine.

huh good to know
she did seem strong when I played her for a bit but I thought one of her later classes was really good too

Spamming is good.

>Wanted to be a Handmaiden main
>Expected a cool spear duelist with dodge mechanics out the wazoo
>Get some gimped garbage pseudo support career instead

I guess I've seen weirder thought experiments.

>How's the healing item scarcity on higher difficulties?
No idea, honestly. I haven't touched Champion because I didn't wanna burn out on the game, but Against the Grain Veteran I actually felt like there wasn't enough, even if we scraped by thanks to stuff like Morale Boost and an Ironbreaker.

fuck off dark souls fag

So as near as I can tell, your loot reward is directly tied to your personal score and performance.

Why would I ever want to pick up grims or tomes or even use healing items on my teammates unless I absolutely NEED to, then?

This game will only be successful and good if it has PvP in it. Maybe make a Vermintide thread when it has this, if not then this doesn't really relate to video games

Grimoires and Tomes give you experience, experience increases your Chest Tier, and the higher your Chest Tier the better gear, the better rolls for bonus stats and perks on them.

I dont know, had some great games as Viktor and Kruber with shit renald's gift. think it was because i healed others? honestly seems more random to me than anything else.

I would like a pvp mode.

Especially if I can play as a Darmonette.


Is it just my settings, or is there no weight or impact to any attacks?

So why would I throw away my potion or healing item instead of just making my teammates haul that shit?

What weapons are worthwhile on kruber now? Polearm seems ok but doesn't really excel in any
way, Xsword is pretty bad between its wonky hitboxs and heavy nerf. The 2h hammer is really good at least. Hows the 2h sword? I havn't gotten a decent one yet.

>I guess I've seen weirder thought experiments.
Truth be told I was wondering how a l4d/VT game with heavier rpg elements, such as stronger abilities, more defined roles for each class and so on would work. It would certainly give the developers of such game more flexibility to what types of challenges they could put in levels since the players would have more tools to deal with them.

>No idea, honestly. I haven't touched Champion because I didn't wanna burn out on the game, but Against the Grain Veteran I actually felt like there wasn't enough, even if we scraped by thanks to stuff like Morale Boost and an Ironbreaker
Kinda makes me worried if they will even be able to balance things like ammo supply properly since there are ranged classes in game and only very few ranged weapons have unlimited ammo.

Depends on the weapons.

Just got V2, any hot tips so I'm not a complete dead weight for my team?

You don't, you bring your fights around the pot locations, take the pot, put the book down, fight that areas enemies, chug your pot if you need it or someone else does, grab your book and go to the next section.
Protip - You just need to grab your book before you leave the area. So you can usually place the book down in the last section and focus on using your pots and killing, just remember to grab the book before you leave.

It's a marathon, not a sprint.

Why are Brapnados so fuckin annoying? Fucking brapmancers and leeches are by far the most annoying specials.

I'm not really sure how to play Slayer Dwarf. I'm on veteran and I don't really understand what's so op about the Slayer outside of Recruit difficulty. Am I playing wrong with the wrong weapon ?

>tfw your teammates are so useless that you have to run your dawi ass from cover to cover to kill the ratling gunner in melee
I love the drakefire gun but having randoms capable of snipe specials is a coin toss


You should be happy your slate doesnt get cleaned every update.

Invent a new enemy Sup Forums
How do they fight, whats their quirk?

Daemonette, they are glass cannons but quick as fuck.

Basically the opposite of chaos warriors.

How to play Slayer
step 1: Play Ironbreaker

How grindy is this game?

I used to cheat in the original because getting good gear was a bitch, and play styles were locked behind weapon types.
Is the combat better than 1?

My understanding is you can't cheat anymore

So a witch then?
That would be real neat.

But what would be tzeentchs? Hard mode:no sorcerer.

skaven mortar team, constant aoe knockbacks to all allies and foes

Not anymore it idn't popular youtubers have noticed it.

Immobile but shielded snipers with obvious lens flare. Highly damaging but takes a lot of time in between firing. Makes the party forced to use cover and/or try to avoid the shots when getting swarmed.

Disguised as the missing member of the group, only attacking from behind. Just to make sure everyone's paying attention.