Are you ready for the more cute idols, xiv bros?
Are you ready for the more cute idols, xiv bros?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no gear
thanks yoshi
>sand jew
Why did they pick for worst clan for them
At least we get an...unused XIV1.0 tune as a reward?
when you think about it it's better than
>don't play a potato
One of the events I care for the least
>rfw missed the cherry blossom tree and the idol outfit
>it's just trash this year
Fuck this game and the kikery they're going to pull on the mogstation for the outfit.
um im a noble warrior, not an edgelord
Someone give me a simple crafting rotation for 60-70 that doesn't require food or like 30 steps. I haven't crafted since HW and have forgotten how to do shit. Every crafting guide online is like
>This guide assumes you have perfectly pentamelded ironworks and are using top-tier HQ food
You're not going to do sub-30 steps and get reliable HQ without proper gear anyways, so just deal with it.
You don't need food to grind
Make your own rotations
It's fun
i've cleared sigma savage but why do i feel so empty inside
where is the content
where is eureka
Man 1.0 was such a better game.
It wasn't.
No it wasn't.
Cute lizard>Nashu’s cousin>shit>lala bitch
Tfw got my air force mount.
>wow it had dungeons with multiple paths that people would just ignore for the optimal one anyway, despite everything being literal garbage it was the better gaem!!
>tfw it's the only thing i got
Can I just get my 99th percentile stick instead?
Half the dungeons in 1.0 were FFXI style where you went in with a specific objective in mind, and did it. Not this point A to B shit where the location only served a single purpose.
Ah yes, I sure love going from point A to B 3 times with just a different point B each time!
Of course, and well know who is best idol.
Yes, the lizard will win again like she does every time.
Two years ago lizard really deserved to be center.
Last year it was shitfest story wise, but I picked cat
nobody likes the jew
/xivg/ does, actually
I like both of them. Shame there's only two options.
would rather have mord than 4 main raid bosses every 6 months
where are the proofs
shh chemical waste
>there are ""people"" in this thread right now who don't own a house
>chemical waste
Propaganda created by soylent men from St. Coinach's.
i'll care about housing they day they releases comfy snow houses
Compound 666 and 123 are fished in asyz lla, sorry sweetie, you're a monster.
Hydaelyn's chosen people obviously predate the critters you decided to use in your anti-semitic campaign.
can't be her people if they didn't exist 5000 years ago
>"early pull" S rank
>A hunt LS gets bootyblasted and kick FC member
Needed a good chuckle this morning.
>can't perform even in undersized, solo dungeons
post cringe
Of course we did. Our ancestors lived humble lives compared to the political and financial powerhouses we are today.
lalas didnt exist
just accept it
I did
I accepted that I was created as a weapon with the genes of tiamat and bahamut
Say what you will about Yoshi-P, but his taste in personal avatars are on point :3
I got up to HW content last time I played. I recently bought the game again on PS4 since it's in a sale and it gave me game time anyway. Can any controllerfags give me some tips? I'm too used to playing with kb+m.
yoshi is a retard
Never will understand people who play with controllers. It's such a fucking chore.
Plug in a KB/M to your PS4 instead of wrestling with learning the game all over again.
It's good for gathering but you'd have to have actual brain problems to willfully use a controller for raiding.
I played 1.0
It wasn't
It really isn't you just need your hotbars configured and setup in a way that makes sense.
There's a reason this dungeon design was streamlined.
It's because it's shit.
Reminder world first ultimate group had 3 controller players
I find playing with a pad comfy.
As long as you know how to hotbar your shit you caneasily take part in raiding. I'm no hot shit but I consistently beat new things and don't struggle with controling my character
Reminder world first ultimate group had 5 KBM players
Reminder the only reason the other three use controllers is because they're Japanese
>As long as you know how to hotbar your shit you caneasily take part in raiding.
And as long as you don't play Paladin, Dark Knight, Black Mage, White Mage, Astrologian, Scholar, Summoner, Bard, Machinist, Dragoon, or Ninja.
>ask the pld to cover
>its hard
stop playing on a controller
Only sch and smn are shit on gamepad though
Anything that targets party members is objectively garbage on a controller and you're holding your group back by playing it with a controller. So basically you can play MNK, WAR, and SAM.
Nigga I White Mage, Scholar and Pal all the time.
You don't know shit
Of course I know shit, I have to deal with you shitty controller tanks/healers being bad at the game all the fucking time.
>Anything that targets party members is objectively garbage on a controller and you're holding your group back by playing it with a controller
It takes literally seconds to stroll through 8 players, and if you don't use spread as ast in 8ppl groups you are cancer.
For 4ppl gamepad is even faster to pick target than pressing f1~f4
DRG player here. Can't even map the bread and butter to a controller in a way that makes sense.
