How the hell are people carting to this guy so much, he's not that hard
How the hell are people carting to this guy so much, he's not that hard
It's probably that move where he sinks his forearms into the ground and a damage zone appears around him. People who are just spamming will just think he's staggering.
Teostras explosion never fails to kill someone when I co-op. I'll admit, I get caught in it sometimes but my defense is high enough that I'm never in any risk of getting one-shotted.
When he charges he random does my full health bar in damage.
Other than that I don't, it's really weird though because it's not at all consistent. Sometimes it'll just do like half my health in damage, other times it completely wipes me from 100%.
It's definitely the attack where he sinks in his forearm, especially if you're playing with people on their first kill.
The forearm explosion is a shock the first few times it happens; it's not super obvious that it'll be a big AOE attack. I had been hit by some other small attack recently, and the explosion caused a stun. I would have carted if he didn't decide my cat was a better target.
People also drop their guard around him because he's so slow and the fight drags. He may be easy, but he still has enough sheer power to kill people who get sloppy.
I know what you mean. I responded to an SOS to farm the parts. There's me with the Funlance...and three other japanese peope with insect glaives. You'd think that would let them avoid every attack since they have soooo much windup. But nah, the same guy carted three times before Xeno even changed arenas. Every time to the straight ahead mouth beam.
The sink attack probably catches them off guard. It's really the only move that can easily hit you, especially if its your first time fighting him.
Either that or they are just getting bored and careless because he has so damn much hp yet isn't dangerous at all. So they drop their guard and then get hit by shit they should have seen coming like a mile away.
I'm a GS main, but I switch to dual blades whenever I fight Xeno. Can keep staggering him over and over it's hilarious.
It’s the retards catching up. There was a decent window of time where decent players were getting high rank shit done but now all the shitters are coming out. I’ve literally tried to join seven tempered SOSs tonight and all failed due to some fucking retard. Been soloing in between and then I think oh maybe this time it’ll work out. Fuck no, there’s fucking retards everywhere now. Could’ve easily finsished tempered SOSs a week ago and now they don’t even last 5 minutes
The AoE body slam and the breath attacks seem to be the main killers. The slam seems to be designed to fuck up retards who see a big dumb dragon and just spam attacks without being contentious.
which DB's do you use to fight him?
when I first fought him I used to bone upgrade path's final DBs, but now I use the Nergigante ones.
The worst is when you get send an sos so you can get a game going and you end up with a bunch of retards joining. When I try to grind some parts I try to play solo because of this.
How do I get good against Teostra. I'm hunting elder dragons and tempered elders but whenever I fight Teo I just get stunned by literally fucking everything. I am garunteed to cart at least once against him in most cases because the asshole just farts and your stunned. Then you explode 90 times while it does the ol Rathian Run-Around on you meaning you can never roll away or get up
If you're getting stuned all the time make anti-flinch pendants or get ear plugs
Palico with horn.
Stand inside his head. When he becomes enraged do two things: put on the fireproof mantle so you can ignore the enflamed ground; and start counting to 60 for supernova.
>join a tempered kirin hunt
>accidentally cart
Whoopsie :)
>Get this quest
>Throw an SOS out
>IG, LS and Bow Jap join
>Get tripped under him and eat shit
>No one else carted
That was honestly the smoothest MP run I've had. I also hate how if someone joins you need all four people to not be shit in order to do it in less than half an hour. The health on this fucker is ridiculous
I was playing this game solo all the way to HR. Then I went online and discovered people were shitters and promptly went offline and cleared the whole game. Why the heck is this happening? I don't recall ever having to suffer through players this bad in the previous monster hunters. I cleared 1/4 of the online Vaal Hazaks due to people carting and the last one was only cleared due to it being a 5 cart to fail investigation.
>Carting at all
Jesus, you world babbies are hilarious!
Happens with every new iteration of the series that makes it onto consoles. It also doesn't help that people keep comparing it to Dark Souls, which makes normies think it's a most play for "True gamers."
This shit happened in Tri and all the others, but the difference there was that online wasn't tied to your story progression, so people could kick you out of lobbies and most shitters never got a decent HR to quest.
>ninten dronies can't play the only good MH game in over a decade
>"s-s-shit players, too easy gam!"
I want to say it's the result of the game's massive success. Now that it's more mainstream than it ever has been more inexperienced people are picking the game up, and due to the ability to co-op every fight in the game many shitty players got carried by good players all the way to the end.
if you use vigorwasp you should never get carted, otherwise it's a game of attrition
Nigga it's one thing to cart to Big Nig or B52 it's another thing to cart to a big, slow telegraphed retard monster
I can't fault anyone for getting hit by the arm slam explosion the first time, but once you get your first kill you really should know the fight well enough to not die.
>another thing to cart to a big, slow telegraphed retard monster
But that's literally also B52, his only deadly attacks are during his enrage while tempered. He's annoying sur but actually carrying is rare if you're prepared and bring dung bombs like you should.
