Besides fightan do you use a fightstick for any other kinds of games?
Besides fightan do you use a fightstick for any other kinds of games?
Only when I emulate
Anything from nintendo before the n64
Ps1 shit
Sometimes I even use a program and use my stick as a mouse just because
I don't play fighting games and I feel bad for anyone who actually spends time 'mastering' them
i use mine for run-escape
I use mine for an occasional vigorous round of Tetris.
it would be good for tetris
any emulated arcade games
occasionally 2d platformers depending on the controls
Fuck, who was this artist?
I don't shitpost and I feel bad for anyone who actually spends time 'mastering' it
wait a minute that artstyle
i play Bastion with mine
STGs and Project Diva Future Tone (because fuck paying for one of those specialty hori controllers that are still a far cry from the actual cab anyway).
What about the artstyle?
why does gardevoir looks so fuckable
Whom is the anonymous who sketches these Pokémon?
I'm serious, it's such a restrictive genre
the only 'content' and potential freedom fighting games have is the characters and their movesets
there's no using the map or items (because they're always banned) to your advantage and there's usually no teamwork like in most other MP games (2 vs 2 matches typically result in two 1 vs 1 fights)
but if you actually want to win, only a select few characters with specific strategies are viable
what exactly is fun about playing the exact same characters using the exact same moves over and over again and hoping you did the broken combo faster than the opponent
Just post all your gardevoirs pls.
Don't think it's the same user, just a similar MS Paint style artist
Just an user, he doesn't post anywhere else or have a name for himself
smash isn't a fucking fighting game you retarded autist
kill yourself
>Don't think it's the same user, just a similar MS Paint style artist
Yes, it's me
>tfw I bought a stick but I probably spend more time masturbating than actually practicing with it
>there's no using the map or items
Smash retard detected, opinion discarded.
More like THIS pokemon, won't do any other one.
You know very little, if anything, about actual fighting games, friend. Going to be nice since I like gardevoir.
Emulated arcade games or anything that feels 'right' on an arcade stick.
>Yes, it's me
Ah, looked a bit different from your other pics
I still really wish you'd post your art somewhere else, I can't always be in these threads to save it
I'm just listing mechanics that other games have and fighting games don't
I'm not even talking about smash, but if I didn't refer to it after listing 'items' people would say
>uuhm what about smash retard
good job focusing on one thing in my entire post btw
Post big tiddy gardevoirs
Why pokemon world is so peaceful and dont have thots? Literally women here are nice and dont use sex to get in their way.
Probably its because sex is not a luxury stuff women what offer, but i didnt see any sex robots.
So well according to observation, having sex with pokemon in pokemon world is something normal. But any game wont mean it because of age ratings.
Should I buy one of those fightpads that are more like a controller? I don't feel like dropping twice as much on a fightstick when all I'm playing is Heritage to the Future, Skullgirls, Vampire Savior, and Them's Fighting Herds
>if you actually want to win, only a select few characters with specific strategies are viable
yeah that's why games with varied roster like guilty gear had entire roster present on evo where winning matters the most
>hoping you did the broken combo faster than the opponent
stop talking out of your ass about things you know nothing about retard
>Using a meme stick
>look down
>see this
what do
>the only 'content' and potential freedom fighting games have is the characters and their movesets
Defensive options, movement, all of the other systems in play too. The roster and gameplay will be the main the draw. No shit.
>but if you actually want to win, only a select few characters with specific strategies are viable
At high level play in imbalanced games where most couch potatoes won't get, and even then there can be upsets.
>what exactly is fun about playing the exact same characters using the exact same moves over and over again and hoping you did the broken combo faster than the opponent
Any game could be reduced to such a simple and flawed representation. Fighting games are much more than that. They're fantastic when you have matches with equal-level opponents. Conditioning an enemy, actual skill and mind games come into play making it incredibly satisfying to get a victory or entertaining to watch. Please actually play the genre before you critique it.
is that an ass
Oh that sounds nice actually.
cool, I’ve been looking around for you
now draw some more stuffed gardevoir or else you blow up
What about smash Bros?
Anyone own one of these? How are they?
You mean one of these?
Why are my breasts experiencing an allergic reaction
I've used stick since my arcade days but bought a Hori FC4 way back to maybe use as a 'padhack' for my older SFIV TE stick. That same stick isn't compatible with DBFZ and I've honestly come to like using the FC4 pad so I don't want to open it up. It's decent.
Is it better or worse than just using a controller? I've got a Logitech F310 I've been using on PC and I feel like I'm doing something wrong with the Dpad inputs.
There's something very appealing about gardevoirs eating hotdogs.