Oh noo targetting someone once in a blue moon brings the entire group down.
Post logs mr. hardcore kbm player.
I disagree, kmb players are worse in the game by large margin and hold every group back.
How many 8ppl kmb groups cleared ultimante?
They always need at least one or two gamepad players to carry them through.
You goddamn idiot, there's a share oh bad kbm players that's as large as bad controller players group
>It takes literally seconds to stroll through 8 players
And you usually don't have that much time.
> if you don't use spread as ast in 8ppl groups you are cancer.
Ah yes you must be the shitty controller AST that does grey healing, green DPS, and spreads spires and ewers. I know you.
>For 4ppl gamepad is even faster to pick target than pressing f1~f4
But not faster than clicking, which doesn't require you losing access to your hotkeys.
>Oh noo targetting someone once in a blue moon brings the entire group down.
Yes, it objectively does. Explain how it does not.
>I disagree, kmb players are worse in the game by large margin and hold every group back.
This is objectively false.
Yes but their shittiness doesn't stem from their absurd desire to use the wrong input device to play the game. Of course you can kick and scream about how it's just fine all you want. People have beaten racing games with a keyboard and beaten Dark Souls 3 with bananas, that doesn't mean you should use a keyboard for racing games or bananas for Dark Souls 3.
>But not faster than clicking
Holy shit
So this is state of kmb players who complain about gamepad gods.
>This is objectively false.
It's true.'
Or how are you gonna explain kmb shitters not being able to clear ultimate without gamepads gods carrying entire groups?
>Ah yes you must be the shitty controller AST that does grey healing, green DPS, and spreads spires and ewers. I know you.
Are you retarded? spires and ewers are only use to get spread.
>Yes but their shittiness doesn't stem from their absurd desire to use the wrong input device to play the game
First world ultimate group easily proves you wrong. Pads are commonly used by succesful players as a controller of choice.
And what proof do you have to back up your statement?
Come on, you talking with guy who complains about ewer and spire being used to get spread instead of being buffed on player.
Of course he will cry about everyone holding down his true potential.
Here's the slave your ordered, sir
I got pulled into his pace, sorry
Anyway, the cheer emotes better be fucking permanent
stop playing on a controller
Less than half the players in a static from a country that literally lives in cubicles played on a controller. That's rather telling.
>And what proof do you have to back up your statement?
I already posted it. Controllers objectively do not have the ability to switch targets without losing access to hotkeys, This is objectively a downside to using controller and one that you have to mitigate by either having your party compensate for your inability to quickly react without losing DPS or by using macros which are unreliable.
>Pads are commonly used by succesful players as a controller of choice.
Keyboards are commonly used by successful players as a controller of choice too. In fact, they're used far more commonly than controllers. There are even plenty of successful players that click their skills. If you looked hard enough you could probably find "successful players" that use electric pianos or a guitar hero controller for shits and giggles. That's a meaningless statement with no weight behind it. If you put your mind and a lot of time into it you could raid at a high level with a fucking theremin.
Now name ONE, SINGLE upside to using a controller that isn't a subjective statement like "IT'S COMFY!"
If you waste an AOE on a spire or ewer you literally need to kill yourself.
>argues about the game
>agrees with a retard who is literally saying to waste AOEs on spires
kill yourself too you consolefaggot greylet.
>Yes, it objectively does. Explain how it does not.
Burden of proof should be on your side, no? But okay, as a controller player I'll show you some mercy, you dirty monkey with your keyboard.
Hmm, let's see. So I'm one of the mentioned jobs. How can I speed up selecting the player that needs this essential ability? Hmm, if only there was some way of modifying skills, so that my Shadewalker or Palisade would consistently go on one of the tanks, my Dragon Eye would go to the other melee in party slot 6, and whenever I pressed my Intervention button, it would magically go to the other tank branded with number 2. God, it would be so awesome if we had a function like that, I wouldn't have to select any player at all!
You might have a light in your head go off by now. "Wait user, you're talking about macros!", but sadly that's not the case. As you may know, all the beginner guides will tell you that macros are inconsistent spawn of satan. It's not just those macros that try to consolidate everything into one buttons that scrubs use. No, ALL macros should be gassed, a pro player would never EVER use such a crutch. Show me one player with 100th percentile who uses macros. Oh what's this, there ARE? It must be padded then or something, after all, macros could never perform as well as peak kbm player!
Oh I know, you might be thinking something like "b--b-bb-b0-b--b-bv-but think of all the times when you need to cast this skill on someone else!". And my answer? Don't worry. If you ever thought about needing that, you're just stupid. And that's okay! Not everyone can be great.
