Why does Japan sexualize their female ninjas so much?
When I hear the word "ninja" I think of an assassin who wears a head-to-toe blacksuit not some fapbait material for cis males.
It's very unrealistic and insulting for female warriors of different cultures.
Why does Japan sexualize their female ninjas so much?
Weren't female ninjas actually just prostitutes who slept with their target to get them to let their guard down so they could kill them?
according to tw: shogun that was geishas.
>it's very unrealistic
It's video game
According to who?
>assassin who wears a head-to-toe blacksuit
that's based off of the stage hands costume from a famous japanese play. the stagehands wear black to blend into the black theatre curtains. the ninja in the play wore black for the same reason.
actual ninja wore whatever would blend in because they were essentially the secret agents of the time. women especially would've pretended to be hookers to gain unprotected access to enemies
>unironically explaining and typing all that shit for in b8 thread
shut up fag
taki is a babe
if we valued our time we wouldn't be here shitposting
Japanese sexualize everything retard. Next question.
Who would hire an unsexy ninja?
>It's very unrealistic and insulting for female warriors of different cultures.
Female ninjas didn't actually do any fighting. Really they were just prostitutes that slept with people they we're spying on. As in, they were actually prostitutes.
>It's very unrealistic and insulting for female warriors of different cultures
Ninja’s are unrealistic as fuck anyway bro. They existed but not as your naruto animes. At least we had Samurai wimen.
That's a nice opinion and all, but it doesn't change one simple fact:
Taki is hot as fuck.
The entire "Female Ninja" thing is fake, and made up in like 1964 for a novel.
The only thing that actually happened that came close was using a female to get information from targets.
well ninjas technically just means "spy" so im sure theres plenty of boring ninjas that just did boring shit like that or just transferring information and poisoning food or whatever
We just fucking had this thread.
Someone is going to say "just make your own characters/video games"
etc etc
Because female ninjas were literally prostitutes who murdered their targets.
>oh noooess someone who wasnt on Sup Forums at the time a now archived thread was up made a similar thread!!!
Fuck off retard. We don't need more of this drivel on here.
Because ninjas were just mostly spies. Sluts get close to the targets.
The modern day "ninja" is just some westernized bullshit made to sell "muh secret Nipponese culture" to idiots.
Ninjas were fucking spies, diplomats, etc, just servants used by people who could afford them.
Kunoichi means hole.
Female ninja have always been treated as whores.
Female samurai hardly ever actually fought in real combat and mostly fought to protect their homes because the men were away at war. They didn't even really use swords either and mostly used the naginata so even female warriors in Japanese history is romanticized a bit.
Being cis doesn't mean you're straight.
maybe get your terminology together before you bitch online.
And as I've heard from a certain bisexual doggo on youtube, they sexualize male characters a lot as well. He also went into detail on what he would do with certain male characters like Geralt, and Shepard.
>tfw no qt samurai gf
feels bad man
At this point what isn't romanticized in history?
>oh boy I might finally get a mission
>"Go steal their mail, suck a dick and poison some drinks."
That’s still pretty cool. I wonder who she was though? She was very pretty.
>It's very unrealistic and insulting for female warriors of different cultures.
So it's insulting for literally no one?
There are easier ways to let people know you're gay.
I would, easier target for emotional manipulation
brainwashed killerwaifu(s?) who's too unsexy for people to try and seduce away
I thought it was Nakano Takeko but there are more than a few of those pictures with no description, they may have just been women dressing in the traditional gear they would've worn to fight.
God i bet he does as well. Every day and they thank him for it.
Lol I hate this meme but that pics funny as fuck for some reason
Seems it is. That’s a hardcore bitch, and a good looking girl too despite your one photo.
Post your favorite titty ninja Sup Forums.
I always thought it so lewd that the artist made her a tiddie monster since the very beggining. I was infatuated as a youngster.
because ninjas are essentially glorified assassins so the high level of danger combined with the high sexuality is a multiplying effect
You must be 18 to browse Sup Forums.
your retarded
Quality argument.
>all these arm-chair historians
Goddammit, read a book. The next time you want to talk about a subject ask yourself first, "Is my knowledge on this subject entirely limited to Wikipedia, or worse, online message boards?" If the answer to that question is yes, then don't even bother speaking up.
