Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker

What do you think about it so far my Sup Forumsinja's

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Never heard of it, maybe you can post a trailer or something.

beta is going on right now on PS4 until Sunday, February 25th at 3:00 am (PT)

Oh now I remember this, I thought this game out like a year ago. This is just now coming out?

Shit slow post, now I see

Can I play as my own waifu ninja in the beta?

Gameplay videos make it look like crap. Is it any better while playing?

You can make your waifu or make personal waifu from scratch. I'm sure the avatar creator options are just the basics for the beta.

I'm enjoying it so far, combat allows for quite a few options. Attacking, blocking, countering, substitution jutsu, ninjutsu, ultimate jutsu. gameplay in larger areas makes you charge chakra for longer jumps, kunai wire to get over larger chasms, etc.

Is Naruto at his peak stronger than Boruto at his peak? I know literally nothing about Boruto and have almost no knowledge of Shippuden once Pain dies.

we don't really know yet. He does have Dōjutsu(ocular jutsu) that we don't know to much about but he's got an aptitude for shadow clone jutsu and wind type jutsu like Naruto. As far as we know he doesn't have any of Kurama's chakra so who know if he'll be stronger than Naruto.

Thanks user.

Played it thought it was okay, I just don't want it to turn into Xenoverse: Naruto edition. I liked Xenoverse but got old quick

It's definitely better to play than to watch, but I've only gotten one damn match so far and have been waiting 20 minutes for another one

>xenoverse but with nardudo

why did this take so long to happen

wow i make a thread and it dies this fag makes a thread and its at 300 post. Why am I so unlikable?

We don't know what Boruto's "peak" is yet, but I doubt he'll be stronger than Naruto. Naruto has the advantage of having the Nine-Tails sealed inside of him on top of literally being Ninja Jesus.

As it stands right now though, Child Bort > Child Naruto. Even without the Nine-Tails chakra he's been able to master stuff that Naruto wasn't able to do until Shippuden. He has god tier genetics and aptitude and gave more of a shit about training from an earlier age instead of just goofing off and trying to get attention like Naruto did at that age. He's basically what Naruto would have been if he had people who cared about him and took time to train him from the very beginning.

Naruto is also literally a demigod now

Because you're the actual faggot

I haven't bothered keeping up with this shit, why does Naruto have two different eyes and his headband scratched off like the Akatsuki?

>the leaf village got Naruto killed

So can you join a match now or is it still broken?

spoiler that shit nigger bitch

His eyes are like that because he had to tear it out of his dead mothers corpse to get her power after those mist ninjas got done with her.

That's not Naruto, it's his son
He's le special awesome super guy with his very own sweet eye jutsu

That's his son. Main series ended 4 years ago and they started a second series that stars Naruto's son and the new generation. It's actually mildly entertaining. It feels like the earlier parts of Naruto before things started getting too retarded and it actually does a decent job of letting the kids handle things instead of just having the old generation jump in and bail them out all the time. The manga is getting pretty interesting since it just introduced a not!Akatsuki group and a big plot point is how the advancement of technology and machines is now being integrated into the arsenal of ninjas.

We still don't know exactly how he ends up like that. The series starts off with a flash forward to the future where he's facing a new edgelord in a destroyed Leaf Village who's talking about how the era of shinobi is over.

>only has 83 minutes to download it and play
>it takes 1 hour and 15 minutes to finish downloading
unless they give an extra day, i don't think anyone even follows naruto anymore, i wasn't even aware there was a beta going on. everyone got tired after the pain arc because of the fillers.
was the beta even good?
is right, how did they wait so long

>thinking Naruto will get killed
They never say he's dead, they just say he's not with us anymore or something. He'll just be sealed away or some shit like that


he's just a special snowflake with special dojutsu because of the mix of Hyuga and Uzumaki genes

Too bad it'll take you an hour to find a match.

We don't know yet but Hyuga + Senju + Uzumaki bullshittery genetic gave him Jougan which we don't know its eyes hackery powrt yet

So what is this, Xenoverse: Naruto version?

