What would you guys say are the best free games? pic related
Free games
Are there any free games other than warframe where you can earn the paid currency by playing? Even path of exile ends up locking off cosmetics and slots to paying.
Rainbow 6 iirc.
Paladins is unfucking itself this upcoming patch.
Neverwinter. You get a free version of the cash currency by doing dungeons, which can be exchanged for the actual currency in a market house. The rate of exchange is pretty high,but you can usually get enough to buy an extra character slot or a reroll token per 5-6 hours of dungeon runs.
Incorrect, but the paid currency is only for cosmetics
Get a job, NEET loser.
wait they are finally listening to the people that complained about cards?
Pic unrelated
Pic related
Warframe is trash. DE has no idea what they're doing. It has no real endgame and they're about to remove what little endgame it has.
Nothing by Hi-Rez, Activision/Blizzard, no Nexon no assfaggots, no shitty card games, no shitty MMORPG's, nothing mobile. Here's a (not) so recent list.
Even though I played a lot fo Warframe, I'd struggle to call it a good game, though I can't quite put my finger on why.
PoE would probably get my vote.
I quit before the open world (lol) update
Is it worth coming back?
star trek online you earn dilithium, then refine it and can trade it for zen on an exchange. The prices vary a little bit so you could somewhat play the market
Smite's Executive Producer is now heading Paladins.
Cards Unbound being removed.
Better card system than before Cards Unbound. (free legendaries for everyone)
Paladins Battlegrounds is removed, will be its own client and a seperate entity so it wont ruin the main game.
All and all, seems good to me.
a lot more shit to do now
Been playing Kritika Online. I like it so far.
Whiniest bunches of bitches ever. There was absolutely nothing wrong with unbound. The devs are fucking cucks to bend to the these assholes wil.
>earning cards is completely removed and now just built into the base game
How the fuck are they going to compensate for the cards they are taking away when there's now no progression? Does everyone just get hundreds of cosmetics?
But I get all my games for free.
Certainly it is one of the best.
However i started playing in 2013 and it makes me sad how they went into the wrong direction with this game. Got over 2000 hours in it, i'm fine.
You're wrong purely because of the fact of amount of bugs the patch introduced and are still currently in the game. Battlegrounds was retarded and the fact they rushed that into testing before bug fixing was absolutely abhorrent.
They even said it made people pay more per person on average, but agreed it wasn't good for the game in the long run. You're a huge homo if you really think the Battlefront card system was okay and anyone who didn't like it is whiney.
They haven't figured it out yet, but they want to compensate people somehow.
Not sure how but they'll have to think of something sweet or all the virgin whales will throw a shit fit
Planetside 2
Complain all you want you faggots. Yesterday night i joined an open outfit platoon and had fun following orders.
As someone who comes back to both poe and warframe regularly. I will say that feature creep is getting out of hand in both games.
Warframe I'm completely paralyzed to do anything in that game. I have many planets completely unlocked but still cant do the quests to progress. My kubrow has died 3 times now and it is way too expensive to make new ones.
PoE isnt as bad, but it starting to get ridiculous. There are just too many builds and the shaper elder stuff is something that you need to read a 2-3 hour guide to manipulate to work in your favor.
it's because there's nothing waiting for you at the end of the game. You can grind out that fancy prime frame but once you have 4 core frames that let you easily do all the dailies there's no real reason to grind anymore other than for the sake of grinding.
I played a couple of hours of this a couple of years back and didn't get it. What's fun about WarFrame?
Warframe and Path of Exile are probably the best free game right now.
>grind simulator
Fortnite, War Thunder
I wish PoE was on ps4 god dammit
Every game eventually ends. If i could delete all my memory and knowledge of Warframe and start over fresh, i could finally have another video game addiction like i haven't had since one and a half decade.
Also fuck Warbros
That's certainly a factor. But I also think it seems a bit cobbled together. The movement mechanic for example is fine on paper, but it does not really interact with the level design all that much. This doesn't make it bad, but it seems like it's poorly crafted and missing a lot of potential.
Have they improved the performance of the game? Last time I tried it at release, it was painful to play at low frames.
>actually bought a kubrow
>doesn't know how to progress
It's PvE with guns and melee combat as well as a nice ninja-like bullet jump and slide. The movement just feels good.
>He didn't bring friends
I can finally play my husbando again?
They have indeed, but your PC also did improve.
You don't buy kubrows, you make them.
I can finally Raeve on the team again
don't forget chinks
whenever china touches a free to play game it becomes shit
EVE Online went f2p too, but it's actually just the trial version of the game without a timelimit and you can not do much since essential ships like haulers and mining vessels are still restricted.
Recently they made it so you can play BCs and Battleships now i think.
Fortnite, or just the PUBG ripoff?
Fortnite is acutally pretty fun i pefer it over pubg becasue of it's faster paced combat and building
>Also fuck Warbros
>grind tf2/csgo (you know you own it)/ RoTMG/ etc
>get real money
>buy into WoW
>keep buying months with ingame
in the the month of not owning the newest expansion you can get to max and probably grind more valve skins for newest expansion
warframe gets boring fast
PoE is autism
TF2 is kill and hatsim
trove is bad (unless you have bad internet)
anything else no one plays except MOBAs and MOBAs are MOBAs
>made people pay more per person on average, but agreed it wasn't good for the game in the long run.
How do we grind csgo or tf2? you need money to make money
This. Every new league I play for 4 to 6 weeks and have a lot of fun
>you need money to make money
Sounds like an average business.
War thunder is pretty fun, but ground forces are extremely grindy early on to the point if you want to have meaninful progression around tier 4 you need premium
Hey, I haven't played half of these. Thanks for the list.
>having friends
Isn't f2p
I think world of tanks is breddy good.