The holy Trinity of Resident Evil Girls, also RE thread

The holy Trinity of Resident Evil Girls, also RE thread

I wish Alexia was more appreciated.

What a qt


Why is Beccy so cute?

Fun Fact: Regina beats out all the RE girls


Why are these threads always so shit.
Honestly, no discussion happens here. It's like a lifeless cavity, one of many, filling Sup Forums where no discussion takes place and no original content is made. Just the same posts, same pictures, same webms, same people.

>why thread shit
>contribute nothing to thread except for bitching

She can't even beat out her own sequel.

mutated form is superior

Because actual discussion is lost on your kind. There had been no actual content in this thread until my first post, all these threads are deprived of content. The first good RE thread here in months was that RE5 thread a few hours ago, and even then that was race baiting.
These threads die out at 100 posts for a reason. You exhausted all discussion in the regular threads years ago and forced waifufagging as a thread topic, a topic that can't last and clearly hasn't.


Anyone got a link to the alone in africa mod for RE5? I've been trying to hunt it down but can only find one someone made to imitate it with sheva instead of chris being alone but that isn't released yet(and probably never will be). Old RE modding forum seems to have died so I can't get it there.

I got it from a link in a youtube video 5 or so years ago


>The holy Trinity of Resident Evil Girls
>no Ashley



monkey-eared rat

>I'm going to turn into a gross monster to kill these guys
>And that's as far ahead as I have planned

Think I found the video you're talking about but the link is dead. Shame I wanted to see what it was like to play professional solo. Does the mod let you resuscitate yourself like mercenaries does? Or can invisible sheva still revive you? I know she occasionally draws enemy attention despite having no weapons. Really sucks the other mod wasn't completed and was put on hold in 2015. It somehow figured out a way for your partner to not draw any aggro + was removing all co op prompts.


claire hurt herself again today

As someone who's never cared much for Wesker, I greatly enjoy the original version of their "fight" where Alexia makes him look like an absolute bitch.

What do sweaty Becca pits smell like?

>those webms of jill stuffing rebecca


Irreversibly transforming into an unholy abomination just to kill one or two people is a time-honoured tradition among RE villains.

The smell is like a salty, sort of tangy almost, musk. of course youd have to multiply this by the amount of time she sits like that before taking a shower


I want to cum on that face!

best wife


I hope we will have a Leon x Ada RE game one day :(

How can white gurls even compete?