I'm stuck at character creator. Is there really no way to make a good looking male character? Yes I know I won't be seeing my character's face for 99% of the game, but knowing that my character looks like shit just won't do.
You might not be paying attention to your food buffs
just like irl, pick out a half decent nose, interesting eye colour, shaved head and cover the rest with a beard
Does he have fatalis skeleton?
That’s different. I’m talking absolute bottom of the barrel cart three times peices of shit. No game sense. Carried through high rank. Can’t fucking DPS, dodge, or use items effectively. It’s fucking terrible. Probably just solo and play with friends from now on because it’s gotten way worse than it was
B52's bombs have a habit of going off at just the wrong moment and fucking people up. They have wierd inconsistent blast radiuses too
I hate how all the hairstyles look like shit, none of them go well with a beard. Also the males look scrawny as fuck,.
It's this. I've been dreading this.
Never answer SOS calls for assignments. Let the weak struggle until they become strong.
Playing three weeks offline at the beginning was a good decision
Nope. I think it's unique. If it's not, it's hidden very well and he shares no easily recognizable animations with anything.
who /toot/ here
post your cards
I just bought the game and I'm planning on maining HH.
I've seen that sometimes when I do the recital the animations are different, what determines this? specially the one were the hunter raises the horn high into the air to do his little dance.
>be a Soulsborne fan
>start MHW
>gameplay is shit and controls are clunky, input lag everywhere, bosses patterns look autistic
why do you like this shitty series again
I don't get this. Everyone saying it's the easiest MH, when P3rd, 4U, and Generations exist. AND I'm saying this as someone who thinks 4U is the best in the series so far.
the direction of the analog stick when you press R2 changes the animation.
Holding away from where you are facing makes you do that holding up high animation
They get bored and fall asleep mid fight.
I figured it as much but it seems kinda finicky to perform, is the animation important or is it the same as just pressing the button?
Any other moves not listed in the hunter notes?
I have about 70 hunts with HH and a bunch more with almost every other weapon. I would like to be a dedicated main HH user, but doing the same three swings and encoring on a monster's face gets boring quick.
I also got too comfortable with Nerg's horn and its retarded damage.
>thinking mh has any relation to ds
>clunky controls
>shit gameplay
>input lag
>even noticeable if in fact there at all compared to Souls
Nice joke. Nice falseflag.
>Clunky controls
>Shit gameplay
>From a souls fag
Somewhat, the holding up animation makes you move back a bit so you miss some of the encore hits. They're a majority of your damage.
That's pretty much it as far as I know. This is my first MH game so I'm still trying to figure out how shit works
How do encores work exactly? just press R2 after playing X songs? What's the drawback? a longer animation I suppose?
Nergi alpha / beta set isn't that great for GS users, is it?
I like it 'cause it's probably still the best set but no quick charge, crit draw, and whatever else exists these days for GS users is a bit lackluster...
>can't roll out of attacks
>can't change direction mid swing
>only certain moves can be comboed from other moves
>monsters don't give a fuck about you attacking them unless you charge up for 10 minutes to hit a weak point
>you stand up and use items slower than fucking dark souls
It's clunky. And git gud applies equally to DS and MH, it ain't an argument.
I love MH, and love Demons (dont care for DS1-3 or BB) but really MH is clunky as fuck. Time based combat feels like a chore in MH since always. Not the same in other games that use that method.
Yeah, just press R2 after the songs. The encore does more damage+hits based on the amount of notes played in the first song you choose. I think it gives slight super armor too but i dont know how that works entirely
If you get interrupted during encore your song doesn't go off, it even takes off the first application.
It also leaves you vulnerable during the duration, but you can queue three songs, encore the fuck out of a monster's face or ass and then roll after the last song gets added to the active effect list
>can not be mounted
>yet every time an IG joins they are in the air doing their shitty low motion value jump attacks and getting swatted down like flies
this is why urgent quests need to be solo only. I'm not trying to be elitist but I'm only SOSing the monster because the quest randomly appears, learn the fucking minimal basics to your shit please
This is the reason why MHW is casual as fuck
Look at them they are the new target public Capcom is aming too
This. Most players (not japs) will learn very quickly to watch out for that move.
>play MHW
>doing anything takes a year
>character is slow and stupid
>stunned by everything
>move like shit with weapon drawn
>cheap deaths
>play some DS3
>character is agile and responsive
>weapons feel good, skill is based around usage not drawing the fucking thing
>you are always in control of your character
>weapon doesn't slow you to a crawl just because you drew it
>if you die, it's because you fucked up
Only remotely soulsworthy weapon in MH are the anime knives and that's only because your character doesn't turn to stone when you draw them. Maybe SnS too but shields are for homos.
