Holy shit it's actually good

Holy shit it's actually good

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It's average to slightly above average. Which is fine for a game these days. It's just getting simultaneously overhyped and shit on because people are comparing it to MGSV and the rest of the series.

nah it's fucking perfect

I too enjoy poking zombies with sticks and paying $10 to unlock a second save slot.

you're goddamn right. Best fucking melee system since dying light.

>$10 to unlock a second save slot.
plenty of games exist where you don't even have the option to get a second save slot

on top of that, why would you want one in this game?
>inb4 "b-but my roommate might wanna play!!!1"
I don't know about ps4 but steam and xbox both let you share your games with other accounts, thereby giving you more saves

kill yourself

wait mgsv is good now?

idk man. dunkey said its bad

fuck him he shit on splatoon too

It's bad like real bad.
Stop trying to shill your shit game.

kys and filtered

>$40 to unlock all the deployment teams
>$30 to unlock all save slots
>can pay money to make the game easier
>must be online even to play the offline portion

>deployment teams are worthless
>don't need more than one save slot
>what game doesn't let you pay to win nowadays
>who can't maintain an internet connection

>then why even charge for them to begin if not for sheer greed
>t. guy with no spouse, siblings or roommates
>anything that's not on a phone
>not even the point

lol fuck off

the only valid argument you might have is having other people who want to play but you can gameshare with xbox one and steam (don't know about ps4)

so in other words it takes about 10 seconds to bypass having only one save, which many games only have one save so kys

>shit on splatoon too

Based dunkey

>innocent people who love the MGS series picked this game up and gave up their hard earned money without knowing what an absolute piece of shit it is

Press F for those poor fucks, Sup Forums.

>poke meme
hasnt played it. literally repeating reviewer fags who couldnt even get past the first half of the game

konami has shit business practices but the core mgs team made a good game. literally everyone whos playing it can attest to that

So you admit that at least 50% of the game is tedious garbage?


>just jump through hoops, bro. And I love being fucked in the ass. Who doesn't?


that's more evidence that he's right

Not him, but I've found that tactic by myself during the beta. Other alternatives were abusing waist-high cover to deliver pokes, and running behind an enemy to execute a """""stealth""""" takedown which are mostly just glorified backstabs.

From a gameplay perspective, and even the story is there and has some stand out moments even if it's far more of a background element this time around

The only thing I feel bad about is that somebody actually spent their time writing the story and shit because I've skipped every cutscene and dialogue scenes. At least I like virgil's voice otherwise hearing it every fucking minute would be a lot worse than it is.

>It's just getting simultaneously overhyped

vocal minority

I love the MGS series and am also enjoying this game though

I'm surprised they didn't try to sell this more as a survival horror game. That part where you run into the crawlers for the first time was creepy as fuck.

>steal the FOX engine from Kojima
>do nothing creative or original with it

Bravo, Konami.

>Konami: Hmm I wonder what we can do with the MGS series that will please the fans AND gives us money...


too bad the just ignore you and walk past like you're nothing, they should have at least given their arms a range attack or something, make you really want to avoid them whenever they pop up

>literally everyone whos playing it can attest to that
Is that right? I'm playing it and there's nothing enjoyable or interesting about the game. The game is nothing but reused assets and they still didn't bother to put any work into the game despite having most of the work already done for them. The game's a half-assed pos and they have the nerve to money gouge on top of that fact.

>steal the FOX engine from Kojima
woah... he made the engine himself? what a legend!

>playing a game you hate

but why

>d-decima's just a-as good!!

why did I think this was a PUBG clone before it came out?

Why didn't they just fund Metal Gear Rising 2? Would have pleased the fans and made easy money.

I am genuinely curious how much he was involved with the creation of the engine. Like, did he want to make one on his own or was he forced to by konami...

How would anyone know they hated something until they played it? Plus I tend to like metal gear offshoots. Acid 1+2 are still two of my favorite MG games. MGO was alright too and I even thought Rising was at least playable. Survive though, everything about it is bullshit.

Holy shit it literally isn't
You have to almost try to actually get a review score that low on metacritic

>it's okay to pay extra for things that were free before!
Well done goy

Where can I get tons of bottles fast

>Holy shit it literally isn't

but why would you go that far if you knew you hated it, you're like 6 or 7 hours into the game at that point judging by the health and stamina

If Kojima made the game Sup Forums would be honest about how bad it is, now they're just pretending because they hate Kojima.

What kind of question is this? The game wasn't free.