>That's not Naruto, it's his son
Wait, Bort grew up?

Basically, but with objectives instead of just KO-ing the other guys


In the first chapter of his manga he looks like that image, the main part of the series starts before that and is going toward whatever got him to that point

we know that he can see something like "spirits" or "evil intent" but there aren't many details explaining it yet.

a)If i stop downloading i wont be able to see how i like it,
b)if i download it i wont find a match to play
whats the point user? should i stop

Man, I'd love to tell you if I could actually get a fucking match

>i wont find a match to play
user, I've been playing this game for 3 hours and I still can't get a match. Beta is broken. The single player training mission is all you're gonna get

I can't even fucking find a match.

Download it on the off chance that they extend the beta.
Maybe by some miracle you'll get to play, but it took me a day and a half to play my first and only match.

I'll stick to Storm 4.

Has there ever been another series where best girl won?

The manga started with a flash forward to bait viewers and Kishi admitted as such

The actual series is very slow and took over 40 episodes for Boruto and his class to officially graduate

Ironically the interesting ones outside of the main trio are the original characters not connected to the previous gen

Code Geass

So are they going to retcon the movie to accommodate the anime or what? There's all these characters that are introduced in the anime that were never mentioned in the movie, and in the manga which takes place after the movie, only Sumire has been acknowledged as actually existing, which means they're at least trying to make the anime and manga canon to each other in some way.

The World God Only Knows

Naruto is a god, that's all you need to know.

>naruto is's father
overwatch deepest lore

I still don't understand how there was some backlash about this, I wasn't a shipper with this or anything, but Kishi made it pretty clear Sakura wasn't interesed in Naruto and was obsessed with Sasuke and then during the fight with Pain that he would be most likely putting Hinata with Naruto or that he'd pull a fast one and have fucking Sasuke get with him

I just got in and before i could take a picture the screen loads the server is under maintenance, nice game

Half the time, its a lie.
Keep trying and it might let you in anyway.

My one major gripe has been the shitty servers, if you're going to have a beta at least make sure your servers are at 100%

The real problem was the execution.
After that Pain Arc, Naruto ignores Hinata up until the second to last part of the war. And Sasuke just keeps treating Sakura like dirt up until the end.

Really they should have gone with the homotwist.

I dropped this series after the sasuke retrieval shit before the time skip but I'm glad that best girl won for once. Shit's refreshing

I'm more surprised Sakura and Sasuke became a thing. Didn't he try to kill her and her friends on more than one occasion?

Should I watch Bort then? I read the manga until Pain was defeated and the rest of the story I got through the Ninja Storm games and Sup Forums.

Yes, but I found it in my heart to get over this shitty bit of writing thanks to one thing

You could probably watch the Boruto movie and see if you feel it's worth your time

You don't get that Kishi essentially makes a point that men shouldn't be concerned with such matters. It's women who should be concerned with love, romance etc, men just put their dick into whatever's there when they feel the need to procreate. Both Naruto and Sasuke don't give a shit about their families just like any normal asian father

It's ok he said sorry

I want the author to go full retard and have Salad fall for Naruto.

Same desu

I miss my rektolution image of sasuke shit talking everyone during the war.

I guess it's only fitting, since Bort is into Sasuke.

This would be gr8 my dick would be pleased

It makes sense.

Sarada is a huge Naruto fangirl and Boruto is a huge Sasuke fanboy.

God, I could deal with Sasuke until he got his mangekyo, from then on he's such a faggot until the last arc where he was kind of okay until he turned back into a faggot for 5 minutes
He's been pretty okay since then though

God, TWOGK's ending was so satisfying, I remember it made Sup Forums super butthurt.

>reeeeeeeee why did they normie girl win

Did they even read the manga?

wow it feels floaty as hell, like i don't know, they were trying some kingdom hearts type of flow and got it off, it feels like shadow the hedgehog

Speaking of Naruto, any word of them continuing Ultimate Ninja Storm via Boruto? Storm 4 ended the main series and went through the beginning parts of Boruto via Road To Boruto.

my brother
it was so obvious why she stood above the rest.