Yes, your controller player is not at fault when that white mage fucked up and suddenly needs Inter/TBN/Palisade/Apoc to survive upcoming AoE. I know it might be hard to grasp with your tiny kbm brain, so all I can do is wish you swift recovery from your mental illness.
>Burden of proof should be on your side, no?
I already provided proof. You have yet to refute it.
So you admit you don't play optimally. Glad we agree that controllers are inferior.
Excellent. She'll do nicely.
>still hasn't named a single reason to use a controller over a KBM
Macros are even worse than potions, you lose like 2 gcds using them
I hope that loli idol get LOT AND LOT of porn.
No wonder so many runs are filled with people who stand still doing nothing for 4 full seconds or people who dragon sight the tank/healer, they're all subhuman consolefags. Cross-platform play was a mistake.
>Shitty kmb players tryong to click on player, wasting time to get cursor on them, have risk of miscalling which very popular problem for the all kmb players
>Gamepad gods just press down 2 times and instantly use buff
No wonder none full kmb party ever cleared ultimate.
Fucking blm got in clear group faster than kmb shitters.
When will muscle memorylets ever learn?
>your inability to quickly react
React to what? Might posting some examples?
>macros are bad
I have literally never had this problem. Mind saying what makes macro worse than manually selecting a player and hitting an unmacro'd button?
Hmm, let's see. While your back is bent in 20 different places scrunching over the keyboard, my back is perfectly straight and healthy on the couch, and my eyes are protected from deadly radiation of monitors by 2 meters of air.
They're also cheaper. Go ahead, google price of a single controller, and compare them to those hardcore gaming mice and keyboard that all the pros need to make up for their inferior control scheme.
>he can't press five buttons in TWO fucking seconds
what does it feel like being born a vegetable
>who stand still doing nothing for 4 full seconds or people who dragon sight the tank/healer, they're all subhuman consolefags
Sounds like kmb problem, gamepad masterrace literally scroll through players in seconds and has 100% chance to buff the one they need.
While kmb shitters need to waste time to click or press f5~f8
And argument started because you cried how clicking is faster than pressing f5 and f8, which is retarded by itself
Tanks are literally first ones you pick in your target on gamepad, healers second, and dps last, or other way around if you press up.
Also first 4 players are little faster on gamepad than f1~f4, while 5~8 are much faster on gamepad.
>while your shitty macro takes 5 seconds to work
It really doesn't. That's the thing with beautifully written macros. You hit them once, and they go off as soon as animation lock from your GCD is over. No wonder a brainlet peasant can't comprehend the art of efficient macro writing.
Ah, but alas. I see capslock is out, you've gone mad already. I'll take that as our win, now go take a break and relax.
there's no clipping because i'm not using a macro
if targeting on controller is so easy why don't you cover me for o7s bleed instead of making excuses????
>have to scroll through the list
>have to lose access to your hotbars
Yeah man shitters often misclick, meanwhile every fucking controller player clips GCDs constantly and tethers the tank. I'll gladly take the former.
>React to what? Might posting some examples?
Anything that requires targeting a party member is two presses away on KBM, while it's a minimum of three on a controller on top of requiring you to briefly lose access to certain skills, meaning you are far more likely to clip a GCD as a result. For example, if someone fucks up and you need to quickly target them for a lustrate/blackest night/intervention/etc., and you're close to the end of the GCD, you will clip on a controller.
>I have literally never had this problem.
Not an argument. Anecdotal evidence means nothing; macros are factually ineffectual and unreliable as they were intentionally designed this way so that players wouldn't be able to macro their rotations.
>Mind saying what makes macro worse than manually selecting a player and hitting an unmacro'd button?
No action queueing, delay time in macro execution causing clipping, and lag having the potential to outright eat your macro inputs.
>Hmm, let's see. While your back is bent in 20 different places scrunching over the keyboard, my back is perfectly straight and healthy on the couch, and my eyes are protected from deadly radiation of monitors by 2 meters of air.
So you are a retard?
I didn't realize you were a time traveler from the 1950s.
>They're also cheaper. Go ahead, google price of a single controller, and compare them to those hardcore gaming mice and keyboard that all the pros need to make up for their inferior control scheme.
A PS4 controller is $60 while a servicable USB keyboard and 5-button mouse are $20-30 each.
>amepad masterrace literally scroll through players in seconds and has 100% chance to buff the one they need
on KBM it takes a few milliseconds.
I do.
I bet you have problems with shitty kmb players, this faggots always. They always try to find excuses to justify being shitters
See this post Kmb shitters crying about how it takes mileseconds to target and buff someone for him, and unironically implying that in ultimate people carried shitters for not just first kills, but for almost all of clear runs.
>nearly an hour later
>STILL not ONE reason to use a controller other than "IT'S COMFY!"
This is your roulette party tonight.