Post yfw you didn't help fund Shenmue 3
Post yfw you didn't help fund Shenmue 3
I don't care about Shenmue or its story. The game play has been done better by everyone else at this point.
Why would I support braindead QTE cancer?
i can't because i did.
So how did they fuck up this time?
She's not a cat lover is she?
I don't even care. Why are people so hyped for this. It looks utter fucking ass PS2 graphics shit. Like Yakuza will prob look like the best game ever compared I bet. I don't get why ppl were so hyped to crowdfund this piece of shit looking game. Its clearly not got a good enough budget to make this type of game deep and meaningful enough to be good. And I bet they will have to cut content
It sounds like you care a lot
>why are people hyped for this
I have yet to see anyone hyped. If anything they are cautious.
I hope I can hit on this chick with the very awkward Hazuki style!
we havent even seen gameplay. and you obviously care a whole lot
>Baka! I-It's not like I c-c-care or anything >-
>actually it's more like five million to really make it a game we're satisfied with.
>well technically, it needs to be ten million to be a proper "Shenmue" game
Anyone who didn't pull their funding by the end that is a simp.
I'm just not going to bother believing anything Yu Suzuki says anymore.
nigger detected, wouldn't you rather be playing a sports game anyway?
Who has it been done better by? If you say Yakuza, you're a retard
>only niggers say simp
based pinhead user
If it gets made then I get to finish the Shenmue story. If it doesn't then I continue living my life.
god he looks fucking retarded
Shenmue 3 isn't gonna conclude the overall story.
I put 60 down just for shenmue fags to have some semblance of a conclusion.
I could give less than a shit about the game desu
I tried to play Shenmue but the Dreamcast emulator is putrid shit.
I cant believe that many people owned a Dreamcast back then.
It looks so bad they should pay me for having seen it.
Not him, but sleeping doge is way better than shenmue imo
Basically, in the last quarter of 2017 they were periodically not giving backers their promised monthly updates so people called them out on it. They responded with "don't expect regular updates" so backers responded with fuck you.
Then they said "be patient because we will have a big reveal at this event on Feb 24, 2018" so we waited and the "big reveal" turned out to be a few screenshots from cutscenes.
Then they said but wait there's more in the afternoon so we waited and the afternoon presentation just showed the same trailer we saw over 6 months ago.
Backers are furious and the big reveal was so pathetic few blogs even acknowledged it
el atrocidad...
Not even the same genre and not a good game by itself.
>PS2 graphics
I'm so sick of this meme that's clearly pushed by underage retards who never used a PS2 in their life and have only experienced PS2 games via emulation and remasters.
In any case, less than stellar graphical fidelity is fine if the environmental detail is up to snuff (which is what Shenmue was known for).
>people who invest in kickstarters don't understand what it actually means
Protip: It's supposed to be a gamble.
This. Investments don't always pan out.
Next: some retard tries to tell me Kickstarter pledges aren't investments.
Game looks like shit, but I still have hopes that we get a rerelease of the first two games do I can finally play them again.
It's a damn shame that nearly 20 years later the original is still held hostage in DC.
They don't even have any gameplay footage at all to show off yet. I would have been happy if they could show just a few seconds of him actually walking down a street showing off what the game will actually look like but nothing three years later despite Yu Suzuki's insistence he's working 7 days a week and sleeping under his desk. Bullshit.
Personally glad this turd is failing.
Looks like early gen 7 game, and not the good type, like the hd port of that cowboy one.
It is on xbox.
>it is on xbox.
the second game is on xbox, he said the original
Well, Shenmue II anyway.
>PS2 graphics
You're a fucking idiot that has never played PS2 games.
>Shenmue fan
>Play and love two of the most genuinely boring and uneventful games ever made
>Finally get a sequel they've wanted for 17 years
Yeah fucking right.
Shenmue is full of events, Quick Time Events
can you repeat the question
I always thought it got a port, why are sega so shit?
Hey I've been waiting for longer than half of nu-Sup Forums has been alive for the damn series to end. I wouldn't even care if the 3rd game was just a book, I just want it to be over.
Even though it was never ported to Xbox the second game did come with a "movie" that sums up the first game. I guess you were thinking of that.
> why are sega so shit?
Becaus Sega user.
I dunno, Sega is infamous for not listening to their fans. Literally every social media post they make is filled with comments saying "where's Shenmue 1 & 2 HD? Why won't you localize Yakuuza Kenzan or Ishin or PSO2? When are you going to revive any of your dead IPs?" and they always respond with "Nah you want more Kamurocho and Hatsune Miku rhythm games!"
Stop framing your shitposts under the guise of liking the series. If you enjoyed every minute of that slog you would be a little more resilient.