>he doesn't know about the special bonus chapter

>developed genuine feelings for him over time rather than the immediate crushes the other girls had

Yeah, she was the best.

This game has a pretty cool movement system but I can't get a single match
Will the final game have a single player component or is it all PvP?

Maybe, but I still feel like they don't have enough material to really justify a full on Bort game yet. The other kids haven't really done shit compared to Bort's Team so they'd either have to pad out the roster with the older generation again or go full filler and make up stuff to create full movesets. Playable Adult Koonohamaru would be hype though.

Do we know if this is Iwabee?

The Last Sakura > MILF Sakura OG Sakura > Shippuden Sakura

I HIGHLY doubt that, Iwabe is a huge bro and a huge Nardo fanboy and loves Bort.

on top of that
>fell for him while just being himself
I'll admit that with how flashy every girl was I thought they'd forget about her genuine feels.

Doubt it. Aside from the name difference, Iwabee isn't really Bort's Sasuke, and he idolizes Naruto too much. Although something could happen to change that I guess. Kawaki is most likely related to the Kara group that was introduced in the manga.

whoa user, ragu on that please

Salad is literal perfection

>all uchihashit deserve to be killed
>salad is literally made for breeding

It's a complex feel.

Sahara Wataru

Stop being a lazy fuck. Just google her name and hentai, Theres not a ton of material out there about her because no one gives a shit about naruto anymore.

Nah they got around that by having some backup uchiha clone himself hundreds of times. All the kids he made live pretty much so eventually they will pump out the sharingans like candy.

>kabuto, a literal mad scientist/necromancer and one of the main factors that kicked off the fourth shinobi war now has an entire orphanage full of uchiha clones with fully functioning sharingan whose genetic structure allows their organs/body parts to be compatible with anyone
>orochimaru is still kicking around as well

I know Naruto is forgiving and Kabuto is reformed, but still.

Orochimaru went though some change where he doesn't want to conquer the world anymore for some arbitrary reason, I don't think it's ever actually explained

>Naruto is estranged from his son
>Sasuke is estranged from his daughter
>fucking Orochimaru has a healthy relationship with his son where they call each other or send each other mail and Orochimaru has people check up to see that is son is doing well

He got what he wanted, he always wanted immortality and revenge on Hiruzen. He has a Hashirama-cell body and Hiruzen is dead, he basically won.

He never really wanted to conquer the world. His quest was always for knowledge. Problem is a lot of knowledge was top secret by the village governments. You need power to take that info. Or at least thats how ive always seen what drives ori.

After the movie and in the manga now that Bort got over his shit, he and Naruto actually have a pretty healthy relationship and are shown training together and spending more time with each other overall.

Sasuke still pretending his family doesn't even exist though.

I don't understand kishis obsession with redeeming literally all his villains. Kabuto and Orochimaru should have been killed off they did some pretty fucked up shit that shouldn't have been forgiven.
He's the most popular villain in the series so of course hell have massive plot armor of his own

His first and foremost goal was the gain immortality. Since he seems to have achieved that he's pretty content with just continuing his experiments in peace and not trying to rock the boat too much.

>Naruto is estranged from his son
naruto just because hokage like a few years ago boruto is just being a stupid idiot he was around with his family for years thank god he gets over it

Yeah, it was more a joke on the early relationships.

The Sauce has spent more time raising Boruto than Sarada, honestly. Hell, he spends more time with Naruto than Sakura.

That and the whole human experimentation and slaves stuff, he needed to be able to fight off the law.

Naruto was willing to forgive literally anyone. You could probably rape Hinata and kill his friends right in front of him and he'd forgive you if you said you were sorry and you wouldn't do it again. He was willing to forgive Obito who was literally responsible for like 95% of the all the bad shit that happened throughout the series. He probably would have forgave Kaguya too if she could have been reasoned with.