>if you played it you would like it!
>Well if you don't like it why are you playing it
Jesus fucking Christ are you actually retarded or something?

>oh my god I can't handle NV survival mechanics
>shit game


>people being so contrarian they spend money on a shitty assetflip survival game

Who are you quoting? Your imaginary boogeyman?

you could have refunded it

Every single review that's come out so far. There's usually a disclaimer that they've only played about 10 hours and it shows

What happens after 10 hours?


Why the fuck did konami hide all the base building stuff till after the final boss. It's lame that recipes and fun traps are not unlocked until later, at least the multiplayer gets better.

Whatever you say, marketeer.
I'm just really happy that this worthless franchise is now dead after this game's flop.

>Every single review that's come out so far

>Use Cheat Engine to give myself unlimited water and food
>Gave myself enough Energy to level stamina to max

There. Now the game is some what playable

This shit happens every time, you can't win with fanboys. They will find any excuse to invalidate your experience.

Anyone else love the closure with Chico in the secret ending?

why am I able to max out MGSV but not this?


Eurogamer has a pretty good writeup of it though too.

shilling much?

>the first half of the game is poking things with a stick
>this is somehow good

>Sup Forums is still pretending it's a good game, desperately
Why is this the sword that you fall on? What about this piece of trash is so important that you fuel yourself to pretend no matter what?

The fuck are you talking about.

Dunno but I love the secret shill tho

Because everyone else hates it, so Sup Forums needs to like it to seem unique.

It really isn't, shill.

This didn't happen with No Man's Sky though and that got even more flak.

>hurr melee was bad


Do you marketeers every actually try defending the game, or you you just namecall?

he's definitely a konami shill

Shilling will get you nowhere. You should try hating the game more so Sup Forums will jump on the "I Love Survive" train.


Wow looks like some brainlet took the dunkey video as gospel

They are part of a small team that gets paid to do it. There are so legit retards that back some of these shitty games up, but most are just pretending to be retarded to "get the message out" and making a couple of cents.
There are sub-reddits that recruit people to do exactly this on different forums and topics.

You earn currency in game

Not the wanderers playing dead, the actual crawlers

>There are sub-reddits that recruit people to do exactly this on different forums and topics.
This i gotta see

There haven't been this many shills on Sup Forums since Undertale, senpai.

>he thinks this is genuine
Time to open user's eyes.

Toby Fuckboy wouldn't have the money to shill his potato game at that point
I do agree this game is clearly getting shilled

This is part of Survive's shilling campaign.
As you can see, everyone trying to sell you the game, and to pander to the contrarian nature of Sup Forums by pretty much saying
>Look at all these EVIL normies shitting on Konami, why don't you show them some support since they are clearly the underdog here?

Now pic related.
This is Infinite Warfare's shilling campaign.
Read the OPs, do you see anything similar?

Were you here when Undertale came out? A decent percentage of those threads were definitely fucking shills. Sup Forums was saturated with that shit.

He's right, Undertale had a fuckton of shills, but more than paid ones, it was mostly Tumblrinas and furshits who did it for free.
The shilling was so obnoxious that a fucking mod had to come in to send everyone back to /vg/

Autists =/= shills
dude only got 50k from kickstarter which comparatively is pennies, I'm not saying there aren't shills on Sup Forums but it's just as detrimental and stupid to mislabel shilling because then the real shilling goes unnoticed.

>Undertale had a fuckton of shills, but more than paid ones, it was mostly Tumblrinas and furshits who did it for free.
>do it for free
Stop abusing the term shill, faggot. You're worsening the issue.
It was better when they were called viral marketers outright because then retards understood

Wow looks like some brainlet actually played Metal Gear Survive.

Now, these are the smart ones (yeah, not much, but still), there are also marketeers like pic related who are pretty much bots who just spam the exact same shit over and over.

He was asking why would you go all the way to buy and play the game if you already knew that you would hate it, you're biased towards hating it, without even having the need to play it yourself (which you probably never did).

Why can't you think for yourself, it's annoying when everyone needs to spoonfeed someones lack of understanding.

please explain. I did both endings and I didn't see anything related to Chico. Guess I missed it?

I enjoyed it. I just wish gunpowder was a bit more abundant. It hurts me to fire a gun knowing how rare the mats are.

>Wow looks like someone has subjective opinion about the game instead of relying on opinion of someone else.

>I'm a contrarian: the post

>I'm gonna make my opinion about something without trying it out and feel superior about it