Do you own any collector's editions, Sup Forums?
If so, which one is your favorite?
Do you own any collector's editions, Sup Forums?
If so, which one is your favorite?
Yeah, came with all three Metroid Prime games.
Best part is owning it for the small price of 19.99 USD
I'm fond of my WotLK collector's edition. Still using the mousepad to this day.
> Collectors edition for an MMO
>calling someone a loser
>on Sup Forums
No bully, please. My fragile heart can't take it.
Watch this get deleted but digital distribution shill threads are up 24/7
> Collectors edition for an MMO
Only collector's edition I ever bought was the Hotline Miami 2 one
Best part is I ended up just buying the regular game itself on the day of release because the collector's edition was delayed by like 3 months
Persona 4 golden. Only because I've gotten a hell of a lot of use out of the hard shell cover that came with it.
Skyrim CE is my favorite because of the dragon statue and the big ass art book.
Say what you will about the game, but Fallout 3 had a great CE.
Ye I got a bunch. Fire Emblem Warriors is a nice one, I'm a sucker for soundtracks.
don't have the shirt anymore but I still use the pillowcase and boxers sometimes
>want to get that Bayonetta Climax Edition for the Switch
>200 bucks on Ebay
>bought it anyway
Ive been looking for boxers that look like that forever but no one sells them. Lets hope they redo that set with the remake.
I bought that in Vegas for what feels like ages ago. I still wear the shirt sometimes but
the boxers weren't very comfortable. They had a center seam that felt too stiff
The indicator also should have a percentage so you couldn't meme about the game with 10 mins of playtime.
My son and I enjoyed the game, and yes, he's the fruit of my loins
did you just call your son a gay lion?
I own one collectors edition and that's for total war warhammer 1. Pretty cool. Should of got the second one.
>eso online imperial edition
>s;g ps3 el psy edition
>s;g pc limited edition
>s;g 0 ps4 amdeus edition
>persona 5 take your heart edition
>xenoblade 2 special edition
>tokyo xanadu ex+ limited edition
eso is shit and so was that statue. Favorite is S;G 0 and P5.
I only have odins sphere special ed. My first and only one. Have preordered yakuza 6 after hours ed, so that will be my 2nd.
I bought two of them. I kept one and resold the other for $200. Scalpers gotta scalp.
I actually wear that shirt once every few weeks. Fits perfectly.
I own Gone Home Special edition, it has a nice box and I just saw it in a Game for really cheap
New Vegas CE is nice.
I should put the poster up, remind me to smash the patriarchy every day
>Uncharted 4
really nice statue, game was worse than 2 and 3
average statue (no coloring and not my favourite character) nice box, game was a huge dissappointment.
>Amored Core 5
got a cool mech statue for like 15 bucks, cant complaint
>Mario Kart 8
the blue shell is nice and the game was awesome
good package, fun to flip the finger with the robot arm, game was good too.
>Splinter Cell Blacklist
again, really cheap (15€) and the statue is nice and i really liked the game.
Pretty sure this is the last one I bought back in 2009.
>uncharted 4 worse than 2 and 3
lol, why? 2>4>3>1
4 had waaaay too much climbing.
maybe i just didnt notice it as much, but while the gunplay was great and the madagascar chase scene was fucking amazing, the game was at least 50% just climbing, without being able to fail.
rest is 30% cutscenes and 20% gameplay.
Fatso detected. That shirt is like a fucking tablecloth.
this is the only one I own
This shit will never get old.
>that moment of silence when he breaks the sword
>Still using the mousepad to this day.
me too, man!
no shit could you not tell by the picture
I've got two yakuza 6 after hours editions preordered. Gonna keep 1 and scalp the other.
Haven't even finished this abortion, BUT the statue is pretty cool.
Was going to get the V3 limited edition but I changed my mind. Not sure if I made a good decision or not
cringe af
Might have detected a manlet, because I got that red potion shirt too and it fits perfect but I'm a 6'5" lanklet.
I took a day off work just to play it on release
Got this when I was into halo, it's pretty neat
Not all of my nep nep collection but a fair chunk
i missed out on the witcher 3 collector's edition but it costs a shit ton now
im still very tempted to buy it tho
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well
>Gone Home
The only game good enough to justify spending money on the CE is New Vegas.
To this day I still use the orc warboss model as my armies leader.
The artbook was pretty sweet as well.
I got this. Besides the keychain and CD, everything else was shit. The tote bag's zipper broke and the handle tore off and the security box was some flimsy shit that was slightly more durable than a soda can.
I've got both of these.
Holy shit you got a model for buying the collectors edition that's fucking sweet bro.
>Buy DJ Hero 2 Special edition
>Come with a bag that I think is pretty cool
>Think its so cool I start using it as a bookbag instead of backpack
>End up taking it to school to show off
>Only one person showed interest in it only because He though it was a gym-bag
>Tfw 300lbs and 5,5ft
>One day mom uses my bookbag to buy grocers because "plastic bags are bad for the earth"
>The next week rumors start spread around the campus that Im too poor to afford a backpack and have to use the "Family shopping bag" as one
>tfw known as the poor kid for the rest of the year
The game had really good music though
Good ol' days.
I bought it too and my tote bag is still in good condition
Didn't Working Designs fuck the game up though?
In what way? The translation? It added a few 'pop' references here and there, but most of it stayed true. At least they upped the difficulty from the japanese version.
I'm well aware of the actual "game" user I just liked the box and it was around £10, I also got Limbo and Banner Saga physical releases at the same time if that makes you feel any better
The soundtrack is the best part. I haven't used any of the "wearable" items
Shame GW2 was a huge disappointment.
tfw I bought the gamers' edition of hotline miami thinking it would be limited, instead of this.
After the limited run was over they just kept producing more without anyone asking for it, and HT2 still only has two pressings
>Fatso detected.
It's a large, user. You'd be right if I was under 5 feet tall, but that isn't the case.
recently this.
Next would be yakuza 6 and the 24th silvercase.
Is there a website to track limited editions?
I don't care about figures and shit but artbook and ost are more my kind of thing.
>Paying money for a box.
Yes, good goy.
Yeah those books that came with some of the Halo games were awesome. So much detail and back-story.
the actual games I bought came with the CDs
I bought the Skyrim collectors edition (regret) and the gears of war 3 collectors edition (regret)
did i mention i regret them both? they each cost $150 so that's an extra $180 i spent on this shit. i would love to have that $180 back and be rid of these two useless statues that are tucked away in my closet, hidden from all.
dont buy collectors editions, folks.
had me some good faps
>the game's original language is considered bonus content
this doesn't make me pay extra for your games (((square enix))), it makes me not play them at all
giving NISA as little money as possible is a good decision
fuck off vic
friends take the piss out of me for having the figure every so often but i still think it looks tight af
i'm in the market for a vita slim does this come with a download code for the game or a physical copy?
I have a limited edition of Dark Souls 1
physical copy of the game, with download codes for some DLC
I have this one somewhere.
thanks my nigger
Storybook Edition of the Odin's Sphere. Got an artbook out of it so it isn't that bad.
Waiting for the Dragon's Crown Pro's special edition, even if only has some cards
>The next week rumors start spread around the campus that Im too poor to afford a backpack and have to use the "Family shopping bag" as one
Moms are evil