stu, it's 4 o clock in the mornjing. why are youu mak chocr pud
Stu, it's 4 o clock in the mornjing. why are youu mak chocr pud
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wanna try that one again pajeet?
Been browsing since '09 and I still don't get this meme
to me it's just one of those "how you holding up" type threads
I've lost control of my city.
I see it more as a "4 am Sup Forums is a secret club" thing
Only people up until ass o clock will ever witness it
I know it's daylight for euros but still
I've lost control of my life
Wait, I'm just noticing this...
Why is he making chocolate pudding in a pan?
Is he frying it on a stovetop? wtf?
me @ 4 AM
I pay a cute Asian girl $200 per month to sleep in my bed with me every weekend so I'm just chilling herein bed on my phone.
Insomniac here. Just happy I'm off tomorrow/today.
Any comfy games Sup Forums plays to help go to sleep? I like just roving around in Wildlands or Witcher.
because every form of love i experience ends in pain and total rejection
Close but no cigar
It’s just a joke based off of Rugrats. Nothing complex here.
hand-drawn cartoons bring me peace, I miss them.
Thats an alright deal desu from where im sitting.
I drank earlier, than I had some coffee to sober up. So now my stomach is trying to kill itself
honestly couldn't tell you why im mak chocr pud
why the fuck are 4am threads up at 1am?
god you flyover states are pathetic. cali time or fuck off
Buddy, love is like a batting average, as in it sucks. But eventually you will make a hit.
What if I'm Ty Cobb's reincarnation?
I was tired 4 hours ago, but now I can't sleep. Just fuck my shit up senpai. At least I had some fun playing siege though.
I've finally fixed my sleep schedule. Going to bed at like 9, waking up at 4/5 A.M. I usually stay up for 16 hours, so that's perfect for me.
World runs on East Coast time, beaner
Has no one seen the episode? If you kids dont know the episode then go and make a similar post with a show youre more familiar with. Make new content for Sup Forums. We can always use more memes and injokes.
>home to the largest city in the u.s.
something tells me you are in the flyover part of california too
la creatura...
>newfriends on Sup Forums are too young to have seen rugrats
Does West Coast do these too?
Well shit user, you don't need my encouragement. Get dem QTs.
lemme remind you that Cali is literally the most prosperous state in the union and outside of jew york, all of your states combined are nothing more than welfare leeches who are dependent on our success
Los Angeles, you faggot.
i dont like your attitude user. tone it down
I want Tenko to berate me for staying up late
Rather live with spics than niggers 2bh
>tfw this meme hits home now that you actually have lost control of your life
Send help im scared
That's how you cook instant pudding
Damn, I miss the good ol days of the classic 4am threads on Sup Forums
but the majority of what you would deem as flyover states are some of the only states that actually pay more in taxes than they receive in support
>tfw lying in bed with my phone but the thread isn't moving fast enough so I close my eyes for like 45 seconds then reload the thread
I'll bite user, what's up Sup Forumsro.
I can only assure you that you're not alone.
that's because the party's barely started and all these east coast geezers are ranting and whining about insomnia and depression
ask yourself, what's a pebble to a boulder?
enjoy your state average IQ of 95
the lowest in the country
well you're pretty fucking stupid then
Calm down pablo
I used to always see these when I stayed up all night and knew as soon as I saw Stu stirring that pot, I was fucked. Not anymore Sup Forumsros. Fixed my sleep schedule, just woke up a half hour ago and took a shower. Now I see this thread through a whole new light. I feel fucking amazing.
atleast my state has a stable water source :)
do you fug or does she just sleep next to you
Not that guy, but where are you getting these numbers from? Google seems to indicate your ass, but I figured I'd ask anyway.
bro california fucking sucks and ive been living here for the past 11 years
She's a slightly broke student who studies and does her work here on the weekends then sleeps in my bed next to me.
is it that surprising that the largest, wealthiest, most intelligent state has a large population of plebs? don't forget we have silicon valley.
nice meme but we're fine on the water front. plus we got the beach too, gaylord. enjoy your landlocked flyover dustbowl.
feel free to move out anytime you want transplant. locals only.
Oops meant for
lmao why arent you tapping that. fuck wrong w/ u
its a shame that your state relies on the entire midwest for every piece of food that isnt olives or grapes :(
I'm failing out of college and all I care about is my shitty art. I'm depressed but antidepressants make me feel like a robot and I'd rather feel like shit than nothing at all.
I'm on the fast track to being a failure and I can't get off the ride.
I know my problems are gay and generic but I'm still scared.
I know. That's why I feel like my fate is unavoidable.
>can't survive without water being brought in from other states
>your three most populous cities are hives of filth and degeneracy on an objective level
>invaded and being economically harmed by illegal immigrants
>half of your (already struggling and borderline failing) economy is based in a region of Cali that wants to split away from Cali
>the entire United States hates Cali and recognizes Cali as the WORST state in the Union
Unironically get nuked by Kim or sink into the ocean. Cali faggots are the worst cause the ones that don't hate themselves (like they should) are blithering idiots like you who will prop their state of to be the best even when it is the worst state in the Union.
dude i went back to san diego to see how it is and literally it was like i was on Sup Forums irl because all i saw was nigs everywhere and staceys getting BLACKED
Like she would let me
She's super out of my league so I do the best I can
if shes willing to sleep in the same bed as you for cash, shes probably willing to do more if you offer enough. just sayin
haha I get it anons, you're grumpy cuz you have to wake up to some frozen flyover shithole. enjoy shoveling snow while I get to wake up to some comfy 70° weather (don't forget it's legit perfect weather all day every day here)
>It's 4 o'clock in the morning, why on Earth are you buttfucking Angelica?
you can put a girl in bed beside user and he still can't get laid
The absolute state of Califags. Have fun getting culturally enriched before your economic collapse when the only good part of your state grows a pair of balls and splits away from you.
Whites have no culture
it's funny because everyone I know here talks about moving out except for the totally insane
I need sleep. mhw is fucking up my sleep
Can someone kill me?
'member the sound threads?
I want to die.
When was the most exciting part of the day?