I want this to fail because I want people to learn that they should avoid paying for games that aren't out yet.
but I love the series, they're my favorite games of all time. Even GTAV doesn't have the level of detail Shenmue had in 1999
How to make Shenmue III properly:
Use Shenmue 2 engine.
That's it.
How to make lotsa money off it:
Release it for phones.
How to make PC & Console versions worth buying:
More stuff going on like smoke, birds, npcs, elevators, food stalls, everything that makes the scene/world living.
How to make it playable:
CRT post processing at low res. Fighting is more about moving the stick/sticks to face the attacks, multiple successful dodges or absorbtions trigger scene related actions like escape, or using objects to guard. Several enemies at once more about limiting the effectiveness of their attacks than picking them off. You draw attention to yourself in helping, which let's people being diminished get away or watch the attackers show their faults, namely only fighting when they think they'll win, circling around looking for weaknesses etc. You're about being honourable and moral in the search for your fathers killer, doing so helps progress. In becoming more of a man, earning a kind of karma that makes you lucky in small but vital ways. Noticing things only a pure hearted person would.
I think the majority of people who say this have never fucking played the game.
Shenmue is a fucking open world fighting game with fighting game inputs, it's not a beat em up like yakuza, batman or sleeping dogs.
What the fuck are they looking at?
Yu Suzuki's liquor collection. Seriously so many pics of this guy "working" on Shenmue 3 have loads of liquor surrounding him.
Worked for Cookie-chan!
What's the point of a new Shenmue when Yakuza exists?
Yakuza is fantastic. But I want to avenge my fathers death fucking goddammit!
Why does Sup Forums wants this to fail?
because Sup Forums hates video games
it's not that I want it to fail, it's that it was always going to fail.
your devs
I feel like Sup Forums hasn't realized yet that all fighting will be QTE. It will not be like shenmue 1 or 2. It's all QTE. Shenmue 3 is story based like a VN. VN with city/world movements.
well that's crap
>when it turns out to be GOTY
I have the original on Dreamcast but I got the Japanese version and it was taking forever with my level of nihongo
I *would* be hyped, but remember, Shenmue 3 will not be the conclusion, Shenmue 4 or 5 will due to what Yu said, so it will end with yet another To Be Continued.
Insider source but have you guys realized yet how there's not even have a second of gameplay yet?
No 4 or 5 when this shit fails and it would. Starting a kickstarter with an intention of starting a company plus a game or product is a losing preposition. Most projects that did this failed.
>Insider source
Yeah inside your ass
Okay. Just remember what I wrote here when it comes out.
I won't nor will anyone you fame wanting mong
> fame wanting mong
okay retard
>reminder that sony "won" e3 2016 because they announced vaporware.
They must realize people would be furious if they did that.
People must realize they already paid for a cat in the bag.
So basically it's another case of backer funding not being nearly enough for the project?
>not a good game by itself.
shit taste
I don't know. Yu keeps insisting he's working 7 days a week on it and sleeping under his desk. Even if it were just him alone making the game with zero budget, after 3 years he should have more done than he's shown us.
So you think it's another case of take the money and run then?
It's an ppen world game with bad shooting, bad driving, generic Bam Ham combat and invisible walls everywhere
>Penny Arcade used to know how to write jokes
it's so fucking sad
No probably more like a case of the creative talent like Yu Suzuki not knowing how to maintain his budget & time. As much as people like to rag on publisher suits, they apparently DO keep people like him on track.
It had better more engaging use of QTE, arguably proper use of them, on the fucking dreamcast. Get bent, modern games and game devs ruin everything.
Is Sony no embarrassed by this or do they just have no shame because they know their customers are retarded? They've fucked people who have bought their products in the ass pretty consistently but this was something they pushed at their official conference and it's turning out to be a complete scam.
Not really slow or absent of events, Shenmue 1 was rough but 2 had a brisk pace. Shenmue 1 was entirely built to be a prologue and as such its slow as fuck. Its basically the backbone for the rest of the plot.
just the driving is shit, the game is pretty good.
>vocal minority want their meme game
>only way to fund it us throught crowdfunding to see if there is still interested
>turns out publisher were right, only a modest amount was collected
>hurr why doesn't it look like a TRIPLE A game
it's like cause and effect doesn't exists in some people's reality
Is that supposed to be Megumi-chan?
It looks pretty good actually, but shouldn't she be older?
Just like kingdom come. Socialism doesn't work in game production.
This is group investment.
I'm looking for some sailors.
>my face when
I couldn't give less of a fuck and sony should be fucking embarrassed they begged for money on stage at e3 for this.
>A losing preposition
hahahaha like "up" or "on" or "near"
learn to English friend. Yeah I agree though, these Shenmue titles will fall flat and fail
>He thinks sony ever won e3
That's cute
>he thinks nintendo won because one game or god forbid microsoft
Kek! Nintendo did win with 1 game.