What does Sup Forums think of Super Mario Odyssey?
What does Sup Forums think of Super Mario Odyssey?
No masterpiece
I feel more inclined to talk about the fat man in that picture.........
A masterpiece it is not.
Better than Zelda, that's for certain
it is a good game
Gotta say... It's no masterpiece
lol its forgettable nu-fun .
I was never blown away, seems like it needed a year more time but launched it anyways
What's this man's name again?
Gotta say... It's no masterpiece
I still haven't beat it beyond doing the bare minimum and getting to Peach's Castle. I had fun, but I can't bring myself to pick it up again.
la creatura de las Sup Forums...
boogie2988 islamic sympathizer and isis jihadist
It’s ok
What I really want to talk about is KIRBY
It was fun but people vastly overrated it because it's been so long since we've had a legit 3D Mario game. Hope the sequel is better.
Jabba the cuck
that would explain some of his behavior and politics
lets talk about KIRBY instead
Salad dodger
Wish it didnt have so many useless moons. Otherwise it's decent. Never really thought it was worth a system buy, but I can see why some people really enjoyed it.
Okay, not great
and im sure you are a fucking chad with a six pack, idiot
Yet another shitty 3d platformer. Thought Nintendo learned their lesson from all the 2d Mario games they were releasing over the years that their precious Mario 64 was a mistake.
Where's Delfino Isle, huh? WHERE'S FUCKING DELFINO ISLE?
Already developed and will be released as fucking Summer DLC, that's where. Fuck Super Mario Odyssey for not delivering on its own fucking story and BARELY being a good 3D game.
Gonna be honest here...
It's no masterpiece
i regret buying it and the switch
>Super Mario Odyssey
Pick one
It's no masterpiece.
What did he post?
Also cute trap