You have 10 seconds to name your favorite companion from any RPG

You have 10 seconds to name your favorite companion from any RPG.

Minsc and boo!



Deekin was literally a precursor to Claptrap





His Highness the Crown Prince Ozychlyrus Brouev Tantal, Also Known As Zeke von Genbu, And Often Addressed As The Zekenator, Bringer of Chaos, Wielder of the Purple Ligthning Dreamsmasher, Driver of Pandoria And Guardian of the Eye of Shining Justice.

>So you can sing?
>I was the front man for a punk band, boss
>Fuck no I can't sing

Dietrich was pretty good.

i came here to agree with this man

>I grow tired of shouting battle cries when fighting this mage
>Boo will finish his eyeballs once and for all so he does NOT RISE AGAIN!
>Evil, meet my sword! SWORD, MEET EVIL!
minsc is the fucking best

He and racter are best boys

special shout-out to boone blowing peoples heads off in NV


Hey, chief, you ok?


I unironically playing solo even in a party-based games.
Most significant were:
-baldur's gate
-dragon's dogma
no scripted companions amuses me

Wrex and Garrus in Mass Effect 1. Not really too often companions feel alive. They actual felt like they really had their own opinions that were not just triggered scripted events (most of the time)

Maybe Wakka from FFX too. I love how incredibly racist he is. The game did such a good job making fun of religion.

>*holds up spork*
>"I am minsc. I am a ranger who has a space hamster of doooooom!!!1 xD"
>"lol I am solo random!!1 Stand down, dirty minions of evil — or face my hamster's wrath! ”


Rose of Sharon Cassidy

at no point does he act random tho
he's goofy, but fundamentally a well made example of chaotic good. The space hamster is a reference to spelljammer, another D&D setting.
Also, the reason he's goofy is because he got a blow to the head before game 1, and he gets more unhinged when the person he was sworn to protect, dynaheir, is killed by Ironicus in front of him in game 2.


You just posted him.

>tfw got his nephew killed

I feel like Korgan is underappreciated.

curs and piss drinkers shall not pass with this lad in party

>people picking anything but Gale
I don not comprehend.


>mfw Aerie thought I would choose her over based dorf when she slapped my with ultimatum

He and Canderous were the best party members. If the game was only Revan, those two, and Bastilla for eye candy/sexual tension Kotor would have still been an amazing game.


Hammer from Fable 2.
Moira from Fallout 3 (with mods to make her a companion)
Also Wilson the Bear from Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition

>If the game was only Revan, those two, and Bastilla for eye candy/sexual tension
You're saying it like it wasn't.

came here for this, not disappointed
all Planescape companions are excellent bar Ignus

Best NV companion and one of the better Fallout characters.

Fucking hell.


nick valentine, the only reason i played fallout 4 for as long as i did

also mission from KOTOR


do you think they'll make him gay

I wish that straw was my penis.

Aside from Is0bel who was kind of dull, Hong Kong's companions were fucking great. I guess not everyone cares for Duncan but I enjoyed just shooting shit with him inbetween jobs too.

Definitely my overall favorite crew in any video game.


Jenna from Golden Sun TLA.

HBS can't be done with robots any faster and it blows

The only well-written character in FO4

>fallout 4

He's too good to be on that mediocre game.

>tfw Burmecian aren't playable in FFXIV
Literally killed it for me


>Awareness: 1

I might've even kept Scotchmo around if he could ever actually act in combat.

Nick feels like the only complete companion. I like some of the others but they don't have enough personal story or interactions to be half as interesting as Nick.
Hancock at least got a few scripted events and quest related conversations to flesh him out.



Best boy king.

thats what really makes it impressive

Can you fuck she-ork companion?
Dropped it early on due to circumstances.

Great taste

Came here to post this


No. But even the best buddies ending is comfy.

Gobbet is for having culinary adventures with, not fucking.



I'm getting close to the end of the game and I am getting worried we may never get to see the eye of shining justice.

As much as I may have started to hate ME near the end of the trilogy, Garrus was always the ultimate bro

>not based reaver

Ra'Tiki (I don't think anyone knows about this game, unfortunately)

Garus and Wrex are what made the games

>good companions
Does this guy even have a personality or is he just another walking chest with a fireball spell?

If only she could carry the burden of a better game.