Wdoes Bioshock 2 exist?

Ken Levine didn't direct (but was okay with it being made) it, so it really wasn't a part of his own plan. He started on Infinite right after Bioshock 1. So was Bioshock 2 basically a compromise between Levine and 2K where Bioshock 2 is made and Levine is given more time to work on infinite? There would have been a 7 year gap in between Bioshock 1 and Infinite otherwise, which 2K I assume did not want.

Anyway, am I the only one who wish that Bioshock 2 was never made, even though it was a pretty good game? It's a bit autistic, but I feel like Bioshock 2 made the series unbalance. Clearly what Levine was going for is having the first game and second game be totally different from each other from an atmosphere perspective. Bioshock 2 kind of fucks that up.

>made the series unbalance
Bioshock Infinite being a fucking mediocre, borderline atrocious piece of shit is what makes the series "unbalance"

It was better than Infinite

You know you can just completely ignore this game if you want to, right?

People should ignore Bioshock series entirely.

I wish Bioshock 3 would've been underwater too 2bh. A city floating in the air was nowhere near as cool.

2 is the best bioshock

well considering it is miles better than infinite was, I'm glad that hack had nothing to do with it.

2 has the best gameplay

for what it was i liked the multiplayer

That is the most autistic argument i ever read
You wish the best game of its series was not made just because it breaks the "balanced" mediocrity of the series written by a dumb hack that smells his own farts?

>The Chad Delta
>The Virgin Booker

2 is the best game in the series though

Because the first game was popular and publishers like money.

>the pure Eleanor
>the THOT anna

I'd rather wish that Infinite was never made.

>borderline atrocious piece of shit
no, it crossed that border
it's also better than 1

>bees + Bots with fountain of youth as main tonic
also tank with elemental discharge


>made the series unbalance
And Infinite did not?

>Bioshock 2 kind of fucks that up
And Infinite did not?

Why would you ignore the best in the series?

Bioshock 2 gave use Minervas Den which was the best thing that had to do with the series.

Bioshock 2 had the best gameplay in the series, so who gives a shit. It's allowed to exist because it's good.

pretty OP

Bioshock 1 was a great game that had a pretty good story, that incorporated a wide variety of plots, themes and topics into the narrative, while also remaining a very fun game to play.

Bioshock 2, while perhaps not as grandiouse and thought provoking as BS1, supplemented its lack luster story with far better gameplay. It also had a far greater enemy variety, most of which played uniquely, and fit into the world of rapture very organically.

Bioshock infinite was a a leap backwards story wise, and a backflip ganeplay wise. The removal of Health/eve management, Power to The People, Little Sisters, the Weapon Wheel, and many other "improvements" turned the game into CoD-halo: Sky warfare. The story was non-sensical, presented Booker as a psychopath, and had random shit like Terrorists just faffing about.

To put it simply, where as Bioshock 1&2 brought up ideas about Class, Society, humanity, and conveyed all those topics through the presentation of a ruined and destroyed utopia, Bioshock Infinite gave us a non-sensical plot dressed up in MUH RACISM and TIMEY WIMEY SPACE POWRRS.

>pretty good story
The story goes to shit when Ryan dies. Fontaine even pulls the completely retarded "we could have ruled together" line despite he never even asked Jack anything and tried to kill him.

BS2 just doesnt have an ebin twist. It has better characters and a interesting plotline with Eleanor throughout the entire game


>grandiouse and thought provoking as BS1
There is nothing in BS1 that is grandiose or thought provoking

>It's a bit autistic, but I feel like Bioshock 2 made the series unbalance. Clearly what Levine was going for is having the first game and second game be totally different from each other from an atmosphere perspective
Making a good game trumps whatever "creative vision" levine had imo, so I'm glad 2 got made since it's the best in both gameplay and having a good daughter character

Also, protip for anybody playing it right now, when you get to the hooverville ghetto level, don't fight the big sister until you are literally on your way out the door to the next level. There is a bug with the audio that keeps the big sister battle music stuck looping until the end of the level and that shit gets annoying real fast (it only starts when you load any save file that was created after that big sister fight, so when you actually finish the fight with the big sister the music will go away, but if (when) you have to reload before the end of the level, the music will come back and just won't go away)

We need the "ALPHA series Delta"

also booker is a shitty dad.

>sold daugther to pay debts to a man who appears in a magic hole.

He is not only shitty but retarded as well.
He don't deserve any kind of redemption.

fuck Him.

Considering Infinite ended up as such a huge smouldering pile of shit, I don't give 2 shits what Levine was going for or what his intentions were. He can eat a dick.

How many are there of these things?

I wonder who's behind this thread?

>it really wasn't a part of his own plan
user you fucking retard.
Infinite got scrapped and remade several times. Dev cycle was so bad the studio got closed and everyone got fired.
Levine had no fucking idea what he was doing,

It's actually the one I liked the most, the dlc was neat too.


Bioshock 2 fixed all of the plot whole 1 had.
infinite just made 1's plot holes worst.

I'd like Bioshock 4 to be set on a Space Elevator/Tower and you end up in orbit with low gravity mechanics changing everytime you get a bit higher in the game.
You also get powers you can buy and modify through the game but no-one else in the game seems to have them at all(again).

Then the Elevator falls near the end of the game and you not only have to survive that fall afterwards you have to fight your way out of an upside down building with normal Earth gravity after hours of playing with limited-no gravity.

Plus everyone is racist on board and you can change your gender halfway through the game and get a bonus attack modifier(because you have to be strong to be trans) if you go through with it or a bonus stealth modifier if you don't(because you're in the closet and good at hiding).

The game ends with everyone escaping the tower and finding themselves in deepest Africa, where people are very respectful of trans-people but hate racists. And the last scene is the tribespersons killing all the racists(led by a proud woman of colour) before stepping down from the throne to let you be queen/king.
And to thank them you give them your gravity weapon thing and they use it to build a super-city.

what? how do you buff insect swarm that high?

This but unironically