*it was a hologram*

why does he look like he's been kissing shit?

it's the residue above their dirty ass mouths that always gets me, damn I hate brats

>Letting kids touch your shit.
>Letting a kid touch something with a save to overwrite.
>Not having a game with no save files for kids to play on the off chance you're at a family function and one gets shoved on you.
Might have been hard as a teenager, but I refuse to believe people still have issues with kids deleting their saves.

>tfw I threw my brother's gameboy out of a 5 story window when I was very young
>tfw I lost my other brother's special Pikachu gameboy in a Wendy's when I was young

Man I was a bit of a shithead when I was younger.

*lets you play without a memory card*

because hes the cheeto finger pass the controller kid

tfw I did that with some random kids pokemon. He specifically told me not to save, too, but I was completely unable to comprehend that there would only be one save slot.

I'm sorry, kid, for saving over your shitty lv 43 charizard with HMs.


Joke's on you, I was the last kid. My youngest sibling is still like 8 years older than me, and they were all teenagers by the time I was prime little kid age, so I never had anybody to do anything with.

I would argue being the last kid is worse. My siblings would do that shit on purpose even though I knew not to touch theirs.


this kid is probably in high school now.

I would break his the most favourite toy.

i despise children. my brothers girlfriend is a single mother and she brings her kid over to our house all the time. it just fucking screams, is annoying as fuck, rages when it loses on shitty mobile games and screams some more. and she expects us to babysit it. and actually gets angry at me once because i "wasn't paying attention" to her kid

>my brothers girlfriend is a single mom

>not having backups of any kind
>but I meant 20 years ago, can't backup cartridge saves
grow the fuck up already, one save deleted shouldn't be a fucking lifelong trauma

What has to happen in a person's life to have them genuinely like and want kids?

Being the last sucks dick, dude. It was kinda fun getting special treatment from the 'rents for being the baby but that shit comes back to bite you in the ass hard when you leave the family and realize you have absolutely no idea how to connect with people as peers because you were only ever someone's younger brother.


You are not 18 yet. Please come back when you at least have peach fuzz on those deformed balls.

>tfw I'm the family onii-chan, parental favorite, and smartest of the 3 siblings

Nothing. That's the normal thing from biological point of view.
Ask yourself what happened when you feel the opposite.

Kids are great late game, sure needs some gold farming and babysitting but later on becomes your butler

>Ask yourself what happened when you feel the opposite.
Got woke son

All the fucking effort I put into this game.

>grind for 14 years
>get a butler for 6-9 years

Barely not worth it and there's the chance he becomes an autistic neet and then YOU are the butler.

>Single Mom
That's why the child is shit,

I bet I can 1-up you, user.
>smashed my baby sister's lollipop in the sink when she told me it was her only one
>hid my little brother's ps3 in the shower and waited until he'd just finished taking his shower to tell him
>bent my little brother's laptop all the way back because all he ever used it for was porn (he was ~12 years old at this point, laptop cost ~$200, mom gave me the okay)
>covered my little brother's pokemon soul silver cartridge in toothpaste because he was adamant about it fixing discs
>took my little brother's dog out for a walk and intentionally lost him somewhere on the other side of the city (mom put me up to this one, said it'd give us more money for groceries in the long run)
>threw my little brother's phone from the second floor of the local strip mall because his was newer, blamed it on him and he got banned

tbf i was pretty drunk for half of this


The understanding that your existence is fleeting and that your biological purpose is the only true fulfillment you'll ever know.

the absolute level of depravity

The one about the dog is fucked

Really fires the old neurons.


Wait why did you care that your brother was looking at porn?

>Cum inside my own mom
>*Overwrites brother's life*

>American "families"

Not that guy, but
>Had a few birds when I was young.
>Liked 'em well enough, played with and fed 'em despite being 10.
>One day they're gone, ask my mom where they went.
>She said they ran away.
>Years later, find out the dog killed all of 'em for "fun."
I don't hate dogs, but damn if that didn't sour me on owning 'em.

I always love it when some early teen tries to act all mature and experienced and calls others 'son' despite the odds to the contrary.

>Doing that do a dog
Eat shit, you could have given the dog to a friend or something.

You realize they don't have to be together but she still comes around its not un-common.

I was that kid to my brother who is 10 years my senior

>Tfw I get triggered by people who let their kids run around stores and don't even pay attention to them touching shit

I get annoyed by children, yet I feel like I'd be the best father in the world.

you only need to grind for 10 years if you do it proper, also if you want a lifetime butler promise him that he will inherit everything

>ohh take the world but not muh dog hurr
fucking kill yourself

Gotta have someone inherit the family fortune.

i had my reasons.
all of our friends already had at least one dog and half of the people we knew made them fight anyway.
his computer constantly had a shit ton of viruses because and we were all pretty much fucking up in school at the time, so this was my opportunity to lighten the burden off myself.

