Which one is better?
Which is better?
Got PUBG for free and still can't pass the 4 hour mark. At least have 10-20 hours in Fortnite.
>left is a shitty basically unfinished mess full of chinks
>right is a skill-less BR-filled game where the meta involves cheesing the building mechanics via building stairs to block bullets in firefights
Neither of them are fun or good games.
they're both shit
Definitely more skill in fortnite. There is actually mechanics to avoid shots and new routes to come at every fight. You should try and git gud if you think there is no skill.
>definitely more skill in fortnite
There is no skill involved in hastily building a set of stairs between you and your opponent because they're better than you and you were about to die, creating free cover out of your ass that you can safely peek from.
Every firefight I have gone into has either been that or some nigger insta-building a box around himself if far away
or faggots running sideways building meme walls across the map for more free cover
There's no skill in any of that
>doesn't like walls when it's used against him
LMAO irony
If PUBG was free then PUBG.
Fortnite is the superior choice considering it's appropriately priced.
Also constructing and cartoon shit > vehicles
They're both the same shitty game. Don't even bother wasting any time on this junk.
>abloo abloo you said nigger
Why don't you git gud and also build? Oh yeah because you're a shitter.
Building is a crutch for people who have shit aim and can't kill people, so they need to hide or build meme stairs in the middle of a firefight
I can demolish most players I come across in actual firefights that don't devolve into this shit
fortnight cause its on my Sony
>no skill
>can't even place 1st
You must suck
literal garbage vs hot garbage
Fortnite is a child's game.
Fortnite isn't better, it's just more casual friendly.
I hate the artystyle of Fortnite so fucking much .And that building bullshit looks beyond annoying.
Without building a single structure because I'm not bad at video games like most people who play the game
Building is a skill-less mechanic that shitters rely on
Both are buggy garbage but at least you don't have to pay for Fortnite
Probably because they added turbo building.
Now even console players can build fast
PUBG. Fortnite is literal kid shit for autistic fucks.
they're all derivative shit that makes publishers cream their pants. the concept was interesting for a bit but every game is the same aside from some superficial stuff.
If building was nerfed or removed the game would be 10 times better instead of it just being stair simulator
Battle royal is garbage, r6:siege is the only fps on PC worth playing right now.
>camping shit
fuck off
Fortnite because building allows for a higher skill ceiling and cuts down on the effects of circle RNG dictating a winner. Plus it has a less bad loot system. Feels like I'm actually playing against players in Fortnite rather than PUBG where I feel like I'm fighting RNG more than people, which is sad considering a large part of the shooting in Fortnite is RNG dependent.
Almost all good defender players run around the place almost as much as attackers
>tfw Fortnite's PvE (which it was originally made as) is sitting on the backburner in favor of BR shit
you dont have to camp, i just walk around when im on defense , i kill things
>building allows for a higher skill ceiling
Literally the opposite lmao
Who needs skill or aim when you can just build an instant barricade through stairs or run across the map building walls for complete protections?
It's sad because the PvE is fun, at least until you get the overly grindy missions
So you basically lose every firefight?
>implying fights between two good people don't involve each of them trying to outbuild each other in addition to outshoot and outmaneuver
Spotted the fag who needs to git gud
fornite and pung have no campers? lel youre dumb
>PUBG vs Fortnite is the new CoD vs TF2
>Canny Valley's tileset and story still isn't done
>Last update to the game like that was putting the tileset on the stormshield and that was it, back in like, may
I'm not a bitch boy like you who needs to hide behind stairs and walls to win.
Keep pretending spamming walls and stairs is """"skill""" in your shitty Brazilian-infested game
Building is a shitter crutch
Depends on the operator, but that guys an idiot who only wants to play variations on cod style tdm for eternity.
Fights between people are just whoever builds the most stairs in front of the other wins
>Making meme word to defend camping
Lol can't get more pathetic than this.