Thanks, what is this about a stab attack the hh has? Why is it gud?
this but unironically
Combat looks just as shit in MHW and I played a ton of MH games previously. I'm not touching this one.
>MHFU Lao Shun Lung: 26,666HP
>it comes back years later
>now has 47,500HP with almost 70K HP in an event quest
I still can't get over this
>can’t roll out of attacks
>can’t cancel attacks
is that considered clunky
>can only use certain attacks through a combo
ds literally has the same fucking thing
>monsters don’t flinch
you must be really fucking bad
>items take a long time to use
that’s the point
DS1 would be considered clunky in your shitcovered eyes
I never understood any of the combat complaints.
I feel like monster hunter always gives you way more control in fights than almost any other game.
MH uses tissue paper weapons too. Unless you've got some OP as fuck top tier weapon, it's going to take about 10,000 hits from anything to kill it.
Make the monsters be good fights, not wars of attrition.
So you're just bad, then. If you're not staggering, stunning, tripping, or exhausting a monster you're clearly doing something wrong.
You can kill any tempered monster with any rarity 8 weapon pretty quickly. You’re actually telling us how bad you are.
>xd git gud
MH fanbase.
Players are able to do much more damage much faster than they were in 2nd Gen
>plays souls
>shields are for homos
nice b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8
in FU you could rely on your weapon and kill it solo with sub G3 weapons. In the game where Lao came back (XX) you absolutely need to use the artillery or you will time out, even then Lao will almost certainly beat on the walls which never happened before.
>too ignorant to know anything but shied/greatshied babies' play style
1/10 shit bait, also missing frog
Or any fanbase, shitter.
Seriously, try not being so bad. How exactly do you think we all do it?
I was commenting on how ineffectual the weapons are for a large part of the game, nowhere did I mention the tools, traps, or environmental options. Reading comprehension.
>unless you've got an OP as fuck top tier weapon
Reading comprehension. Is the entire community this stupid?
Let me guess, you tried to play it like DS from the get go, and when you realized that you can't you just went "OH MAN ITS CLUNKY, ITS NOT LIKE I DON'T KNOW WHAT IN THE FUCK I'M DOING, NO ITS THE GAMES FAULT!"
>Killing a boss in a soulsbourne game takes a fucking decade with an upgraded weapon
Fucking trash mate I'm trying to kill one big faggot not win a land war in asia, why do people play this garbage?
I hope you are still here, I'm at work so I can't answer right away.
The stab attack is just a forward jab during an encore, but it can also be the end of the swing circle does. See, when you hit triangle you just slam forward, but with circle you sweep side to side and do this upper jab at the end of it if you follow with any note but circle.
The beauty of it is that you can ready another note before the animation ends. So triangle, circle, triangle+circle, circle, triangle can be done in three presses rather than five. Just hit the next note midswing and you'll be encoring for days.
>rarity 8 weapons are now considered op as fuck top tier
So you’re actually mentally fucking challenged?
Fantastic rebuttal. Enjoy your clunky game for casuals.
>join sos
>3 people there
>look around the arena
>shock trap
theyre probably falling asleep while fighting it
So they made it more interesting instead of a boring one-sided curbstomp where you hug the big cow's ballsack and feet and just hold and release triangle over and over? That's a plus imo
The siege fights needed to be more interesting and high-stakes and make use of interesting mechanics.
Too hard for you though.
It’s a great rebuttal since im arguing with an actual retard. Enjoy comparing every game you play to dark souls
well he might be new but at least hes prepared
,>So they made it more interesting
The fight is still trash
>He doesnt roll around butt ass naked 2h-ing a giant fucking club
But user, they are the top tier weapons. Literally nothing exists in game that's higher
Top tier =/= OP
But it's not as trash as FU's, you actually need to do something other than bringing a GS and spamming charge strikes on a slow, barely moving target blowing away chunks of its health with ease.
was doin a bunch of diablos(normal&black) for mats
constantly joining games where within 3-5 minutes they died 2-3 times ending the mission
worse when its the dual diablos where we easily drop normal and now black is limping and somehow they all die within 2-3 minutes doesnt help that bagelfucker pops in to blow them away
doing some kush earlier, joined in and not 20 seconds and the quest failed
another one the host kicked one guy for carting in the 2 minutes he had joined dont know if the 3rd guy left or was kicked but the dude saw i was pulling my weight and we finished.
now i just set language to same so i dont get paired with faggot asians
I only said they were top tier, not Op you fucking sperg. That user may be a retard, but so are you.
I mean yes but it is still one of the worst if not the worst fight in MH history
At least ceadeus fight back here and there
>Literally every +10 soulsbourne weapon is an "OP as fuck top tier weapon"
The countdown isn't there anymore, he can do supernova whenever.
He is clearly making fun of the other retard coment
The main topic is still how rarity 8 weps are not OP
The other user may be retarded but you are autistic as fuck
im at over 800 hunts with GS
havent used anything else yet, will at some point