Name a worse video game mechanic than this

name a worse video game mechanic than this
>magical bushes that grant invisibility

weapon durability


t. doesn't ward bushes or use a basic skill shot to check for you

Duh they arnt invisible they are hiding in the bush and you cant see through the bush

>Basically serves the same purpose Dota/wc3 elevated ground
>The elevated ground in LoL is purely cosmetic
What did they mean by this?

How about I name a worst type of person: annoying pedant who takes a literal interpretation of gameplay mechanics as 1:1 for the real world.

Fucking hang yourself in the bathtub, Dorkly.

Riot dumbs down the game so much that they give you free wards and you still can't fucking ward?

No wonder LoLbabbies can't into Dota 2 or even HOTS

LoLBabbies would cry if they couldn't click a person who was hitting them from a hill.

The worst crime a game can commit is being too easy.

But there is no warding in HotS except for a handful of characters that have access to the ward trait, if it’s even still in the game.

It's a more casual version of highground fog of war from wc3 dota

On topic:
>>Only one save slot
>>Restricted save points
>>Unique weapons with durability and can't be repaired, effectively becoming worthless
>>Psychic guards
>>Features locked behind forced online shit for no real reason
>>Carrying capacity/weight inventories
>>Unskippable cutscenes after a save point/before boss

The entire mechanic of every single MOBA.

What a fucking pile of shit game genre. Whose idea was it to take the worst mechanics from several different game genres, squash them all together, and compound the sin by making the worst gameplay possible?

If they grant invisibility, how come you can still get killed while in them?

>tfw unironically play and enjoy LoL and it makes people on Sup Forums mad

>If they grant INVISIBILITY, how come you can still get killed while in them?
Wew lad.

You always have vision over units attacking you.

Bushes are shit compared to destructible trees and real LOS

and flies eat shit your point?

Shooting uphill in WC3 causes you to miss 30% of your shots.


>this shit in Horizon and other third person adventure games passing for stealth
Fuck this trend

I just think it's funny that I have fun playing a game and you guys felt compelled to (You) me to express your opinion that it is not fun.

lol I disappear into your mom's magic bush every night

If it's actually like really tall grass or some kind of thick brush there's a time and a place for it, but what pisses me off is when a crouching character's head is clearly just poking out the top after just clearly diving into a bush and the enemies are baffled as to where they could have gone.

>item has a chance of breaking when you upgrade it

Fuck PSU's Grinding system
>Item has a chance of losing most of their upgrades
Not like thats any better though.

>Item can be upgraded 20 times with a 1% sucess rate.
Refine systems truly are the bane of MMORPGS.

It's a fun game.

Still, there is nothing more pathetic than someone who plays mobas competitively.

Thats why I prefer EVE style player driven consumerism based gameplay then RNG loot super grinds

Weapon durability ruins otherwise fun games, like BotW and Dying Light. It's fine if you can go like an hour without worrying about it.

Last hitting

Shoo reddit.

>Whose idea was it to take the worst mechanics from several different game genres, squash them all together, and compound the sin by making the worst gameplay possible?
Kyle "Eulogy" Sommer, aka Eul

Thankfully it improved with the expansion but then ocd me couldn’t handle having weapons that failed grinding so it didn’t change much.