I'm sorry user but modern Hollywood depictions of ninjas are not accurate no matter how much you wish they were.
back to Wikipedia you go
I'm sorry but Wikipedia is not an authoritative source. Read a fucking book.
I studied Japanese history in college.
you need to cool your head
>When I think ninja, I think of an assassin who wears head-to-toe blacksuit
Actually, IRL ninjas had no standard attire and were essentially spies.
The "ninja" costume is based on Japanese stagehands and puppeteers who'd wear all black suits against a black background to operated props and such to make them appear as if they were floating or moving on their own.
Because these performers were so stealthy and well camouflaged it was very easy to become immersed in the performance and completely tune out the fact that the stage hands were on the set moving shit around.
Since ninjas are spies, and spies are stealthy, the ninja became associated with the stage hands attire.
im horny
So did I. Do you think these people
did? Or is it more likely they're just getting their information from Wikipedia and online commenters who also get their information from Wikipedia?
why exactly arnt tumblar threads like this ban able yet
opinion disregarded
I came here to point out you are judging people for arguing without knowing the facts while you yourself make blind assumptions about where their information is coming from.
You are silly.
Naruto is not accurate to real life.
So you're upset that I'm asking people to actually study a subject before speaking up about it like an expert?
Yeah, that's silly. Having people who don't know what they're talking about making claims make for great discussions.
I'm not upset at all. You are visually frustrated and the double standard makes you silly.
I'm sure they're very sorry for being enthusiastic about a topic you know more about user, you're right to spurn them from the conversation because they don't meet your personal bar of acceptable knowledge of Japanese history.
If only the people who taught you everything you know were as smart as you when it came to sharing information.
You sure sound like you're crying to me.
Okay. Have a nice day.
Thanks. I will. Try not to make such shitty posts next time.
what an actual loser lmao
>inb4 some I know u r but what am i??? garbage
Best not to argue with autists. They don't really want anything more than the last word on confirmation of shit they believed beforehand anyways.
kunoichi and geishas were basically just whores and really attractive women just trained how to fight covertly, poison, and extract information via favors
Think the russians took a page from their programs
That's quite literally what most ninjas did
>female warriors
>When I hear the word "ninja" I think of an assassin who wears a head-to-toe blacksuit
And yet you claim that sexy female ninjas are unrealistic. Both depictions of ninja never fucking happened.
>head-to-toe blacksuit
1) they were navy blue over black, as black suits were from kabuki theater
2) most ninjas were literal peasants or dressed like them
So is the Japanese history major actually going to say anything about ninjas/kunoichis or just claim everyone else is wrong?
Best ninja coming through.
>those garbage threads
>get over 100 replies
I prefer Sakura.
Zero when?
I will make sure this gets to 100 just to spite you.
We need more superior old hag Asagi first.
Thats not yukikaze
>Why does ___ sexualize ___ ?
Jesus Christ
Why do people sexualize pirates, cowgirls, French maids?
Because MUH and DICK. Fucking learn how to human you filthy mutant. If it doesn't make me want to put my dick in it then I don't want it.
t. nigger
I know shouldn't get mad with bait posts, I will anyway.
And I think girls enjoy big titty ninjas, too. Probably moreso if they're gay.
Even if he is an actual nigger, I might agree with him, the only valuable thing women have is their body, that's really all.
t. low testosterone soy goy. Do you even have a chin lad?
Ugly bellybutton
>French maids
French maids don't need any help being sexualized
My go to for waifus/fap material is typically pale white girls/goth girls but fuck man something about Taki looking half-Asian girls really gets my dick going.
Zero will have old hag True Oboro, though.
Ninjas didn't wear black suits. They wore what everybody else wore. Probably dressed as merchants, priests and ronin a lot since they had good reasons to travel.
top taste
user, I'm quite sure you studied Japanese history as did the other user.
In fact, I'm sure you took a month or two of classes.
I have a masters in it
No, geishas were just high profile prostitutes.
>It's very unrealistic
I buy escapism
>and insulting for female warriors
not customers
>NEET "males"