Is this unironically the best game of all time
>dynamic difficulty
What's ironically the best game of all time then?
>Privileged white male protag
Why is literally the best game of all time so boring?
I've never heard of this in regards to RE4
Yeah, I kinda don't like it either; still a fun game though, tmp 4ever.
pic related
It’s pretty entertaining yuh.
don't they remove that for professional mode
Resident evil is white privilege the game. Especially 4 and 5.
>white man shoots the spics
>white man shoots the Africans
Racist, xenophobic, and transphobic too if it was given the opportunity to be.
ps4 version sucks
Question, does BOTW have villages like OOT or id it just tons of openworld nothingness? Never see pics posted of towns and such.
is better than gone home
explain That
kill yourself
Uh? No it doesn’t? If you actually mean “exactly the same as the PC version and i don’t like that” then sure. It’s 1080p 60fps with updated textures, how the fuck does it “suck”?
Nope, it just starts the game off on a higher meter and proceeds as normal.
>walk into some poor spic's shack
>spic looks kind of angry and walks towards me
>shoot him in the head
there's 7 towns, though half of them are more village-sized I suppose
What is your fucking problem that you feel the need to tell people to end their lives?? Ill have you know suicide is never the answer and you are just mad because I pwned you and your racist, narrowminded viewpoints. Hahaha oh to be a child again when I too thought there were no consequences to wishing ones suicide. You are a pathetic racist for supporting a game that promotes the murder of Africans and Hispanics at the hands of privileged white males.
>points out obvious racism
Okay, racist. Have fun being left in the dirt by the powerful boot of history stepping onto your pathetic scrawny body like the coward you are.
the chicken pop pie of gaming
I remember when it was a GameCube exclusive then came out for every console to ever exist. It will probably be on the PS5 too.
Yes, followed by MGS3, then Metroid Prime.
Beat it at a GameStop first day it came out after school. Friend put it in the display GC for me when he was store manager.
Any game u can beat in an evening is not greatest game of all time.
A Wii U version would have been perfect. Think about it, on the fly inventory management.
After playing BotW for 100 hours I couldnt find out why I have problems with the art style, but after seeing still I see it now.
There are no edges, everything and every color just merge. There is no contrast that makes something appear infront or behind, why are there no lines???
Yeah, sure you did that.
No man should have a taste this shit
You’re right it took me two nights now that I remember, but still. My favorite games typically take 30-60 hours to beat otherwise I feel like I wasted my money (if I’d actually bought the game)
>pointless QTE shit
>terrible bosses (except Chainsaw-kun)
>Metroid Prime
Kek. Ok kid
So... That would make the answer to OP’s question yes. I was gonna put it around 4th or 5th but you convinced me.
Resident Evil 4 is so good that there are people who are fans of that game and not RE fans. No other RE gets regular threads and discussion like it. It's like the FFVII of RE.
Only on Nintendo Gamecube
What about No Mans Sky
The Spanish are white.
Resident Evil Revelations is better.
did you play with full rgb turned on or off?
It's not even the best Resident Evil game of all time.
Gerudo town is pretty great in Botw.
Is there any way to disable this? Really have no desire to play it anymore.
play on professional
Dont die, problem fixed
Alternatively, play on emulator and use save states
What’s your problem?
this, everything looks like a painting in the worst way
it's hit and miss I'll give it that, but overall I like the style. It does look better in cemu or on switch though, but these are wii u screenshots
>Dont die, problem fixed
Well, yeah. But if I die I'd like a crack at the exact same set of obstacles.
>Alternatively, play on emulator and use save states
That it doesn't change much.
this is untrue
It shouldn't have appeared on other platforms, the GC version was the 2nd best, behind the Wii version.
to me, pic related really does look like a painting in a good way
so does this one
Actually user, it does suck. Somethings off with the camera panning, the textures look like shit now, some things are best left out of HD, almost barfed when I saw the inventory.
nothing can be "best game ever" because there are many genres and subgenres and in each one you can debate what might be the best game. it's also unfair to compare games from different generations like smb3 and sm64 (2d vs 3d, even 3d vs 3d in many cases). for me re4 is sure among top 3 survival action horror games, I'd even put it in top 10 best 3rd person action adventure games. re4 is timeless masterpiece and it will be even after 30 years from now.
That's a shame, you missed out on the mercenaries mode and a professional playthrough
Well then what is the better version? The PS4 is the same as the most recent PC version.
yup. people are STILL copping it's style after all these years. and, y'know, gameplay, atmo, tension, how it pushed the gc to it's limits an all that
What's dynamic difficulty?
Yeah it's called discarding yellow herbs and not using the merchant
its when the game changes the difficulty passively based on player performance i.e. when you keep dying the game despawns the other harder enemies
>Rereleasing for full price a GC/PS2 game
Truly the power of 8th gen consoles
It's up there but it's still MGS3. It's sad because this used to be the consensus pick but I guess the immigrants to the board have ruined things.
is it like an HD remake or on a new engine or something?
Oh. Does it go the other way too. Like if you're acing chapters in drops in more goons or something? Can't say I ever noticed 2bh.
I paid £14 sealed brand new, why are you making stuff up?
they should make dlc
Nah that's just a one time thi-
What? Its been over 12 years user
I'm gonna say GC or Wii. Probably Wii for content and controls. Inb4 "muh atmosphere" but older games tend to look better the way they were released, HD can make a lot of shit just plain wierd and off-putting.
Thats a remake you retard.
I'd buy it.
not him, but I do feel SotC is rather overpriced anyway given how short it is
that's not RRP tho
is nobody going to bother backing up their claims here or what?
not sure how it makes it better...
Fuck off retard, got a source? RE4 has always been that price on disc. You csn buy all 3 of these brand new for less than the full price of a PS4 game. Take the L you were wrong.
Still a remake and was cheap as fuck.
Imagine if RE4 was launched this year, standard edition only with the story mode, dlc pack 1 with Matilda, Chicado and P.R.L. DLC Pack 2 with Leon RPD costume, Gangster, Ashley bitch costume and armor. Another "important" dlc that now explain what happened with Leon jacket and of course, Ada's vision, the Separate Ways and the filler Assignment Ada and finally the ultimate gold edition with another dlc bring tha famous and loved The Mercenary, unlock the characters playing the game online or buy it with micro transactions!
RRP is 16 afaik
>tfw they fucked the physics up and won't patch it
Really user? Really? £2 diffirence that you were shown to be wrong about anyway. Afaik means shit.
I can do this all day. Ps4 is essentially just a ps2 classic
Give it up user, you're in shitsville where no one ever owns up to mistakes, if you're right no one ever acknowledges it nor does anyone bother to actually read properly or think. Just scroll through the drivel until you maybe stumble upon something you hadn't heard about.
I'm not the same user
It look like a poor budget tv animu background in the 70. Like a Knack background in astroganga or chargeman ken.
But you were doing it fucking wrong you shitter. THIS one is a remaster, but TSOTC and N’Sane trilogy were remakes. You are embarresing yourself. Also, multiplat, what now? Is PC actually the remaster/port machine now you fuvking invalid??
well they did say they were going for a ghibli look
>PS2 classic
>posts a remasterd PS3 games
Yes you can act like a retard all day, correct.
Comparing Knack and zelda to Ghibli.
Nigger you should be impaled on a red hot metal pick.
Dezaki with a sandwich and 2 yens could do far better.
Next time don’t be such a retard.
Plenty more remasters and remakes where these came from.
No end in sight for the comically creatively-bankrupt sony corp
it's the closest there'll ever be to a ghibli-style game
Why did he have to go insane so fast?