>blow the bottom 4 walls up
>they fall to their death
call of duty>tf2
You're a dumb nigger, in firefights people build stairs in the middle of it to block bullets and for free safe peeking cover
You don't even need to build big bases or any of that shit in this game to win like the developers intended, you just throw up some stairs while fighting someone and magically get advantage regardless of individual skill
Building mechanics are used for three things most of the time: building boxes after getting shot at once by pussies, building walls across the map after getting shot at once, again by pussies, or throwing up stairs in the middle of you and your opponent because you were losing.
Fortnite is way better. Once you get over the tension of pubg it's shit.
Your Youtube channel was shit my nigga
Why does PUBG have so many players despite the bad reviews?
The Chinese make up the majority of players
That's like refusing to roll in Dark Souls because you think it makes you a cowardly soyboy shitter. It's a game mechanic, and not even hard to get around. I'm afraid that you are simply a poorfag who heard it was "free pubg" and tried to play it like it was.
>He bought a skin
>and tried to play it like it was
Considering how easy it is to slaughter people when they can't get their crutch stairs up and that I've won before, with proof, I'd say I more than just tried.
That's literally one of the random default character models you actual brainlet. Holy shit, you're so desperate to defend your shitter status that you don't even think.
To kill somebody before they build defences mean that you have to take them by surprise. So congratulations, you've ganked somebody who couldn't fight back. And I'm not denying you are skilled at video games, but its silly to call building "skilless" and a "crutch", and since you didn't address my analogy I'll assume you agree.
So you agree people just throw up stairs in every firefight if you think I HAD to take them by surprise (which no isn't always true, there's just some people whose first instinct isn't to build a set of stairs in front of them to cower behind, like you)
Yes, it's quite a clever thing to do, it gives you cover as well as a height advantage. There is literally no reason not do it.
>there's just some people whose first instinct isn't to build a set of stairs infront of them to cower behind, like you
Sometimes it's better to just shoot, or use pre-existing cover, but I'm glad you found fellow shitters to kill to make yourself feel better.
you dumb motherfucker
Your character has grey/white camo. The default character outfit is shades of green. You dumb motherfucker, you paid money to buy that skin.
The fact that the game's meta is built around cheesing the mechanics by just throwing up stairs is in itself, retarded and a big reason why the game is bad.
They never intended the building to be used for that or any of the other shit it's often used for
PUBG just feels so slow and campy. I think Yahtzee summed up my feelings best when he said something along the lines of "getting killed by 2 pixels a mile away because you couldn't tell it was a sniper."
But most importantly, I have more wins in Fortnite
>I didn't play the game and looked at a poster to shitpost with: the post
If I bought a skin then show me the skin, it's one of the defaults for that character and we both know that
Oh wait you can't because you're a desperate little nigger
It isn't cheesing and you can't just call it that. The building system was intended to make cover, stairs are the best for that because they also provide a height advantage. And the game's meta isn't built around waiting to get attacked and throwing up stairs. Building bases/towers works more in the end, but if you get jumped then it's better to pop some stairs than not.
>And the game's meta isn't built around waiting to get attacked and throwing up stairs.
And yet that's what people do in every skirmish they ever get into, it's first instinct and it's a retarded mechanic
meant for
It isn't retarded, it adds depth and results in interesting situations
>two teams run into each other
>pop stairs
>they are both now on the same height
>climb higher to get advantage
>but now it's easy for your stairs to be shot out and you to fall and die/take damage
>build a tower/base instead
This is the natural progression of your skirmish/stairs situation, and if you're so shit you die before you get that stage maybe you should build some stairs instead of being a stubborn retarded nigger.
>S-s-show me the skin!
no mother fucker I don't have to prove anything. Go to your damn skin tab and show US your collection of skins, faggot.
Here's a picture of the default characters from some review website, posted before skins were added back in October
Done being retarded on purpose yet?
>game has like 4 times as many actual characters
>but let's only use the soldiers even though there's no abilities
i wonder how many people who play fortnite even know this game is about killing zombie hurricanes
Oh now I see why Sup Forums has suddenly seemed to like the game the past few weeks
It's the Metal Gear Survive effect AKA contrarianism after everyone else hates it
I haven't looked but I'm pretty sure most of the user reviews are probably PUBG cocksuckers afraid of competition
>default skins
orange shirt, right left most, and left most actually aren't eefault. The white check mid left is the default option
I want a game that is as optimized, has as many customization options, quicker games, and is free like Fortnite, but with the the more realistic guns, better gunplay and attachments of pubg. Also has vehicles and movement is faster and more athletic than pubg or fortnite.