>half of the people we knew made them fight anyway
Ah, make sense now, you are trailer trash

Fuck off Achmed

It's always ugly people that have the most kids. I don't understand it. Like, why would you stick your dick in something that's a landwhale and has a busted face? If the landwhale was pretty, I'd get it.

What shithole are you from?
You a nig?

Wow you’re so fucking stone cold user. Teach me how to be aloof too so I can be as badass as you

white "people" everyone

Not what he's implying, sweetie.

>tfw your sister saves over your 100% lego star wars 2 save

>Half the people we knew made them fight
Ah, a black man. Ok then, carry on.

The human race has to keep going somehow. It's not going to end on some pretty faced duds.

What an empty waste of a response. Why did you even comment

far from it, we just lived on a bad street from what i could tell. ft lauderdale btw
fortunately no, otherwise i'd probably be running those dog fights and not working this sub-par office job. also see above

When you move up in society and there is a welfare state you try to maintain your status in a controlled way that does not favor kids. Meanwhile shitty and low IQ people are wined and dined to breed like crazy.

>>threw my little brother's phone from the second floor of the local strip mall because his was newer, blamed it on him and he got banned
What THE FUCK was your problem?

How is it that kids just instinctively know how to delete save data across all video games?

>i was drunk
what kind of disgusting freak exsts like this

Your mother is actually trash. Small wonder you're trash too.

> Kids always seem to like me, idk why, god knows I fucking hate the little pieces of shit but whatever. Not important.
> Get asked to watch my cousins kids while she's in court for some vehicular thing
> Bring my N64 and tell them to play whatever.
> They try legend of Zelda
> Things are going fine. I take a book into the other room and try to chill and let the time pass.
> few minutes go by.
> Banging and crashing and "oh no!"
> Fuck.
> they got into a fight and fucking through my n64 at the tv, destroying them both.
> This happened, i shit you not, under 10 minutes.
I fucking hate children.

A Sup Forums regular from the united states of america or simply put, a failure at life

looking back i think i was afraid he'd become a better person than me

Did he?

Sweet thanks man I've been waiting to start a new game with all the new mods

You sound like an actual sociopath, which would really explain why you feel like this is all cool enough to brag about.

kid looks like a white manny pacquiao

Obviously. He died in a car crash

>an n64 getting destroyed by a mere child simply by throwing it at something
Fucking how.

Not a high mountain to climb


Your brother is probably going to kill you at some point in the future, watch your back user

Well, I can safely say he did

Honestly I don't even know.

Your mum sounds like a fucking bitch, you're still more of a fuckwit though. It honestly sounds like you guys were pretty much a white trash family.
Modern frogposters once again proving how terrible they are.

>lends borrowed game to cousin
>moves away

I really liked MM over OoT too


dunno, haven't talked to him or anyone from that neighborhood since i moved out. admittedly most of the stuff i did was out of jealousy, since the kid was smarter/better looking than i was at his age and really didn't yield no matter how much fun we had at his expense. if he'd told me to stop i probably would have, but most of the razzing didn't seem to phase him later on so i didn't let up. i think you guys are blowing this out of proportion though, everyone does this stuff to an extent

my cousin did this to my Pokemon blue save of 150 hours when I was a kid. I was seething


>Not one reference to dad
Imagine my shock.


How did this little white boy get in my house?

>I have a kid
>Let me borrow your video games!

>Mario Kart Wii just came out
>Been playing it with my brother all day
>Mom invites her friend over
>Friend brings her 3 hellspawn, we're forced to entertain them
>We were playing with wired gamecube controllers connected to the Wii
> Hellspawn #2 fucking SPRINTS right into the cord, knocking the Wii over
>We had taken the disc out of the Wii to switch games, so the Wii fell right on top of the disc
>Disc is snapped in half

Mom's friend bought us a replacement disc, but I still get pissed thinking about this

>everyone does this stuff to an extent
no they don't, you've been raised to believe this behavior is normal. seek help

I hate adults in stores more with the way they block the aisle chatting to friends.
Oh wait it was only my mother that did that. Fuck her for getting mad when I complained she was disrupting others.

>everyone does this stuff to an extent
Maybe everyone in white trash pill head neighborhoods. My brother and I antagonized each other, but I didn't destroy his stuff or abandon his animals.

>babysitter had a snes and a copy of super mario world
>every few weeks my sister and I would spend the day there
>every fucking time, some little shit had overwritten our save without ever touching the spares
>neither of us gave a fuck, would happily get as far as we could before having to leave each night
Such simple times.

Why didn't you just use the spares?

I don't have any little siblings and no one in my family can even work an Xbox or PlayStation, hell they don't know how to turn it on or off.

Did you ever consider that it was your babysitter saving over the file, and that you were actually saving over HER file?


Feels good. Have no kids or nieces and nephews. Truly living the dream.