So, who was in the right after Honest Hearts? Also, Fallout thread

So, who was in the right after Honest Hearts? Also, Fallout thread.

Based Joshua.

> Announcing report and sage
> breaking the same rule twice


Discussing games that have a general is against the rules?
Which rule in particular?


>wanting to live in an area infested with giant cazadors and murder bears anyway

Why do you keep spamming this image in every New Vegas thread? And why do I feel like the source is some gay faggot shit

To be fair there's been games getting deleted lately for similar reasons
Also Graham was in the right, other dude was a pussy. Their enemy could never be satiated, they were literal savages even more so than the other tribes.

How is that even in question?

Only the strong can prove their faith.

>my name is not important
Pleased to meet ya Mr. Nadim Portant.


I'm actually fucking pissed at this post, bait or not. I'm fucking pissed Sup Forums has come this far from when I first started lurking this shithole in 2007. Fuck off, cunt. If I found you in real life I'd rearrange your face with a fucking angle grinder. Let us talk about our bandaged dad and the bear and the bull and fuck off to your god-damn E-celeb cancer thread. Reddit roodypoos like you can die a slow painful death in a Vietnamese shit-smeared bamboo spike pit.

also Joshua Graham. He dindu nuffin.

It's bait. SCP threads keep getting deleted or shoved to /vg/ so now every reoccuring thread is about to get posts screaming at them to go to /vg/.

When you give the shitposters enough power to make the mods bend over, everyone suffers
Expect Risk of Rain to get moved to /vg/ in the near future

It's not even the SCP threads that have been getting this shit. I'm very sure there are unironic shitposting redditors who have only been using this site since post Sup Forums /vg/ split that despise fun and anything that isn't some regurgitated churned liquid acid bullshit about their tranny speedrunner or jontron or whatever the fuck these fucking double nigger ass kids or underageb&s care about, my GOD man am I so irrationally angry
not even irrationally angry, being this pissed is probably completely rational.
Maybe they've decided to take a personal vendetta against the site because they came to Sup Forums after seeing a screencap or hearing a raid story and getting told to fuck off? And then decided, hey, nobody can have fun on this site because I wasn't included in a historical once-in-a-blue-moon event so whenever a Sup Forums FotM pops up I have to full force shitpost to put someone in a bad mood because they were excluded? Maybe they're pussy-ass soyboys who don't like having fun with Sup Forumss finest Sup Forumsirgins after their ego is crippled from getting their ass handed to them by an actual decent Gregor? Did someone take a shit in their ass sandwich? I don't know. It baffles me anyone could want to actively ruin regular Sup Forums culture like 4AM threads, actual videogames threads, LOL threads, TGT dumps, our monthly Chris-chan updates and the likes. If it's videogames, GO TO /vg/!!! If it's culture? not videogames, sage, report, make a loli thread on /qa/ calling Hiro a shit-eating yellow-toothed basket head data molester. Sup Forumsermin is the most oc we've spat out in years. Not videogames AND belongs on /vg/ according to our lovely cock-inhaling internet next door neighbors. What the fuck, man? Can't have any save the princess threads or Tenacious D threads. Just E-celebs, goon crybabies, and twitter posts.

>can't have any save the princess threads
Is this supposed to be a bad thing

>who was in the right
The White-Legs.

>I first started lurking this shithole in 2007
This shit is directly your fault newfag.

Massacring the White Legs wasn't a nice thing to do, but it was the right thing to do.

I'm a newfag, sure, but it worries me that there are people currently browsing Sup Forums that haven't heard the sound of the dial-up helicopter or had to fight their sister off the phone to play Runescape

You don't like hastily-drawn walls with tits?

Sounds like we got a faggot who doesn't want to fuck lava

plus literally every vydia thread getting hit by people calling "shills" all the time
>thread about AAA game
>thread about niche indie game
>thread about a an old game that's note even for sale anymore

Joshua, I get where Hat Guy (forgot his name) was coming from, but the White Legs specifically have a mission to hunt them, it's smarter to finish them rather than give up your home.