Fortnite is fun, but I still don't like the building in it. Every game it is just about who can build ramps the fastest, but its games are a lot less intense and so much faster than pubg so that helps makes up for it.
>one of the most popular games out
>everyone hates it
you're braindead retarded and even more retarded for unironically using metacritic
>metacritic threads on Sup Forums about every game with people often citing metacritic
>it's bad if you use it to show people don't like a game I do!
I don't think they even realize that the day/night cycle in the game was because of the original zombie/tower defense game.
Fortnite looks like a fucking nuisance to play.
You try to go on somebody and then they just build a castle and spam walls between you. I was watching shroud stream it and it looked fucking annoying to deal with - and literally everybody plays like that.
How is that fun?
Skins weren't in the game as of October 4th of 2017, so unless they changed the defaults, they are.
This includes reviews for the pve game which was criticised for including p2w lootboxes in a full-priced game.
What game is that screenshot from?
>full-priced game
The PvE is free now I though
>edgy newfag tourist from r/donald thinks he's Sup Forums
lmao fuck off
Those are all starter soldiers. Fortnite has a male and female of 4 different races in each class. The ones pictured are pretty much the 'canon' characters though.
>Soldier, Constructor, Ninja, Outlander
>White, Black, Hispanic, Asian
>Male, Female
BR only has soldier representation though
Building is gay.
>implying people on Sup Forums didn't say nigger before 2014
You sure you want to call others newfag?
>millions of people visit Sup Forums but it's all one person when i need to construe it to make a stupid rebuttal
jesus christ
Metacritic is shit, they don't remove reviews that criticise features that have been removed.
>the only critic review that mentions battle Royale is a 90
PUBg got the better gunplay, shootan in that game is really satisfying. I also liked cruising around in vehicles, and it's in general much more tense than FN- winning is more exciting, dying is much more frustrating.
FN runs quite better, I never have any dips. Building is interesting and adds a lot of depth, as well as diminishing the impact of the circles because you alwas have cover handy. When playing with my duo or squad, we're constantly thinking about how and where to move, and it often works out great, so that's satisfying.
The pacing is much better- there's no ~15 minute midgame slog like in PUBG, the rounds are about 20 minutes long and you can generally find action if you want to. You're also rapidly on the ground again after a death, while PUBG has more loading screens and time spent in the lobby.
The devs are much better and/or their game is more complete, updates are frequent and fix stuff the community had issues with/add new and fun stuff
All in all it's a fresh wind and a pretty fun game
it wasnt used by a bunch of angsty 16-20 year olds pre 2010
cry more about a word, resetera
>implying we weren't just dicking around for lulz and not actually retarded racists
you don't even know what stormfag is you dumb newshit
The irony of someone who gets assblasted over ''nigger'' calling anyone else reddit.
You're literally a newfag from resetera if you're calling someone racist for using the word once in a post and throwing a fit over it, lmao
Why the fuck is "smug" the only look that character artist knows?
>this entire post
most of Sup Forums pre-2010 was an edy 16-20 year-old, and you bet they said nigger. Now they're slightly less edgy 25-30 year olds.
>implying that guy wasn't just dicking around for lulz and not actually a retarded racist
And an actualy nazi is definitely going to reply to you with soem shti about niggers being more violent, I'd appreciate if you don't respond. You can easily go to Sup Forums if you want to debate this.
tf2 > pubg = cod > fortnite desu
It's a player spread what the fuck other face are they supposed to make in that
Fucking faggot, Fortnite is better but you make the player base look like limp wrist pussies. Shut the fuck up and crawl back to twitter.
Mari > Sarah > Crash >>>>>> Luna
chubby cheeked asian girls
the second one is better because of the phrasing used makes the question clearer.