Can't say how it compares to the F310 at all. Never really used pads outside of this and a Saturn one back in the day (which was nice too). I just like this one since it has 6 buttons, you can switch the shoulder mapping, d-pad is responsive, nice, you can rotate and lock the dpad to different angles and also adjust the sensitivity of the d-pad diagonals. I'd say maybe give it a shot if you can find it cheap. I got mine dirt cheap on clearance at a random store but they seem to go up and down in price.
ok, is this some sort of meme?
>Defensive options, movement
aka character movesets? I don't know what you mean with 'other systems'
>At high level play
that's what you're trying to achieve
literally the 'goal' of fighting games is to get to the top of the rangs, so you better start getting attached to those overused characters
inb4 "I play fighting games for fun! I don't care about ranks!
stop kidding yourself
>Any game could be reduced to such a simple and flawed representation
uh no? sure there are other genres that havce just as much of an obligatory metagame as fighting games (like MOBAs)
but guess what? I hate those games too
thighs too thick
>that lipstick
Source you nigger. RIS isnt working because LOLCROPPED
I play everything on stick. I just ordered a VLX because I noticed there's only one store left selling it at a non-scalper price and I don't want to get gouged later. I hope it's comfortable.
I'm willing to give it, but there's something you should realise from that pic first
still interested?
>I hate those games too
Ah, I see now. I don't like MOBAs at all. I'm curious, what fighting games have you tried?
you're dumb as shit, sorry
>implying I don't want to smoke trap pole
Give it.
A local drawfag called sealguy
should be maniacbox if I remember correctly
Gardevoir is over 15 years old now.
before you get confused
these are sealguy
this is maniacbox
Almost legal
I've seen him do Ashley and Hatkid. I at least wish he would make a shitty dump twitter.
Would people really do that, go on the internet and post cropped smut with no source?
Yeah I'm gonna need a source and for you to post everything else that you've got that is remotely related
ye gods, please may I have source on either of these
i dont have a fightstick but i play fighting games with keyboard and play games with keyboard whenever its possible, and that have become quite a curse and now i don't even know how to hold a controller properly and when i do play games with controller can't even properly run and jump and hold fire buttons in platformer and just cant be precise with controllers but keyboard is fine. i recently tried playing mega man willy wars with controller and damn never again. being a poor fag from child hood is hard, from childhood my uncle prohibited me from going arcades since they were a herd of pedos and installed emulators for us and from that time keyboard became my friend ;_;
even the shittiest keyboard is probably more efficient in fighting games than a stick or pad to be honest
Here. And pic related and are from
Hey kids want to read a fun story?
Baseball is such a restrictive sport
the only 'athletics' and potential freedom baseball has is batting and pitching
there's no using a gun or banana cream pie (because they're always banned) to your advantage and there's usually no teamwork like in most other sports (only one batter at a time, resulting in 1v1)
but if you actually want to win, only a few select players with specific strategies are viable
what exactly is fun about playing the exact same team using the exact same players over and over again hoping you got a better batting average than the opponents?
Bless you.
Now to figure out how to send dollars to these folks to get them to draw things.
Filename on this one says "thenewguy" though. I'm not finding the picture under any of those names, checked e621,, and paheal.
Can I get a direct link or am I just a retard?
You're using SauceNAO right
because im trying to raise my karma user and im feeling generous
MadCatz invented this meme name. It's just an arcade stick, so play arcade games on them. They're also fine for 2D games without analog controls.
What are you planning on commissioning?
More likely than you think.
I was thinking maybe Gourgeist
and/or donut steels
>It's just an arcade stick, so play arcade games on them.
What arcade stick would you recommend? I've always wanted to get one.
No man alive could handle that ass
Speak for yourself
Found it, Keijimatsu, but finding his stuff is a bitch and a half cause he took most of it down
Who would even do such a thing?
Gourgeist is an underrated pokefu.
Metal Slug, bullet hells, and arcade emulation.
That is a big butt.
You may pick 3 only.
Modest is the only good one.
Bashful, Gentle and Sassy
Staying inside all day with Docile, Lax and Careful. Lonely can come too ;_;
modest for friendship
jolly for fugging
Naughty, Serious, and Rash
3 Gentles
Is there such a thing as too much Gardeboob?
Relaxed, Bashful, Calm
This doesn't answer my question!
I bought a stick recently, I don't play fighting games really but it looked like it would be fun to use.
It is fun to use but it's still difficult to pull off certain motions, maybe a bit easier because the bigger stick allows for more precision? I'm still bad though, currently playing through the single player on Last Blade on the easiest difficulty.
I think my problem is the timing. I'm not that old (close to 30) but I'm struggling to react fast enough to block attacks, and I usually just use the button attacks because if I try and think about making a special move I get attacked before I can pull it off.